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By Author: maria
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Time-Book.dk is a new Koncept, which has the purpose på make that nemt, hurtigt and sikkert på booke time to the Frisøren, Massøren, Fysioterapeuten, Zoneterapeuten, Akupunktøren and many more in Nettet. Time-Book.dk bookingsystem is an Totalt booking - og administrationssystem. Time-Book.dk is more than Booking portal. Time-Book.dk is also a servicevirksomhed for de tilknyttede butikker. Time-Book.dk would communicate bookinger from butikker i Hele Danmark.

Time-Book.dk `s customers needs therefore Kun på søge et place at the Nettet, when de will booke En tid. In Time-Book.dk wins de Overblik Over butikkerne in the area, where they befinder SIG. De can booke TID and betale with the same. Plus. De are few medlems Rabat and the few påmindelser pr. sms / mail their bookinger.

What Make the Time-Book.dk?
Time Book
... Time-Book.dk are fordel for everyone who want to booke TID online - hurtigt, ling and sikkert. Mænd Time-book.dk is also an important samarbejdspartner for de butikker, which is tilknyttet Time-Book.dk. Time-Book.dk working always in to achieve butikkernes booking kalender fuldt booket, PA communication of orders / Bookinger. Users in Time-book.dk has different søgemuligheder. De can søge after all or bestemte butikker in an area, de can søge in specifikke butikker like Frisør and Massør, and they can søge in different tjenester, såsom Massage, Klip, Hårfarvning OSV. Customer Booker EN TID in Time-book.dk UD from the individual Butiks menukort. Customer may vælge at betale online with the same or betale i Butikken. Den pågældende butik receives with the same en reservation i Time-book.dk `s Bookingsystem with all bookingoplysninger, which Butikken should use. The Make bookingsystemet hurtigt, ling and sikkert.

AGGRESSIV Markedsføring

Time-Book.dk want the whole tiden work in to achieve the largest synlighed who mulig for sitet. Time-Book.dk want the whole tiden komme with new marketingtiltag both online, lokalt, jeg printede Medier, radio, Facebook, Twitter and on TV. Time-Book.dk `s sukkerærter marketingaktiviteter is with to på to ensure et greater kendeskab to the Time-Book.dk - including kendskab for the different menuer, der tilbydes in Time-Book.dk. This ensures also da continued growth jeg number of bookinger in Time-Book.dk, and the ensures naturally da increased omsætning hos de butikker, vi samarbejder med. Time-Book.dk offers all butikker who samarbejder with Time-Book.dk Rabatkort, which Butikkerne can tilbyde their customers. These maps may customers please use next bande, de bestiller, and a few da Rabat their Booking, which Time-Book.dk Betaler. Time-Book.dk offers that all customers 20 Punkt i henvise en ven to the Time-Book.dk. De Punkt, which kunderene optjener, can be customers use as the Betaling for bookinger. (Butikkerne will still full Betaling for their service, selvom customer user their Point)

Specialtilbud and særprodukter

Hos Time-Book.dk lægger vi Stor emphasis on our samarbejdspartnere, and vi working uafbrudt that optimere co-operation and udvide Servicen overfor butikkerne. If en butik would have et desire about DA forbedring or da change to the Bookingsystemet, who Make it better, so would Time-Book.dk few of the programmeret asap. There Make vi not only the kl tilbyde en gud service, but also the kl tilbyde forskellige products and ydelser to the fordelagtige Priser. such as Menukort, flyers, poser and visitkort and many mere.

What can Time-Book.dk Gore for grave?

As butiksejer will be du begunstiget with a long number Ting, who can make this nemmere and more attraktivt på drev butik. We have already nævnt a number of Ting, mænd for en gud ordens skyld wins du hende, da Liste Over the most prominent advantages:

Du sparer Penge

Du sparer Penge in et bookingsystem. Time-book.dk bookingsystemet is gratis på Bruge, when du first is a member of the Time-book.dk

Time-Book.dk markedsfører DIN butik, so You can keep markedsføringsudgifterne nede.

Du sparer Penge in Telefonpasning, da bookingerne comes from the Time-Book.dk

Time-Book.dk afsender booking påmindelses in sms / mail to the all customers. That der does not comes udeblivelser from bookinger.

Du sparer TID

Bookingerne from Time-Book.dk sparer grave for telefontid. Du receives Alle bookinger in DIN computer through Time-book.dk bookingsystemet.

You can Bedres forberede grave in DIN arbejdsdag, because all bookinger according to Helt præcist, What customer has commissioned, and what time customer comes.

Du tjener Flere Penge

Du will receive more bookinger and a better arbejdsflow.

Du wins new customers via Time-Book.dk

You can increase omsætningen through mersalg, IDET customer tilbydes several of the spise products in the Time-Book.dk

You can achieve mersalg in spise Butiksprodukter. (Feks. Frisørprodukter, voks, shampoo mv.) Da You can sælge DEM through Time-Book.dk to the customers, when de Vandkummen their booking.

Time-Book.dk hjælper grave with to achieve customers again jeg DIN Butik.

Functions in Time-Book.dk Bookingsystem

Tage against customers Alle døgnets 24 Timer

Undgå udeblivelser with SMS / Mail påmindelser

Online Betalings opportunities for all customers

Gathered agreement and kundedatabase.

Loyalitet Rabat system.

Live chat support-system gratis

Mail / sms-system for the customers SA de comes again

Facebook tilføjer to the DIN butik

Smart telefon and Ipad ansøgning.

Opportunities for its own website in collaboration with Time-Book.dk

Kunde statestikker.

Gratis support

Gavekort / Klippekort

Langt mersalg in products which can sælges together with bookingen

Personlig booking

Opportunities for Markedsføring rabatter to the all butikkens customers

For mere info ring in:

Time-book.dk is ideel to:









Skønheds-and Hudpleje klinikker







Plus many more.

If der would be a butik / firma der Gerne would be a of the Time-Book.dk mænd where bookingsystemet does not umiddelbart virker for DEM, so programmerer VI Gerne et, which passer perfekt.

Total Views: 557Word Count: 912See All articles From Author

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