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Goddess Signs - Which One Are You? - A Review

Goddess Signs - Which one are you?
Written by: Angelica Danton
Review by: Cyann
Seeing the title, and reading the information about this book, I wanted to have high hopes as to its contents. There are so few good books combining Chinese Astrology with almost anything else. Alas, as often happens, I was let down.
The author does seem a good job of making ties between Chinese Astrology and goddesses, moon phases and planets, and some of the herbs, at least on the surface, but like most books one can find involving this ancient tool, it is ill researched.
It errors just as many others before it, and many after I am sure, in stating that a persons Chinese Astrological sign is related to the year in which they are born. This is incorrect. It does allow that a Chinese New Year does not start on the same day each year so that you must not look at only the year, but the full date of when you were born, if born near the change of the calendar year. It, however, leaves it at that, stating that this is how you find your Chinese Astrologic Sign.
Now anyone who has any real interest ...
... in Chinese Astrology is going to see the same errors I did in this. The Year is not your personal Chinese Astrological sign. That is a truthful as saying a person is just an Aquarius and following those little horoscopes you can find in most papers or online. Any good Astrologer will tell you to avoid those, and any good Chinese Astrologer will tell you to avoid using the year as your sign.
To obtain your Chinese Astrological sign you need information similar to that which is required for other Astrological Charts. Your birth date, month, year, time, place, etc. This book, however, does not take any of that into account and only focuses, incorrectly, on the year.
Take a friend of mine for example, going by her birth date (which I won't list here) and this book, she is listed as a Queen Goddess. This, knowing her as I do, is obviously incorrect. If one digs a little deeper, and knows more about Chinese Astrology than this author seems to, they would know that my friend is actually a Siren Goddess. Which fits her quite well.
Had the author taken a little more time to do her research and added in the correct equation information for Chinese Astrology into her text, this could have been a really great book. She, however, didn't take the time to do so. Which I personally found quite disappointing.
I also must note that her interpretations of Tarot with Chinese Astrology, as well as Colors and Crystals & Gemstones, also left me disappointed. I found the addition of the Incense and Lucky Days to be a bit of a waste of space. I had to stop reading it.
So, if you come across "Goddess Signs - Which one are you?" by: Angelica Danton, and you know a bit more in-depth information about Chinese Astrology, get the book for its positive aspects. It is worth it for some of its Goddesses (once you fix the date issue), Planets, Herb and Moon Phases information.
However, if you are not very knowledgeable in this ancient Chinese art, don't buy the book. It will only serve to confuse your perceptions of Chinese Astrology as well as a few other things.
Peace to you, Cyann
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Cyann - Spiritual Counselor
I am an Empathic and Intuitive Mediator, Minister and Spiritual Counselor.
Through kindness, honesty and a dash of humor, I assist my clients in addressing their individual needs, wants and concerns.
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