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Boomers Magic - Everyones Dream - Healthy, Wealthy And Wise
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Boomers Magic was developed by Sandy and Charlie Morris to provide useful, helpful and informative topics, options and tools to encompass the websites theme of Healthy, Wealthy and Wise! Our goal at is to evaluate and become involved with cutting edge technology and solutions that will help (especially in today's economy) baby boomers, their children and their grandchildren.
The pride of is in our company motto:
"Building Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Families Worldwide!"
The basic idea arose with a combination of life's events from the loss of employment due to the economic crisis in the credit, real estate and financial fields where we had been successful since 1980, the "BIG C" (prostrate cancer) and all the way back to the Vietnam war with losing an eye during combat. It was especially brought home due to the 'boomer revolution' and the fact that all of the sudden we were over qualified, too experienced and basically just too old. Based on this shocking news we felt that we never wanted our families, our children or our grandchildren to face this type of challenge in their lives unprepared. ...
... So in the end, losing our jobs was a good thing - it forced us to realize that life has its ups and downs and being old should not be an issue. It has allowed us to focus on being successful at what we want to do and that is helping others become more prosperous regardless of their education, age, experience, disability or gender.
Baby boomers, their children and their grandchildren are beginning to feel the dislocation of our current economy, personally. They are already seeing the loss of value in their homes, the constant squeeze on their wallets from the increase at the gas station and don't forget the grocery store too. No longer are they able to chauffeur the kids to the soccer game and then to the pool. They are being forced to make many changes in their lifestyle to just afford going back and forth to work. No longer are they eating out a couple nights a week or going to a movie while taking half the neighborhood along. Belt tightening has become the new 'words of wisdom'. Everyone is being faced with a decrease in their savings accounts due to the continuing decrease in value of the dollar on the world markets. Job cuts are featured each day in the local newspapers while corporations also grapple with the falling and sluggish economy. As a result consumer confidence also has been on a steady decline.
On top of this, health has been a primary focus and concern for most baby boomers and is also a part of the Boomers Magic theme. The price of eating healthy nutritional products and organically grown animals and produce has skyrocketed as well. We are not even talking about the price of prescription drugs, specialized medical procedures, visits to the doctor, or assisted living. The cost of health is surely going to continue an upward spiral due to the overwhelming increase in demand for modern medicine. Faced with all the concerns our families are up against each day health is one of the most important. It is our goal to provide information that will allow you to make choices that are best for you and your family. The one size fits all rule no longer applies. Today's science and cutting edge technology allows for major strides in the medical field. Our ultimate goal is to help you look better, feel better and live longer, healthier lives while continuing to maintain the lifestyle you need and want.
With the declining value of the dollar, lowered savings and losing the equity in our homes the only additional area of fear is the possibility of job loss. Boomers Magic will focus on multiple areas of finance, credit and wealth improvement. Using our over 25 year experience in the credit, real estate and finance industry we are going to show you how to play the credit system and win. Improving your credit history, your credit habits, your credit knowledge and most importantly your credit score. For baby boomers the concern is extra money and the ability to live their current lifestyle plus help their children and grandchildren too. You can no longer count or depend on putting all your eggs in one basket - one employment - one pension - one industry - one education - one Social Security. It is just not enough anymore. Today you need a diversified plan for additional income, residual income, supplemental income and even multiple sources of income. As a lot of boomers are finding out today what they had planned in the past is not sufficient for today's' increasing costs. This is why you are seeing more and more seniors working at WalMart, Home Depot, etc. In addition to winning at the credit system we will be using the most advanced cutting edge technology to help you develop additional income of your choosing whether you are a professional, stay at home mom, teacher, student, blue collar worker, disabled or unemployed allowing you to live the lifestyle you deserve.
Education and learning does not stop at high is a continual learning process. Maybe our schools, from high school to public school to private school to college or graduate school, didn't teach the credit system or finance in enough detail but there are others we can learn valuable lessons from such as Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. We will show you how to follow the education, experience and philosophies of successful people. Whether learning the credit system from us or the wealth building system, self-improvement and self-empowerment from those above, the end result should be the same.
Our final thought to you is - Never Stop Learning Regardless of Your Education, Age, Disability or Financial Condition. Even if your eyesight is bad you can explore audio books to continue your learning.
To learn a little more about us:
Charlies background includes experience in the U S Armed Forces, a tour in Vietnam, working in the self employment world for over 30 years and surviving Prostrate Cancer. All the years combined has given him a wealth of knowledge in many different areas. His passions center around helping others and standing up for our freedoms. You might want to check out Charlies' category - we call it 'Wise Guy' for his unique views of the world...unscripted...unedited and frank!
Sandy has worked in the customer service arena for a majority of her life and most recently as a mortgage originator for 15+ years. Her goal is simple - to make others happy in life. It is her computer skills that runs behind the scenes on the site and her input that often challenges any information pushed upon her.
So in summary, let us say that we will give you the up front, honest personal view of the world. You might not always agree with us, you might even totally disagree with us but we will provide you the facts and let you choose the right size to fit your needs. Visit us at and to contact us email
Sandy has worked in the customer service arena for a majority of her like and most recently as a mortgage originator for the last 15+ years.
Her goal is simple - to make others happy in life. It is her computer skills that run behind the scenes on the website and her input that often challenges
any information that is pushed upon her.
You may reach her by emailing: or stopping at the site and leaving a comment.
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