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Is There A God?

However there is another group who have not seen enough to convince them that a superior power is above them as these fail to believe what their eyes have not confirmed. In this tug-a-war that goes back in forth in its attempt to prove weather or not God exists there is a third group who are known as agnostics. The members of this 3rd group are willing to accept that their might be a god but have not yet seen enough evidence to persuade them in either direction. Perhaps to them on the one hand the words of the bible though well written do not constitute proof but on the other hand they may not want to rule out the possibility of a higher power that might grant them life after death. Agnosticism maybe also be fueled by the fact that nobody has produced concrete evidence showing that God is merely a figure of someone's imagination while concrete evidence also has not been shown that a god has to exist.
I for myself have my own ideas on the subject which are rather unique but revealing them is not why I have opted to share these thoughts with those who choose to read this article, nor is it to make an attempt to answer ...
... the question of weather or not there is a god but to ask another question. A question which I believe I can answer with all certainty at least for myself if not for any one else. The question I will answer with all the self confidence I posse is Should it matter to us if God exists?. I will give an answer that the matter of God's existence should not matter to us who live on this planet for why should it? Are we as people not capable of being kind to one anther without fear of reproach from a higher power? Or is it the promise of entering heaven as opposed to descending in to the depths of the inferno that we require to make us uphold standards of humanity? Clearly some questions can be answered simply but this is definitely not one of them that is why my answer regarding this topic will be expanded in the book I am working on which will be appropriately entitled What Should not Matter to US.
I am naturally well aware that not all, will agree to the conclusion I have reached regarding this most delicate of issues. It is precisely why I carry no intensions neither here in this article nor in my upcoming book to persuade anybody that it is me who is in the right but what I will try to do is present some with an alternative point of view which may shed a new light on an old topic. My reasons for stating that God's being should not matter to us are when people deal with one other as most of us do since how often do we actually deal with anything else we should do it as one person to another. Where should the fact that a force greater then ourselves come in to the equation that may or may not have created us?
There are those who in my country, the United States of America have taken the bible to its literal meaning. This has made them dismiss the possibility that the earth was ever roamed by large creatures who were called dinosaurs, all in an attempt to fly in the face of scientific evidence. It might go without saying that those who shed this form of disbelieve would also discredit the notion that cavemen might also have walked the planet again refusing to accept scientific evidence that they did to say nothing of the contempt they would feel for Charles Darwin and his theories (non of them claiming that man evolved from anthropoids). Yet, if we go back to those days when man dwelt in caves and did not have perhaps the knowledge or understanding that their might be a God as man had not the tongue to utter sounds in the form of a spoken language let alone a written one we will find that many of the same virtues people claim to come from a greater force which we call God were also held by those who lived back then. The virtues I refer to are good which lead them to acts of the same which included taking care of their children and helping each other survive despite their ignorance and primitiveness t
hat must have made life unimaginable hard. It can not be said that these deeds were done in the name of God for they knew not of him but only of each other and acted out of instinct which indicated to them that theirs were actions of good.
I for my part learnt about God when I attended a catholic school where I was taught that it was a sin or perhaps not a sin but wrong to do good for fear of God's punishment. What I was taught was that though we can do evil, we should use the free will God gave us to do good for the sake of God with the intension of pleasing him. This I was taught at an early age in life and even then I felt the notion of doing good only for its own purpose and no other, not for reward in this life or the next or even to please the all mighty but simply because I knew and felt that good was the right thing to do. I asked myself is this not enough reason for it? I went as far as to think the same as V. I. Ulyanov (a.k.a. Lenin), though with not quite the same outcome that if God were non existent would that mean that all actions were justified as there would be no cause for performing acts of good as their would be nobody in whose name we should do them in? It was at that moment that my thoughts brought me to the conclusion I am presenting in this article that good deeds on earth should be done not because of seeking reward in the after life or to please a being which we consider to be a above us but on the grounds that they are good and we believe them to be, fore what would be if it turned out there were no god? Of coarse I am not claiming there is no god by my last question which should not be misinterpreted by the reader that I am as all I am doing is posing a hypothetical question. This same question of why one should be good if there is no god, though I confess (not in a religious way) to be speculating when I say it was replied by Lenin in the form that if there is no god then man has nothing to fear from the eternal flames of hell therefore it made no difference if ones deeds were good or evil. One can only believe that this is what he thought if this is the manner in which he spoke always bearing in mind that what people think and say are not always one in the same specially when they are trying to get people to commit the atrocities which were carried out during and after the Russian revolution.
I do not wish nor am I attempting to dissuade believe in God nor am I am advocating in favor of Lucifer whom the part of the bible known as revelations has deemed to be his arch enemy but what I am saying is that the matter of God's existence should not influence weather our actions are good or evil or the way we treat our fellow man. My basis for claiming this is my believe that good is a concept that has neither substance nor incarnation but an idea which can be followed by all to perform acts of the same. Why be good if not for God's sake? some may insist and I would simply retort to live in a world where good deeds are done for their own motive. To live in a world where people help their fellow human beings because they are just that fellow human beings which in my opinion might lead to a reward greater then even doing something for God's sake.
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