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Getting My Ex Back - Getting Back Your Ex Is Impossible Unless

"Is getting my ex back a difficult task? What do I need to do to get my ex back? Will I get back with my ex?"
Well, personally, I believe that getting back your ex is impossible unless you know what are the mistakes to avoid. This is because making these mistakes can be deadly to your relationship. It is going to make it harder to get your ex back.
In this article, let us discuss one of the most common mistakes that is being made by many people. This is by no means the only mistake that people made but it is definitely a problem for many people.
So what is the common mistake that many people made in getting back your ex?
(Take note that what we are going to discuss applies to members of both gender. So it applies to you whether you are a man or a woman.)
Well, it is "Over Contacting" your ex. So, what is meant by "Over Contacting"?
The common scenario is this. Jane has just broken up with her boyfriend of many years, John. Of course, she is feeling quite devastated. She still has feelings for John and she really wants him back. So she tries to reach John and convince him to come ...
... back to the relationship.
She calls John. John didn't answer her calls. He didn't even bother to return Jane's call. In fact, John is trying to avoid Jane.
But guess what Jane did? She continued calling John again and again, even though she couldn't reach John. She also text message him several times per day even though she didn't receive any reply from John. She just wouldn't give up.
After looking through this scenario, can you spot what mistakes Jane has made and why is this a big mistake?
Well, there is an explanation for this. There is one very important principle that you should know. "People Want What They Do Not Have".
And Jane has clearly violated this principle. When Jane keeps on calling John, she is indirectly telling John that he can get her very easily. And when you can get someone very easily, you will not be as interested anymore.
I believe there is a possibility that you may have made the following mistakes. Well, you do not need to worry too much about it. Since you know this principle now, you can always use this as an advantage and reverse the situation.
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