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Some Guys Get All The Women

Ever wonder why some guys get all the women they want and others barely seem able to handle the leftovers? What's the difference? It's not always looks or financial status, although some women will follow those everywhere. Notice some very ordinary looking men with drop dead gorgeous women on their arms and you sit back and wonder. Does HE know what women want? Has HE learned the secret?
We all know that many women will read romance novels even if they don't admit it. Have a look on any plane trip you take. A romance novel lasts one flight and most every woman has one in the seat pocket. Look at the main male character. I'll bet he's a hero type always ready to come to the aid of the woman he loves.
Think about it for a minute. When women read these books, they get involved in the story because they can imagine themselves as the female lead. If that's the case, the main male character must be a man most women could imagine themselves falling in love with. He must be a confident person, in control of his own life but not need to control anyone else. He's not the jealous type. He's strong but filled with tenderness ...
... for his lover. Women love to be in his presence and men look up to him.
He's attractive because he takes care of himself. He exercises, eats well, dresses well and enjoys taking her out to dinner and parties.
He pays attention to his woman. He does the little things that mean a lot to every woman. He tells her often that he loves her and cares about her. He brings a little treat that proves he was thinking about her when they were apart. To really get her attention he sends flowers to her office. She loves this because everyone she works with knows she's valued.
What can you do?
How do you transform yourself to a romance novel hero?
Start walking or working out at the gym to build up your body. Women might not be aware of it but they like a man who's strong enough to protect her if she ever needs it. Improve your eating habits. Drink less. Smoke Less.
Once you have the body that screams powerful, have a look at your wardrobe. What per cent of your clothes would you call trendy? Don't go out and buy a new wardrobe but get a few pieces to match some you already have to spice it up. Once you have your woman, she'll enjoy shopping with you.
Are you the type of person a woman would feel comfortable spending time with? I know that's a serious statement, but are you a nice guy? I've met way too many men who think scratching their balls, belching and asking for a beer is being nice, but that's not the nice I'm talking about. Can you listen to her without trying to finish her sentences or fix every problem she has? If you want to REALLY impress a woman, listen to her. Let her know that her life is important to you and is more important than any other person - male or female.
Walk with confidence. Stand up straight. Your mother didn't tell you that for nothing. It shows you are not depressed or whiney. Have the most positive attitude you can muster and work on that every day. When you're positive, you're fun to be around and you attract others to you - those women you'd like to meet. A man that barks and grumbles all the time about everything is not a fun person to be with. A man that always wants to take on anyone he disagrees with is not a fun person to be with. A woman wants a man who'll protect her when necessary; he's patient, kind and comfortable in his own skin.
Finally, take a friend or two to the local cosmetics counter and get some new cologne. You need women to go with you because what you smell on yourself might not be what others smell. You want the knowledge that you smell SOOoooo good. Your friends will tell you. Don't use too much but enough so that when you walk by a woman, she turns her head. Then you smile at her and if she lingers, ask her out!
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