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Morgan Company Motor Company’s Management Change

Morgan Company Motor company’s management change
Morgan Motor Company is a British car manufacturer company that was founded in 1909 by Henry Morgan and hence its name. After his death in 1959, the company management was handed over to his son Peter Morgan who managed it till 2003 when he died. Presently, this company is under management of Charles Morgan the son of Peter Morgan and the grand son to Henry Morgan. It is of importance to note that, this company has employed 163 employees across the United Kingdom. In the year 2007, the Morgan motor car Company produced 640 cars which were all assembled by hand. Importantly, the production process of this company has changed drastically as the waiting list of a car to be produced is mainly one year although it took many years in the past (Hiatt & Creasey 2003).
It is of importance to note that, the first car to be produced by this company was a single seat three wheeled runabout which was produced mainly for the personal use of Henry Morgan in the year 1909. Basically, his interest in production was mainly aroused by the patent ...
... runabout design. From there the Morgan Motor Company has produced many cars of different sizes, types, and fuel consumption rates. Certainly, Morgan Motor Cars Company builds its reputation when its cars entered into the international competition. In this case, one of the company’s cars was recorded as the winner in the race that was conducted in 1913at Amiens in France. On this basis, this became the foundation for the Grand Prix model which later evolved into Aero, Super Sports and Sport models. It can be learned from this that, Morgan earned him a great reputation when his cars entered into the racing and won. Many contesters and racing companies started buying his cars which drastically increased their fame in the whole world. In the first productions, the first models used air-cooled or liquid-cooled differences f motorcycle engines (Rowe & Guerreno 2010).
Certainly, the first four-wheeled car that was produced by this company was the 4-4 that used four-cylinder engine. In this case, the Morgan 4-4 Series was the first four-wheeled production to be released into the public in the year 1932. From this model, there was another larger model in terms of the size of the engine. This model was labeled as Morgan +4 and used an engine with larger cc (Paton & McCalman 2008).
Significantly, during 1950s and 1960s the United States of America provided a good market for the company’s products contributing to 85% of the total market worldwide. This availability of market came to an end in the year 1971 when the United States of America introduced safety and emission regulations. In the year 2002, the Morgan Motor Car Company centralized its global compliancy development and regulatory interaction in-house. The year 2005 was a very difficult time for this company as its right to import its classic models came to an end when the supplies of its important air bag were exhausted and no replacement was done to them (Hiatt & Creasey 2003).
Importantly, in generally Morgan Company has an interest in the production of sport cars which are of high performance and hence have made the company to have a good reputation. Over the years, Morgan Motor Cars Company has produced quality cars which are well designed for sport purposes. This has gained this company a far reaching fame all over the world hence increasing the sales of this company over the years. The Morgan Motor Car Company introduced fuel saving models in order to save the crisis of fuel globally. It is of importance to note that, Morgan Company was the last survivor of the British sport cars manufacturers. In this case, this company has been successful for a period of one hundred years and at the same time has been successful in collaborating with Germany car manufacturers like BMW. On the other hand, Morgan Company is known to work with various young engineering companies in the United Kingdom as well as other parts of Europe. Importantly, the company’s new challenge is to produce cars that are moiré effective than what is offered in the global market. Certainly, the Morgan Company is in a better position to respond to this challenge as the company is small, dynamic and flexible and its development cycles have a good record. One of the great achievements of Morgan Company is that it produces one of the greenest cars in the whole world which is Morgan 4-4 Sport (Northouse 2009).
Management change in the Morgan Motor Cars Company
Management change is an approaching of dealing with teams, culture and other managerial aspects of a company. In this case, management change involves a systematic approach to dealing with changes both on the individual and organizational perspective. In change management, there are usually three aspects which include; adapting change, controlling change and effecting change. In this basis, change management in the Morgan Company has brought about increased profitability as a result of increased sale. It should be noted that, it is through change management that Morgan Company has improved its production and hence has been able to effectively compete withy other vehicle manufacturing companies in the world. Basically, through change management the Morgan Company is able to effectively collaborate with other European car manufacturing companies and as a result come up with the best management principles (Hiatt & Creasey 2003).
a). Culture Change
It should be noted that, organizational culture is the basic personality of the firm. In this case, this personality is comprised of assumptions, values of a firm, norms governing that firm, and tangible signs like products, employees’ behaviors and so on. On this basis, members of Morgan Company sense have come to sense the specific culture of this firm. Importantly, in Morgan Company there is a distinct culture for profit making from the sale of cars. In this case, the Morgan produces cars of high quality which are able to compete in the world market. Certainly this is the culture of the Morgan Company. In the previous years, the culture of this company was not directed to stiff competition in the global market as the company had a wide range of improving capacity (Paton & McCalman 2008).
On the other hand, the culture of a large, for-profit corporation like the Morgan Company is quite different from what was there before when this company was being started in 1909 by Morgan. You can tell the culture of an organization by looking at the arrangement of products produced, what is their major source of profit as that is what they brag about, and what members wear. Most importantly, the culture of Morgan Company can be looked at what is used to get a feeling about someone's personality (Northouse 2009).
Morgan Company has a corporate culture which can be looked at as a system. Inputs include reaction from, e.g., the public, experts, laws, narratives about the Morgan Company, heroes like the founding members of the Morgan Company and what they brought to the world in terms of what is produced in this company, values on competition or service, etc. it should be noted that, the Morgan Company has been advanced in the aspect of competition in the world market and hence this has earned it a very good reputation. Additionally, the concept of looking for other companies in Britain and within Europe has been as a result of culture change in this company which has assisted it in networking. The process is based on our assumptions, values and norms, for example our values on money that is received by the Morgan Company in a particular duration of period. In this case, the amount of money received in terms of profits in this company has increased drastically over a short duration of time. This has been contributed to by the aspect of culture change in this company. On the other hand, the concept of time has been critically looked into when dealing with culture change of Morgan Company. In this case, the time that was set for waiting a car to be produced in order to enter into the market has reduced as the company has changed its culture of production. This has been a great achievement of the company and has yielded a lot of profits for the Morgan Company. Basically, the other aspect of culture change which is more pronounced in Morgan Company is in the case of facilities. In this case, the facilities used by this company in the production of cars especially race or sport cars are of high quality after the culture of this company changed (Hiatt & Creasey 2003).
On this basis, this has benefited the company a lot as the production has increased drastically. In addition, there is an increase in the space that is used in the production of cars in the Morgan Company. It should be noted that, the culture of the Morgan Company in Britain has also changed as the people who are being employed are highly experienced which has been a basis of improvement in this company. It is of importance to note that, the behavior of people especially the employees of this company have changed their culture as far as customers relations are concerned. A point worth noting is that, when employees have good relationships with the clients the number of sales increases in a company as the customers are usually satisfied with the services received from the employees. Outputs or effects of our culture are the organizational behaviors, technologies, strategies, image, products, services, and appearance among others. On this basis, it can be revealed that, the Morgan Company has changed its culture in terms of technologies used in the production of products. In this case, the quality of cars produced in this company has improved as a result of culture change as they are of low fuel consuming engines. On this basis, this has been done to encourage customers to rely on the products of this company and to trust them (Witte & Muijen 2000).
The concept of culture is particularly important when attempting to manage organization wide change. Here this asp0ecty is very important in Morgan Company as it is very wide and through organizational culture change the managers are in a position to know which area need the most profound change. Managers and other senior personnel in Morgan Company have realized that, despite the best-laid plans, Morgan’s organizational change must include not only changing structures of the buildings and factories as well as the products produced and processes of producing them, but also changing the company culture as well (Schein 2004).
There has been a great deal of information generated over the past decade about the concept of organizational culture in Morgan Company especially concerning with the ways of learning how to change organizational culture. Organizational change especially in terms of culture change in Morgan Company efforts is supposed to fail the enormous majority of the time. On this basis, after the management and the employees came together and discussed on how to do about it there were great improvements which resulted to viability in culture change. It should be noted that, the employees of this company are not taken lightly as it was there before. In this relation, the employees in this company were not motivated in the earlier processes of the company’s production which resulted to increased rate of employees turn over. Usually, this failure is credited to lack of understanding about the strong role of culture and the role it plays in organizations. That's one of the reasons that many strategic planners now place as much emphasis on identifying strategic values as they do mission and vision (Rowe & Guerreno 2010).
b). Team Change
Team is how an organization carry out its processes and practices in a team work. In this case, team work is very essential in any organization as it helps the organization to work in harmony and educate each other in the process of working. It should be noted that, a team leader is a person who offer direction, training, leadership to a group of other people mostly the employees in an organization with the intention of attaining a key result or group of aligned results. Basically, the team leader usually reports to the project manager who is in charge of all the projects in that company. Certainly, the leader of a team directs and monitors the overall results that are to be attained in that organization or company. On this basis, the team leader in the Morgan Company the aspects of team leader has been of great importance to the profitability and [production of this company and hence has been looked at in a very great concern. Mostly the leader of any team works with the team membership (Paton & McCalman 2008).
A point worth noting is that, the leaders of the already established teams in Morgan Company have been trained to have an honest understanding of themselves and hence they would be in a position to understand the kind of [people they lead. It is of importance to note that, when leaders are trained in any organization on the qualities they need to inhibit hence they are in a position to work very well with the other members of the team. In the Morgan company, the team leadership has changed and this has been accepted by all people including the customers as the rate of production has increased. This has been as a result of the improved performance of the employees and management of the Morgan Company. Importantly, in Morgan company leadership is usually derived from aspects like who you are, what you know, and what you can do. As a result of the changes which have been made in leadership as far as teamwork in concerned the followers and not the leader or any other person determine if the leader is successful. This is because they are the one who are led. In the Morgan Company there is a very successful leadership in teamwork following the changes which have been made recently. In this case, these changes were made in an attempt of improving the working and performance of the employees in this company. Basically, the team leadership is of very significance since it helps in offering training to employees and even their leaders. In this company, the leaders learn a lot from their followers in a team and hence there is increased profitability as a result of this (Northouse 2009).
The other aspect to consider in this company is the way the followers in a team adhere to the leadership of their leader. In this case, this company has established a very good cooperation of leaders and their followers hence coming up with a strong basis of what is required of every body in the company. In this case, there are some requirements that followers in any team are supposed to fulfill and hence they are in a good position to do as required by their leaders. This has brought about a lot of cooperatio0n and hence employees feel that they are part and parcel of the whole company as their views are respected through teamwork (Hiatt & Creasey 2003).
In a team, the most important concept is the communication and the means used in passing information from one person to the other. In this case, the change in team leadership in the Morgan Company has benefited a lot in changing the communication methods of this company as any person’s views are well addressed in a manner that is clear to everybody. In this case, the issues concerning the well being of employees are well addressed by the management (Witte & Muijen 2000).
c). Information Change
Information change in an organization indicates that the mode of passing information from one person to another in the organization changes to the better. In this case, the organization of information in Morgan Company has been well established and as a result each member of the company is a position to get the correct information in time. Importantly, information is very important in any organization as it helps in determining the way people both employees and employers in that organization communicate. In the Morgan Company, there are two different organization of information that has been brought about by the change in information. In this case, there is information from the top management to the juniors which is mostly in terms of memos, meetings or even phone calls. On this basis, this method of passing information is very essential as the employees are in a position to understand what is required from them by the employers (Schein 2004).
On the other hand, the second type of information channel in the Morgan Company is where the information comes from the bottom upward. In this relation, the juniors and employees are in a position to communicate with their employers and seniors in different ways. It is of importance to note that, employees in the Morgan Company are not denied any access to any information in the company. In this case, they are provided with information on the performance of the company and hence they are in a position to know what to do either to improve or maintain that level of performance. Provision of information in this company to the employees has helped them in improving their performances as they are able to learn from others on what is supposed to be done. It is of importance to note that, good provision of information in any company is very essential to the employees, employers and the customers. Importantly, when customers are adequately provided with information concerning the production of the company and the type of cars produced in this company; they are in a position to decide on what and how to purchase from this company (Rowe & Guerreno 2010).
d). Management Change
Importantly, the management change of any organization or company is the aspect of changing the methods used in governing and controlling this organization. Managers and senior personnel in the Morgan Company have changed the methods of controlling and managing the employees, services provided and the products produced in this company. This has brought about a lot of benefits in terms of profits and satisfaction of employees. In this case, the employees in Morgan comp0any are very much satisfied through being motivated to work hard to achieve the set objectives of the company (Paton & McCalman 2008).
In Morgan Company, organizational change management is a fundamental aspect of approximately all projects and processes of production. In this case, the change in management in Morgan Company has been done through selecting the most appropriate personnel to occupy the sensitive posts in the company. In this case, the process of production has been heavily changed as far as its management is concerned. Basically, this has helped in producing cars that are most appropriate in the current situation of both economy and environment. It should be noted that; change in management is seen as a discrete and specialized work-stream especially in teamwork (Northouse 2009).
Importantly, the management of employees in the Morgan Company has changed with greater emphasis being given to the satisfaction of employees in an attempt to improve the quality of the services provided to the customers. This is because when employees are motivated and satisfied, they will be in a position to provide better services to the customers and hence there will be increase in purchases. Management change in Morgan Company has been brought about by the delegation of duties to those people who are appropriate to perform them in the best way possible. On this case, the production of cars is performed by the best qualified personnel hence bringing about a positive reputation of the products of this company. On the other hand, the process of marketing and advertising the products of this company has been managed properly hence increasing the number of sales made per year (Hiatt & Creasey 2003).
In conclusion, management change is an approaching of dealing with teams, culture and other managerial aspects of a company. In this case, management change involves a systematic approach to dealing with changes both on the individual and organizational perspective. In change management, there are usually three aspects which include; adapting change, controlling change and effecting change. In this basis, change management in the Morgan Company has brought about increased profitability as a result of increased sale. It should be noted that, it is through change management that Morgan Company has improved its production and hence has been able to effectively compete withy other vehicle manufacturing companies in the world. Basically, through change management the Morgan Company is able to effectively collaborate with other European car manufacturing companies and as a result come up with the best management principles.
Reference list
Hiatt, J. and Creasey, J. (2003). Change Management: The People Side of change. Manchester: Routledge Publishers.
Northouse, P. (2009). Leadership Theory and Practice. London: Macmillan Publishers
Paton, R. and McCalman, J. (2008). Change Management: A Guide to Effective
Implementation. London: Sage Publications
Rowe, W. and Guerreno, L. (2010). Cases in Leadership. London: Longhorn Publishers
Schein, E. (2004). Organizational Culture and Leadership. Manchester: Sage
Witte, K. and Muijen, J. (2000). Organizational Culture. London: Library of Congress
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