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How To Please A Man

Men often think women are awfully difficult to please, but many of my female friends tell me they would love to know just what to do to please their man. doing? If you aren't sure he's actually enjoying what you're doing, ASK him! Men rarely let you know they don't like something you're doing part of the great male ego fiasco. But if you ask, he'll gladly give you tips on what feels terrific. Traditional love-making tips are not necessarily going to get you a gold star for this special occasion. What you need are some contemporary sex tips on how to please your man. Here are a handful:
Remind yourself how sexy you are.
Don't think about your own body. He likes you just the way you are, I promise. It's your sexiness that he's interested in! Chances are that you're simply obsessed about it, while he hasn't even noticed. Feel sexy from within, and there's nothing to stop him from feeling the same about you. If you're comfortable with yourself, he will be too.
Do a Strip Tease — That's sure to thrill him EVERY single time. All men like to watch! And they can NEVER have enough of this! So don't be shy.
... Underneath your clothes.
No matter what you're wearing on the outside, always wear sexy lingerie. You never know when the mood strikes and you certainly don't want to be wearing embarrassing underwear that's meant for no one else to see!
Masturbate — There's nothing wrong with masturbation. In fact, if YOU don't know how to touch yourself, you shouldn't really expect HIM to know either He doesn't even HAVE a vagina of his own! So learn what your body likes and help him when he seems to be lost in paradise.
Take the initiative — Most men would give anything on the face of this earth to see their women take charge once in a while. It's somewhat exciting for them to be at the receiving end sometimes. Even men like surprises!
Don't play dead — Nothing can be a bigger turn-off! You wouldn't want HIM to to lie there like a melting ice cube, so show him some emotion, move your body in synch with his own, help him find your G-spot, moan a little
Control your vagina — A woman who can control her vagina knows how to heighten intimate experience by an extremely large extent. Learn how to tighten and relax your muscles at will. Let him feel your body crave for more of him. This is an unspoken way of telling him you're not letting go very easily.
Oral sex — Don't look as if you're doing it just for the heck of it. Expressions speak volumes for themselves, so try to look as if you're enjoying it, even if it's not something you've always dreamed of doing. Read up on such things if you don't really know what to do. Don't bite him, unless he asks for it, and don't be too rough with him either.
Talk to him — Laugh with him. Communication is the key to any kind of relationship, more so if physical intimacy is involved. Talk to him about how you feel, what you'd like him to do to you, anything you want! Try not to nag him, however. Add some spice to your relationship: talk dirty to him He'll love it!
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