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Different Languages Of Flowers

Many may have heard, the yellow flowers are awarded to secession, but whether this and how to read and
understand the language of flowers and colors?
The language of flowers (Flyurografika)-the symbolism attached to the different colours to express certain moods, feelings and ideas.
In the Victorian language of flowers was used to express feelings secret, in cases where it is impossible for them
talk openly.
While we can talk about, but my eyes drooped,
I breath of flowers is a common language:
If the night took a lot of dreams, a lot of tears,
Then they surround the bitter sweetness of roses!
If we are quiet and not blowing storm,
I am speechless about the Tip Mignonette;
His mother if gently caressed me,
I'm going to breathe, violet;
If x father says, "to be sad-I'm ready"-
come to Orange flowers spices.
It "is a poem, AA Feta, a long time, people were interested in the" language of flowers ". This otrazheno in the work of many people
poets and writers.
Language of flowers was born in the East, created by a woman. Deprived ...
... of contact, open the often face, are
He moved to the flowers of all shades of moods and feelings. Incurred after the Association is gradually transformed
stable characters, according to which it was possible to continue the conversation.
In the Eastern tradition, is considered to be important:
And when it flowers;
is the employer who is in possession of a bunch of left-or right heads up or down.
decorated with a bouquet of leaves and spines removed a rose.
Information about the language of flowers to Europe thanks to the notes of two people: Aubrey de la Mottreya and Lady Mary
Wortley Montagu. Aubrey de la Mottram described his stay at the Court of King Charles XII of Sweden Turkey in two
the volumes of the "Journey. Europe, Asia and Africa "in 1727.
The British Ambassador in Istanbul to 1717, spouse, Mary Wortley secret love letters in the language of the South Lake Tahoe
"", also referred to in the villages of objects and colors \ "language" of his letters published in 1763, soon after its
in the event of death,???his famous.
The flower of dictionaries published in the XVIII century, describing the importance of a particular plant.
In 1830, in St. Petersburg was the book "Selam, or the language of flowers, " Russian poet JP Oznobishin, which describes "
the values??of about 400 plants. In general, the symbols and colors used to display conventional values?
associations, often in unlikely and fantastic. The book was very popular among young people. In addition, the introduced Oznobishin
to forfeit their everyday lives, known in our day and begins with the words "I was born … a gardener. "
Color symbolism
• Red associated with life, love, and how the color of blood, a symbol of anger and revenge.
• White-a symbol of purity and innocence;
• Black-symbol of grief, mourning;
• Yellow-the symbol disgust Hateful except for gold-a symbol of the Sun and joy.
• Green-symbols that hopes
• Blue colour-a symbol of the gods;
• Blue is a symbol of fidelity,
• Purple-is a symbol of greatness.
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