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Events And Adventures For Tampa Singles

Single men and women living in the Tampa area have 40 legitimate reasons to join Events and Adventures singles activities club during the month of March 2011. However, we are only going to tell you about a handful of them since that is all the space we are permitted.
First, if you have never heard of us, we are Events and Adventures Tampa. We cater exclusively to single men and women living in the Tampa area and our service are unique unto itself, just like our company nationwide. Events and Adventures acts as your personal event planner filling up your social calendar and that of other members month after month. Events and Adventures, plans, co-ordinates, and hosts fun activities for our members. All we ask of members is to opt-in to each event and then show up ready to have some fun. Moreover, because our membership fees are not contingent on the number of events you attend, you can feel free to enjoy them all. That means during March you could easily attend 40 events!
The month of March started with a Mardi Gras Charity Ball, and then went to new heights with helicopter tours when Events and Adventures teamed ...
... up with Safari Choppers. Next, keeping with the safari theme, members had an opportunity to tour the Giraffe Safari Park. Our Events and Adventures club members who wished to have additional feeding time with the animals needed to only make that wish known to park owners and it was granted. As you already knew, membership does have its privileges and our members always get treated special everywhere we go.
For the more athletic minded members there were tons of activities including paintball, hoops, golfing, broomball and still more sporting events to enjoy. Our club members also did a few pub-crawls and we even had an evening with comedian Larry Miller. Larry Miller is famous for his stand-up act and has appeared in more than 50 Hollywood movies, been on Leno, Letterman, and other late night talk shows.
Of course, you could attend some of these activities on your own but what fun is that? Events and Adventures Tampa offer you an opportunity to meet hundreds of new single friends all of whom want to go out and enjoy these same events and adventures alongside you. Check us out we are located at or phone us at 888-600-5999 for further information about joining.
Events and Adventures has been featured around the country on Television, in the press, on the radio an on the internet. We have hosted nearly 10,000 exciting events for thousands of singles over just a few years! Events and Adventures has offices in major cities across the US: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, St.Louis, Atlanta, Tampa and South Florida.
We are professional event planners and what we do is arrange plan, co-ordinate and host activities, events and travel adventures for members to participate and enjoy.
For more information on Events and Adventures Tampa, visit the site at or call us at 888-600-5999.
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