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What Not To Say When Meeting A Woman

If you've got the guts to approach an attractive woman, that is GREAT. Most guys can never muster the courage to put themselves out there, so you are already halfway ahead of the rest of the competition.
However, even with the supreme intestinal fortitude you possess, you will still go home alone if you make certain crucial mistakes when creating your first interaction with a woman. Once you have been around with her for a while and shown you're a cool guy, you can relax and let loose a little more, but for now, these are two mistakes you need to watch out for.
Let's get straight to it...
Mistake #1 - "Starting things off with a bunch of questions!"
If you are like most guys I know, including myself, you intuitively want to start a conversation off with a question...
This might be, "Hey, what is your name?" or "You come here often?"
This type of questioning is problematic. In fact, it's an instant turnoff for her!
Here's why...
Starting off with a question makes her have to work for you immediately after meeting you. She has to spend time and energy coming up with ...
... an answer before you have demonstrated that you can add anything to her night.
Both men and women are unlikely to answer any question posed to them unless it's a functional question or the person asking them is someone of value. Think about this: if a bum off the street asked you what kind of house you grew up in, would you bother answering?
Here is the good news:
All you have to do to start a good conversation is say things that indicate that you are a FUN person. Don't start things off with a bunch of questions! Make fun statements instead.
For example, try saying, "You guys are the hottest ... space aliens ... I've met all night."
No guy is saying stuff like this to her at the bar. Once you have shown her that you are fun... she will be far more likely to answer a question you pose to her later on.
Now that was easy, wasn't it?
The next problem we're talking about is a big "No-No", and yet you have probably been guilty of this one at least once in your life!
Here it is...
Mistake #2 - "Trying to Use Pick-up Lines as if You're Serious"
I don't get why this happens, but there are guys out there who still try to use "lines."
Lines are lame... and they just don't work.
Some guys will actually go up to a girl and say, "Do you have a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants."
This horrible, horrible line will get you rejected quickly, if not slapped.
Girls aren't idiots when it comes to being approached, and these lines INSTANTLY convey that you want her and are TRYING to get her. Your attempt is a massive turn off for her and makes you look desperate.
What women REALLY want is a guy that doesn't have to "try" at all, that has all the women in the world, and will make her fight for his affection.
So by trying too hard, you automatically disqualify yourself as her ideal man and her attraction for you never gets a chance to develop.
Of course, there is a saying that everything will work, and nothing will work. What this means is that I could give you greatest line ever invented, and you could say it in a way that would make a girl walk away from you as quickly as possible.
At the same time, the line I just dismissed as terrible could legitimately work if you have very playful, unserious delivery. Don't get me wrong, the line is TERRIBLE, but I have an experiment for you. This will show you that it isn't really the line that messes you up in the above example, but the subcommunications and delivery. Delivery changes everything.
Try this ...
Go out tonight and see what happens if you attempt to seriously deliver the above line.
Then go up to a different girl and do the exact same "line" but deliver it like you are messing with her head. NOW you are showing her that you are FUN... and things will go far better! And remember ... don't lean in!
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