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Publishing Your Book—what Way Is Best For You? - Part 1

Publishing Your Book—What Way is Best For You? - Part 1
Judy Cullins c 2004 All Rights Reserved
Your print or ebook is nearly finished. You wonder if you should try to get an agent to represent you to the publisher. Maybe you've already sent out your query letter to some agents. You dream how great it would be to be taken under the publisher's wings.
What's wrong with this picture? Even if an agent has given you the go and asks for a book proposal that has specific marketing information in it (takes three-seven months to write), you still have to face reality. FACT: Like Oprah, publishers and agents choose only 1-2% of proposals submitted.
Let's say for now, you are chosen. The point is, are you fortunate to be chosen?
Are you willing to wait on the traditional publishing process 12 months more? Are you willing to accept around 2-5% of the profits? Do you realize that after a few months of one initial book tour (of which you must pay all costs from your book sales), you are on your own? And, it you don't put a lot of time into promotion, your book will fade away within ...
... 2 months from the brick and mortar book store shelves. All unsold and coffee-stained books left will be returned, and the cost is deducted from the author's royalties. Unless you are a favored celebrity or famous author, publishers put little time or money into your book's promotion.
Get the Right Help the Right Way
Who says you can't publish the book yourself? It will certainly cost you less than you imagine, even under $1000. It will bring you all the profits. It will put you in charge to make suitable and favorable writing, publishing and promotion decisions.
With a little help from professionals! These entrepreneurial experts such as book coaches, book designers, and eBook specialists can guide you through publishing success. These people may give teleclasses, small group coaching experiences, inexpensive ways to learn the ropes. These pros will shorten your learning curve too, so you get the right help right away to write the right book right away.
When you think you still have to promote your books, even with a publisher, why not keep most of the profits and do some of the work yourself? Learn from your coach's experiences, "Do What You Do Best—and Hire the Rest!" (That doesn't mean you can't barter for services). Check out the methods below and see which one suits you best, is more rewarding and far more profitable.
Why Self-Publishing?
In self-publishing, you are the boss. You get to choose the cover, the style, the layout, the message, even the format (eBook or Print Book). Since you are the one enthused about it, you will be able to capitalize and can promote far better than many publishers.
In self-publishing, who do you think can sell your book the best? You, the passionate author in love with his or her book, or the rookie publisher's employee in charge of publicizing your book?
On Print Books--Print on Demand Two Ways
1. Hire the Publisher/Printer yourself to just print your book from your word file. Companies like (ph: 408-982-9118) or will put it into Portable Document Format (PDF) to sell on your web site or another site you choose to sell your books. A complete explanation of these opportunities are included in the "How to Write your eBook or Other Short Book--Fast!"
In Print Quantity Needed (similar to POD) you keep all of your book's rights. This method helps you make much more profit from your effort and you will get your book out to the buyers so much faster, making faster profits. The turnaround is around 6-8 weeks, so it pays to plan ahead. A $15 book may cost $4 to print for a small of around 100 run using "print on demand" (POD) or "print quantity demand," (PQN). If you sell it at the back of the room or on your own web site you will make $11 each book. When you order 500 books, the price drastically drops.
2. Hire Full-Service Print on Demand Publisher/Printers who each charge you an up front fee to set up. They too take your word files and put into Portable Document Format.
The Upside of this choice? Some will list you with Ingraham, one of the largest book distributors in the U.S., linked to most bookstores. For a fee from $400-$600, these companies will give you an ISBN number if you plan to sell your book on someone else's web site. They will list you in, and some will format your book. These companies offer you their Web site to sell your book.
The downside? Check to see if you need these services. You don't need an ISBN # if you sell from your own web site. You probably won't sell your book in a brick and mortar book store.
Think about your book and where your best market is. Opinions from Dan Poynter, John Kremer, and myself say, "Bookstores are a lousy place to sell books." Walk ins are not looking for an unknown author's book.
About the Author
Judy Cullins: 20-year author, speaker, book coach
Helps entrepreneurs manifest their book and web dreams
eBk: "Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online"
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