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A Comparative Study Of 2 Strategies Namely Concept Mapping &

Bluetooth technology in computers and WAP ( Wireless Applicatio Protocol ) in electronics and human genome in medical science are just a few of the numerous advances that have taken place
recently. These advances indicate that science plays a vital
role in modern society. Hence it becomes essential for the
science educationist to enhance meaningful learning, as today's
students are future architects of modern society. Hence the investigator has adopted Concept Mapping as one of the
strategies to introduce the concepts Semiconductor Heterostructures, IC for which Nobel Prize has been awarded
during the year 2000.
Concept Map
A Concept Map is a schematic device for representing a set of
concept meanings embedded in a framework of propositions. In a
Concept Map, the more general, more inclusive concepts should be
at the apex of the Concept Map, with progressively more
specific, less inclusive concepts arranged below them. Since the
concepts are arranged hierarchically, meaningful learning
precedes more easily as new concepts or concept ...
... meanings are
subsumed under broader more inclusive concepts.
Present Study
In the present study the investigator introduced the 2 concepts
namely Semiconductor Heterostructures, IC through two different
methods namely Concept Mapping Method and Lecture Method. The XI
standard students of N.K.T.National Girls' Higher Secondary
School, India (where the investigator is working) studying under
State Board syllabus formed the sample. The class was divided
into two groups of 20 students each and was treated as Control
Group (CG) and Experimental Group (EG). Two B.Ed. trainees
(K.R.Kavitha and N.V.Jaya Bharathi) of N.K.T.National College of
Education carried the experimental part of the research study
developed by the investigator. Ms N.V.Jayabharathi taught the
two concepts to Control Group through Lecture Method while
Ms.K.R.Kavitha taught the same concepts to Experimental Group at
the same time through Concept Mapping Method.
Objectives of the Study
1.To find the effectiveness of Concept Mapping strategy over
Lecture Method on achievement in Physics of XI standard students.
2.To study the effect of Scientific Attitude on achievement in
Physics of students learning through Lecture Method.
3. To study the effect of Scientific Attitude on achievement in
Physics of students learning through Concept Mapping Method.
Data Collection
A pre-test was administered for both the groups to assess the
students' initial knowledge. Then the two concepts were
introduced by two different methods to respective groups. Finally
a post-test was administered to both the groups. The
Experimental Design, which is pre-test- treatment - post-test is
shown in Table 1
Experimental Design
Table 1
GroupS.S.pretest T.M.Posttest
where SS means Sample Strength, TM means Teaching Method, AT means
Achievement Test in Physics, C.M.M means Concept Mapping Method,
L.M. means Lectire Method
The two B.Ed. trainees carried the research programme
simultaneously at the same time and were given one hour to
complete the programme. By simultaneous implementation of the
programme any error due to fatigue etc is neglected. A Science
Attitude Scale developed by Dr. Mrs. Avinash Grewal was also
administered at the end of the session.
The tools used in the study are
1.Achievement Test developed by the investigator
Attitude Scale
3.Concept Maps
4.Lesson Plan
Achievement Test
The Achievement Test consisting of 25 multiple-choice questions
was developed by the investigator and each question carries one
mark. The Achievement Test served as both pre-test and
post-test. The investigator utilized the Scientific Attitude
Scale (SAS) developed by Dr. Mrs. Avinash Grewal to determine
the attitudes of XI standard students participating in the
research programme. The Science Attitude Scale (SAS) consisted
of 20 items where 10 positive items (S.No
2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20) and 10 negative items (S.No.
1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19) are present.
Each of the 10 positive items on the scale is assigned a weight
ranging from 4 (strongly agree ) to 0 (strongly disagree). In
the case of 10 negative items the scale scoring is reversed
ranging from 0 (strongly agree) to 4(strongly disagree). The
attitude score of a subject is the sum total of scores in all
twenty items in the scale. Thus a maximum of eighty scores can
be obtained by the subject.
Concept Maps
Seven Concept Maps pertaining to the 2 concepts under
consideration were developed by the investigator.
Lesson Plan
A Lesson Plan according to which the concepts were introduced by
Lecture Method was also developed by the investigator.
Data Analysis
The analysis was performed by teaching the two concepts to two
groups namely Control Group (CG) and Experimental Group (EG)
through Lecture Method and Concept Mapping Method. Before
commencing the lesson the pre-test was given and after the
lesson was taught the post-test was again administered.
The Gain Score of Lecture Method is given by GL = LPO - LPR
where GL is gain score of Lecture Method LPO is post-test score
of Lecture Method LPR is pre-test score of Lecture Method
The Gain Score of Concept Mapping Method is given by GC = CPO - CPR
where GC is gain score of Concept Mapping Method CPO is
post-test score of Concept Mapping Method CPR is pre-test score
of Concept Mapping Method
Analysis of Critical Ratios
Critical Ratios were calculated to test the significance of
difference between the pre-test and post-test scores in Lecture
Method and Concept Mapping Method.
Critical Ratio between the
pre-test and post-test scores in Lecture Method
The Critical Ratio calculated in respect of pre-test and
post-test scores of Control Group taught by Lecture Method is
given in Table 2.
Table 2
Test MeanS.D.?t? value L.S.
Pretest 8.151.27610.49 P
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