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Turning Problems Into Possibilities

Turning Problems Into Possibilities
by Alan Tutt
Many times, a problem is an indication that there is something we must learn. Other times, a problem is simply an outworking of a previous use of Power that was directed through a negative channel. In the Keys To Power, there are a couple of things we can do depending on which situation we are faced with.
Most of us are content to keep things the way they are until there is a problem. This is fine, and there is no reason to change this (unless it becomes a problem, that is). When we are faced with a problem, one of the things we must consider is whether the problem is the result of the way we've been doing things. If it is the result of our pattern of action or inaction, then we must change our patterns if we wish to avoid having the same problem in the future. If the problem is not a direct result of what we've been doing (or not doing), then all we have to do is deal with the issue at hand and be done with it. This is how most of us are used to dealing with problems.
In the Keys To Power system, we recognize ...
... that everything that we experience is a direct result of our pattern of action or inaction. There is absolutely nothing that we can say was purely chance or the fault of someone other than ourselves. Yes, we are directly responsible if there is an earthquake that destroys our house, and we are also responsible for the idiot on the road that cuts us off and causes us to run off the road.
While this may seem harsh and unforgiving at first, it becomes extremely liberating once you learn about the Power that you control and direct. If you are alive, then the Universal Power of Life flows through you. This Power picks up the essence of your thoughts and feelings and proceeds out into your world to create experiences based on those thoughts and feelings. And once you learn to control your thoughts and feelings, you are able to control what that Power creates in your world.
Let me describe how problems get created. Something happens that you are not happy with. Let's say that your boss promotes someone else into a position that you wanted. Most people will react to this with a feeling of frustration, and some thoughts will be entertained that suggests that other people get things we ourselves should be getting. Even though this is a reaction to something that has already happened, the thoughts and feelings still direct Power to create future events. Power picks up the feeling of frustration and the thoughts of unfairness and goes out into the world to create an experience.
The amount of Power working to create this experience will depend on how strong the thoughts and feelings were that were entertained, and how long they were focused upon. If there was not much energy put into them, then there will be very little Power to create a similar experience. If these things were dwelt upon for days and weeks with a severe intensity, then there will be a huge amount of Power looking to create a catastrophy. (Don't imagine this too vividly. You don't want to create this for yourself.) With only a little Power directed towards frustration, only little experiences will reflect this feeling. With a great deal of Power directed towards unfairness, a person could end up being sued in court with false evidence!
But here's the reason that this relationship is not as clear as it should be: every day you focus on so many different things, some good and others not so good. Power is directed in many different directions to create a wide variety of experiences. And in turn, this wide variety of experiences will incite an equally wide variety of thoughts and feelings, which in turn direct Power to create an equally wide variety of experiences. A complete circle of cause and effect. Imagine what life would be like if you only thought and felt positive things! Power would only create good things for you, which will incite only positive thoughts and feelings, which will only create good things, and on and on along positive channels.
I've had many students who started learning about the Power they control with their minds and started working to direct that Power towards positive ends. And then a few days, or even a couple of weeks later, some major problem comes up and they wonder why. With all the positive Power they released into the world, how could a problem of such magnitude possibly happen? The answer is simple, although not always accepted. At the point where these students started focusing on positive uses for Power, they had already released enough Power directed negatively to create the problems that came up. Some students give up at this point, feeling that they could never become successful in directing Power (a feeling that will create experiences that will reflect this idea). In fact, if they had persisted, the negatively directed Power they had previously released would eventually work itself out and there would be no more to create any problems whatsoever!
So how can we actually use this information? Quite simply in fact. Recognizing that your thoughts and feelings will direct Power to creating your experiences, you can work to control your them to reflect only what you want to experience. This is a process that takes time, and you won't be able to eliminate all negativity from your life overnight, but it can happen. At one time, I had a very strong habit of getting into angry moods which would be very intense and last for hours at a time. Needless to say, I had a lot of problems in my life.
After trying various methods to gain control over my anger, I found the best method was to simply take time and cultivate the feelings of love, peace, and happiness. I would schedule a time period of about a half an hour to a full hour and sit and think about what these feelings were like. If I tried to remember when I had felt these feelings, I would end up remembering something that triggered more anger, so I ended up focusing strictly on the feelings I wanted separate from any event or experience.
This method proved to be amazingly effective! Not only did I start to feel better within a couple of days, but within the week I was already gaining control over my mind and emotions. One month later and I was reacting to life events with a completely new pattern. And over time, I have learned that the change in the way I reacted to things has completely my "bad luck" into "good luck". Now, instead of everything going wrong and the good things going to other people, everything goes much better and I get more than my share of good things.
While not all of my students have chosen to work with this method of controlling thoughts and feelings, those who have tried it have found similar results. Not only do they feel much better about life and find that life reacts by giving them more good things, but they also find that they can focus their minds on the things they want in such a way as to automatically attract whatever it is that they desire! They have found that they can specify exactly what they want instead of just a general concept of life experiences!
And this is true Power. To decide what you want and to get it, without undue effort, without strain and struggle, and without worry that it may not happen. With the Keys To Power, you know that anything you want will be yours!
The only other thing to keep in mind when problems surface is this: there is always more to learn. If something is not responding the way you expect it to, then there is more information you need in order to get the response you want. Keep an open mind that looks for the missing information, and you will eventually overcome any problem. You have my word on it.
About the Author
Alan Tutt is the creator of the world-famous Keys To Power Mastery System available at Alan has recently written a new book called "Keys To Power Prosperity" in which he shares all that he's learned to attract windfall prosperity in any situation. Find out more by visiting today.
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