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The Most Intense And Profound Zodiac Signs Of All!

Scorpio as the name suggests is a symbolized by a scorpion and all those born between 23rd October and 21st November come under this zodiac sign. They are the most intense and profound signs of all and they are ruled by Mars and Venus. The Scorpios might appear calm from the outside, but they will be seething on the inside. They can be compared to a volcano, seething on the inside which will erupt at anytime unexpectedly. It is either black or white for the Scorpios and they don’t much care about the grey. They have a keen intuition which they use as their advantage. Like a scorpion which kills itself before being killed, the Scorpios like o keep their destiny under control; they plan out their path and try executing them perfectly.
They are watchful, they might appear bored and disinterested for a normal person, but on a closer look they keenly watch and wait for a chance to pounce. In a social circle, they can be pleasant companions and thoughtful conversationalists. They might appear reserved but at the same time courteous. Scorpios may appear tough and heard hearted, but they can be sensitive and emotional. It is ...
... their self discipline that makes them look stronger than the others. Their emotions can be extreme, they have a ferocious temper, can get hurt easily, extreme like and dislikes. They can be extremely straight forward to the point of rudeness. At times, they can be too demanding on others and can be to unforgiving when they find fault with others.
A Scorpio child’s physique tends to be stronger. The child never plays or competes without a strong reason; the ultimate goal for him is to win. He needs to be disciplined, explain to him softly but at the same time firmly who the boss of the house is and whose rule he has to follow. They tend to have a penetrating gaze, stare them down during these times. When disciplining the child, be soft at the same time firm with him. Harshness will make him fidgety, timid and nervous which is unlike his character. They tend to have a magnetic personality and the sharp and witty which attracts the people around them. They also have a temper that needs to be controlled and they have to be thought that grudge and getting back at people is not good. They have a fascination for a lot of things; they cannot be stopped from doing something without giving a proper reason.
At work, Scorpio works with the same intensity with which they do everything else. They enjoy a good challenge and love competing. Scorpion enjoy being in the top of the scale and not in between. They make great attorneys, real estate agents and they can pretty much be good at any field that constantly challenges them. They love any field that makes them famous but they don’t like to brag about their fame and money.
The Scorpios are passionate in relationships. Pisces and cancer make excellent partners for Scorpios, Taurus is also makes an excellent partner. They have a personal magnetism which attracts the opposite gender. Scorpios have the knack to know when their partners are distressed and when they are not, when they love, they love completely. But, when they know that the relationship is not going anywhere, they give up on it and move. They love to be in control of the relationship and don’t like it when it is the other way round. Learn more about the zodiac signs on internet or on television and channels that comes with Dish TV packages.
Samantha Kirk is a freelance writer. She loves astrology and learns palmistry at home, and enjoys reading about the subject on her and watches special programs that she has subscribed with her Dish TV Packages!
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