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8 Simple Steps To Increase The Company's Efficiency Two Or Threefold

Short course for director
Educational course of working in LeaderTask Company Management will be useful for directors, top and any level managers.
In this educational course you'll know:
how to organize work efficiently in and out of office
how to organize multi-projects management successfully
how to make your employees' productivity grow
how to do more in less time
how to get exact reports on the work your employees have done and the time they've spent on it
Step 1. Working time control
There is a very good proverb: "If you want to change something - measure it". To measure (to improve) your employees' and your own productivity index it is necessary to know how much time is spent and what is it spent on. To do it you have to make a time-study of your and your employees' time and find out how much time is your employee at the workplace and what particularly he/she does.
After the program is installed, the director can see the following reports:
Time classification on categories (Work, Internet, Entertainment ...) (Pic. 1)
Time classification ...
... on applications (Pic. 2.)
Time classification on sites (Pic. 2.)
Time classification on employees
Pic. 1
Pic. 2
Step 2. Tasks list
To manage projects, affairs and employees efficiently you need a tasks list. It is absolutely necessary. Why? It is better to keep all plans on a data carrier (paper or digital) to make your head free for new fresh ideas and thoughts. Tasks/ideas/thoughts you have already invented must be carefully kept and available on a data carrier any time you need. This is exactly what LeaderTask Company Management system ( intended for. It lets you keep all necessary information: plans, tasks, projects, timetables, aims, contacts, any files; It lets you assign your tasks to the employees, exchange files with the employees, realize a communication between employees in a group, it lets you get the reports about the work the employees have done, and a lot of different things.
To start working you have to download the distribution kit of the program. Than unpack the zip-file and run the installer: ltcompany.exe. The second program in the zip-file is ltserver.exe - this is a server program to provide communication just in a group of employees. You have to install both programs. After the installation of ltcompany.exe, run the program - LeaderTak Company Management. The "Network settings" window will appear. In this window you are to enter the data to connect to server, if you have the client installed only on one computer, just click OK. If the server is on another computer, you have to enter its IP-address. To get the IP of the server you have to open the server and look at the line in the bottom (status line). After you click OK in this dialog, a reminder about purchasing of the program window will appear. To try free you have 45 days, it is more than enough to become familia
r with the program. Click the "Continue" button in the reminder window, the main window of LeaderTask Company Management with demo data will appear.
The main window of LeaderTask Company Management program
Main sections:
The Navigator serves for navigation in sections you need: projects, planning and E-mail. You can display tasks according to projects, planning and so on. In the Tasks tree tasks, notes, files with columns you need are displayed. At the picture you can see the following columns: Attachment, Status, Name, Duration, Note. In the tasks Calendar tasks with set dates and/or time are displayed. The calendar can show a day, few days and a month.
At this step you have to create your tasks list. To do that you have to create a new data base first: File-Create-New. Than in the category section you have to create a category "My tasks list" (to create a category you can use the toolbar or the "Ins" button.) After that select the category "My tasks list" in the Navigator and create your tasks list.
There are several ways to add a new task:
push the "Ins" button
select "Add new task" on the toolbar
just push the "Enter" button
There can be several tasks lists (divide them into categories) and tasks can be related to several context-groups.
Step 3: The execution order. First the main!
Before you start executing tasks it is necessary to set the order of the tasks, it means to mark out the main, the most important task. Less important tasks follow the main one, and unimportant tasks are in the end. As a matter of convenience the important/main tasks can be highlighted.
If you divide a task into separate steps, it is necessary to mark these steps out and make them subtasks to the main task.
When you execute the tasks it is necessary to remember: you have to execute the main/important task first of all others. You don't have enough time to do everything, do those tasks that bring the maximal result. This rule is very good described in the Pareto principle: 20% of tasks bring 80% of result, the rest 80% of tasks bring 20% of result.
Step 4. Timetable.
To plan the order of executing of the tasks, it is necessary to use not only the tasks tree where tasks can be oriented by priority, but also a deadline. To do that it is necessary to usy the Calendar. This way the visualization grows up. To estimate what should be done today it is enough to look up at the Calendar.
Tasks that have a date and/or the start/end time are displayed in the Calendar. In the upper part of the Calendar there are "prolonged"{ multi-days tasks, and in the time grid there are those that have dates.
Step 5. Tasks filtration.
When you work it is often necessary to get the information you need in short time, for example like these ones: "My tasks for this week", "Petrov's tasks in the "B-1" project in January", "Works in the "B-1" project in January", "Works in the "B-1" project in December" and so on. To get such information (tasks selection) there is a "Filter" function. You have to set up the filters you need once and than call them up in one click.
Step 6. Templates and Regular tasks.
Every job has its repeated tasks, that means those tasks that repeat in a known periodicity (payments of accounts, promo actions, making backups, monthly reports and so on). Moreover, some tasks must obligatory have their history to look up later whether the task was done last time. To have such an opportunity there is a "Repeat" function in LeaderTask. Thanks for this function, you can organize easy-to-use execution and monitoring not only standalone regular tasks, but also whole multi-level tasks, so called Templates.
You can set any periodicity of a regular task. Moreover, all future tasks will be displayed in the Calendar, and in the tasks tree only the next one will be displayed. You can organize executing of long tasks by templates and follow their history with help of regular tasks.
This way you can see what particular steps have been done earlier.
Step 7. Delegation.
Normally, projects consist of tasks executing by several persons. Moreover, you have to follow the execution of tasks by every employee. To delegate tasks to an employee, it is necessary that the employee has LeaderTask Company Management installed and customized. If it is customized right, there will be a green icon in the top-right corner of LeaderTask and the "Server online{" inscripition. To assign a task to an employee it is necessary to set the executor in properties of the task. After the executor is set, the employee the task was assigned to will see the task. All changes about the tasks are recorded in the history. The executor can't change name, description and dates of the task; he/she can only change the status of the task; for example, he/she can set the "In Progress" status. If a task is modified by the employer or by the executor (change of the status) LeaderTask displays the following message:
The employer and the executor can communicate not only in a built-in chat but also right in the task - it is much more convenient and obvious.
After the task is done the executor set the "Ready for Approval" status.The employer sees it, check up the task and set the "Completed" or for example "Waiting for Something" status.
Tasks on employees
LeaderTask software for effective delegation is very convenient because you can delegate tasks even if there is no employer or employee at the workplace at the moment. When the employee turns on the computer he/she'll get all changes in tasks from all users. One more useful feature of LeaderTask is work in the Internet, employee can be in office and work efficient, and director can be in any geographical location and rule the office work successfully with help of the Internet. Moreover, after a director's long absence every employee's work can be revised by minutes and hours.
Step 8. Employees control
After the tasks are assigned to employee, you have to control them. Received tasks are displayed when you set the executor. You can look up what is assigned and what status of the task the employee set.
You can also look up the employee's report about the executed work:
To look up the time the employee spent it is necessary to open statistics and display the report you need.
Report about employee's spent time.
Basing on this information (what is planned, what is really done, what is the status of work, how much time is already spent on it) you can exercise employees control and make a conclusion about the employee's work and take measures.
LeaderTask Company Management - software for effective delegation lets you rule the work of the company with maximal efficiency and control the work of the employees.
Try 100% of the program's possibilities free for 45 days right now!
Buy LeaderTask Company Management!
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