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The Best Diet For Your Health
You want the best diet? Well, let's see. Look at one of the most common diets and there will be issues. One is going to be too high in protein. Another is going to have too many nightshade vegetables. One is going to be too high in fat and the other is too low in mineral content.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to tell the difference between every diet that presents itself and know for certain which ones are for the birds and which ones offer a sensible diet plan?
The best diet is one that allows maintenance and healing of the body tissue in the most efficient way with the least destruction.
Take a look at what you've eaten in the last week and ask yourself what foods have produced the best repair and maintenance with the least amount of destruction? Read all the labels, but wait, if you have to read labels you must know it isn't going to be in the best diet category.
The best diet is one that is low on the food chain. People don't eat tigers, lions, or shark. They shouldn't eat crab or lobster. They shouldn't eat anything processed, canned, or boxed. You want to eat anything but you can't; you'll ...
... pay for it sometime.
You already know the best diet is going to include a large portion of vegetables. This diet is going to include water but only during certain times of the day. The body is set up to crave what it needs to survive.
Sometimes all you want to eat is carbohydrate but there is a right time to eat them. What gets most people in trouble is eating simple carbohydrate with inappropriate foods and calling it a good meal. It just can't be.
Let's talk about exercise and you'll say; what does exercise have to do with eating and diet? And I'll agree except when you consider your body as a connected matrix. You can't separate yourself into pieces. What you want to do is put on one pant leg without the otheryou just can't do it and make it a very good day.
You may be eating healthy foods, but if you do not get a little exercise once in awhile your body will begin to pack on the pounds. As we age, our metabolic process slows down. It does not mean that you should restrict the number of calories you take in to lose weight. What it means is that you need to add physical exercise to boost your metabolism and keep those calories from turning into lard. The best way to do this is through a combined exercise program of weight training and aerobics, one to three times per week. There is no way around this touchy issue.
The important point is that food should not be considered the enemy in your effort to lose weight. You might have an unhealthy relationship with food that comes from years of out-of-control living and thinking about food. Wait until we talk about this! For now, think good of food, it hasn't done anything to you.
Healthy life-giving foods nourish us, give us the energy we need to survive, and they aid our cells in regeneration. Learn the facts about food, diet, and nutrition, and apply them to your own life.
The best diet is one that gives you the most nourishment, keeps the body lean, is satisfying to the palate, and is easy to do. Diet fads are worthless so avoid them. When you realize how important foods really are, you will realize just how much your body needs all types of food to help you achieve your health goals.
Learning about diets is simple but not easy. You just need to find the right information in the food jungle. Making a few changes today will help you in your pursuit of health. And the people you care about will watch your every move. Everyone gains when you choose the best diet.
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