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What Online Dating Members Need To Know About Love In 2011

There are lots of things that come in to fashion and go back out, trends if you will – take choker necklaces in the early 2000’s for example (how embarrassing) – but did you know there are even trends when it comes to Love in 2011?
So why are these trends good for those singles in Online dating? Well you can see for yourself!
A website called YourTango went to some experts to find out the hottest trends for 2011 when it came to Love and the list derived doesn’t disappoint.
Commitment will be in; casual sex will be out (great if you’re connected to a Perth dating service, or any dating service obviously!)
There will be a move away from relationships that are based on fear and need of security or anxiety about being judged, to truly authentic relationships that are unique and liberating.
Men will step up and take a greater role in the partnership dynamic.
Love will be based on fun, adventure and spontaneity.
Not a bad list if we say so ourselves. Let us indulge you however and take a look at these Love trends a little closer.
1.Monogamy will be hot – You read it right. ...
... Staying faithful in relationships will become fashionable once again. Lifestyle Designer and relationship expert Lissa Coffey predicts that there will be a return to relationship based values rather than material based values. Had a bad experience in the past when it came to online dating for singles? Well fear not, it looks like 2011 is the year to get back on the online dating horse – so to speak.
2.Dating Deal breakers will be null & void – i.e. we’re saying goodbye to those long lists of he must be tall, dark, handsome and funny, or she must be small waisted, big breasted. Turns out these lists are just that little bit outdated now a days. Ph.D. & author Dale Koppel has predicted men and women will “radically revise their deal breaker lists and lower their expectations, especially in terms of physical appearance and age”. Can we suggest however, to those who are in online dating or Perth dating services to not lie about age or appearance because of this trend. Keep it honest, as it will serve you better in the long term.
3.There will be a return to traditional gender roles – hurrah I hear everyone cry (or was that just us here at Possibly Maybe). According to a Paris based astrologer Michelle Perrin, men will start to once again become the leading man in relationships – gone are the days where the man remains silent as the women over power and take control.
4.Dating via Twitter & Facebook will skyrocket – Another fun trend we thought, considering if you have a profile in the online dating world or have been considering it, chances are you also have a Twitter or Facebook. It should apparently come as no surprise in 2011 if you hear the sentences said “oh we met on Twitter” or “I found him on Facebook”. Seems as our lives get more and more hectic, we leave our love finding to the online world.
5.People will be smarter about sexting – Phew, about time! Obviously people in 2011 are going to get smarter about sending those risqué, mostly nude photos of themselves via email or sms. Considering sexting reaches nearly a third (31%) of young adults (aged 18-29) you would hope that sexting is getting smarter.
So what do these trends tell those in the online dating for singles world? That they should help you keep faith. With such good news surrounding Love trends for 2011, you can be pretty sure that long lasting meaningful relationships are on the way in, whilst casual meaningless sex is on the way out. To us, that sounds pretty good.
Copyright of Anna Ogilvie (Possibly Maybe) 2011
Anna Ogilvie is the author of this article. You can visit to know more about Online Dating Australia and Dating Ideas Perth
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