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The 7 Elements Of Property Investing

Dear Investor,
Would you like to invest in property but are unsure of the right strategy for your needs? Are you confused by the overwhelming amount of investment information, financial products and advice available? Do you worry that the wrong advice could seriously affect your property investing success?
If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions then you need to read this FREE report -
"How to Build a Property Portfolio the Right Way -
Right from the Start"
Free Download at
This FREE report will reveal to you the 7 basic elements you need to have in place to ensure your success in property investment. You'll find out how to avoid the simple but crucial mistake many property investors make, one that could end up costing you thousands of dollars. You'll discover the best ways to maximise your tax deductions (the ATO will wish you didn't know this), the best methods to finance your investment and the most effective strategy for your unique situation.
If you want to learn the secrets that the most successful investors know and try to keep to themselves ...
... then report each chapter of this report.
Yours Sincerely, Catherine Smith
Free Download at
"Discover how to build a property portfolio the right way, right from the start"
"This FREE report will reveal the 7 elements to building a successful property portfolio so that you can reach your financial goals sooner"
"Stop Wondering what is the Right Investment Strategy for You and Discover How to Build a Property Portfolio the Right Way - Right from the Start"
"This FREE report will reveal the 7 elements to building a successful property portfolio so that you can reach your financial goals sooner"
"This report will reveal the 7 Elements to Building a Property Portfolio so that You can Reach Your Financial Goals Sooner"
This FREE Report Will Reveal To You.
1. The Right Investment Strategy - "Discover the most critical step to property investment before you start to invest - if you DON'T define this step you will never have success with property investment"
2. The Right Finance - "How to be confident that you have found the right loan and structure so that you can meet long-term financial goals and avoid serious costs - potentially saving 1000's of dollars in long-term exit fees and interest rates"
3. The Right Tax Advice - "How to build your property portfolio using the tax man's money"
4. The Right Property - "How to buy the right property at the right time in the right location in less than 5-minutes
5. The Right Management - "How to have a remote control property portfolio which means no rental headaches for the lifetime of the ownership of the property"
6. The Right Coach - "Discover why most property investors fail - and what to do about it"
7 .The Right First Steps - "Discover the first steps to putting you on track to build a property portfolio that will meet all your life goals
For Steps 1 - 6 you will need to Download from
This article describes the SEVENTH ELEMENT of the SEVEN elements to building a successful property portfolio so that you can reach your financial goals sooner"
Download the full report at
The Right First Steps
"Discover the first steps to putting you on track to build a property portfolio that will meet all your life goals"
"At Wholistic Financial Solutions we will help you determine what your goals are and then guide you in the achievement of your goals, whatever
they may be."
How do we do this? Let's go through 6 simple steps:
Step 1
First we help you develop the Right Strategy. Our first interview will involve delving into everything we need to know to determine your 'what', 'why' and 'how' factors and ensure that both parties fully understand your goals. This is not the end of the process however, but just the beginning. We will conduct regular reviews to ensure you are still on track to achieving your goals and re-orientate you if you have veered off the track. Our aim is to work with you on your strategy for the rest of your life.
We will use this consultation to meet with you and gather all the information we need to prepare a Property Portfolio Plan which puts your individual strategy into a full financing plan that takes into account the right structure for your finance, the tax implications, your short- and long-terms goals and the steps you need to take to get the process started. You'll also get a chance to meet with us and determine whether you trust us enough to be your long-term property advisors.
Once we know your strategy we will help you find the Right Finance and the Right Structure for the finance.
Step 2
Wholistic Financial Solutions can put together a Property Portfolio Plan that takes your individual financial circumstances and goals into account and shows you your property portfolio potential. How many properties you can buy, in what name you should buy the properties, how you should structure the finance, how to minimise tax and at the end of the day - how much it will cost you per day.
Step 3
Then we will help you find the Right Property:
Our consultants will meet with you after you have considered the 'right strategy' decided on the 'right finance' and sorted out the 'right tax advice'. Once your 'so that' factor, and your goals and how best to achieve them is clear, our sales consultants will meet with you and help you decide what is the 'right property' for you! Everyone is special and has a different strategy, a different finance structure and a different tax situation. As everyone's situation is unique, different properties meet different people's needs. There are some many conflicting opinions on property investment it is very difficult for the average investor to sort between the 'facts' and the 'sales talk'. As we have many different properties available from many different sources we are not biased towards any particular location, developer, type or property. We just want to help find the 'right property' for you.
We do not employ high-pressure sales people. In fact, all our sales people are trained in leading a horse to water but not forcing it to drink. We will convince you to buy a property WHEN YOU ARE READY TO BUY A PROPERTY and not anytime before. We want you so satisfied with our service that you will come back year after year for your future properties and will also tell all your friends and family about our service.
Step 4
Next we will help you find the Right Management:
"At Wholistic Financial Solutions, we have some of the most powerful property management solutions available. Guaranteed rental income every month for the term of your ownership of the property. Imagine never having to be concerned about short rental payments, no rental payments or your property sitting vacant costing you money! NEVER AGAIN!"
Under the Wholistic Financial Solutions banner we also have full use of a management facility. By listing your property in
the leaseback scheme provides you with a full property management team to look after your investment. They will look after your property guaranteeing you market rental income, full property inspections, professional tenant selection and all other property management criteria charged at the same fee rates as real estate property management divisions.
Step 5
Then we will help you reach your goals through the Right Coaching:
Our mentors and coaches will provide you with an alliance that will help you work through any blocks that may prevent you from meeting your goals in your bright new future. Do you need to stop your spending? Do you need to aim higher? Take more risk? Be more conservative? This is all well and good but do you know how to change your approach to achieve this? Find out what is holding you back, look at the obstacles and move right over them. It is time to get rid of the excuses, ignite your inspiration and build wealth and fulfillment in all areas of your life. With the right information and the right motivation you are the best investment you can ever make!
Our coaching strategy is 'Wholistic' - we will help coach your life including examining your money psychology, look at what might be holding you back, find solutions and design a bridge with you to get you there.
Step 6
Finally, follow all this up with the Right Information
It can be very lonely being a property investor. I often ask my clients, "Do you discuss your portfolio with your friends and family?" The overwhelming response is, "Absolutely not!" The reason for this is that people who don't invest in property don't understand it. And what people don't understand they either fear, resent or reject. How many property investors have told their friends and family only to be asked, "You're doing what? You're an idiot!"
My answer to that is, "If you want to soar like an eagle - don't hang with turkeys." Or in kinder words, "Don't discuss your dreams with those that don't share similar dreams."
To assist property investors stay on track we will be offering our clients:
* FREE weekly educational webinars.
* FREE regular property investment educational seminars.
* FREE monthly newsletter updates outlining tax information, loan product specials, investment opportunities, plus much more.
* FREE invitations to affiliated property investment and motivational seminars.
* Regular social get-togethers to provide an opportunity for property investors to network and simply socialize with other like-minded investors.
"Our aim is to give you the right motivation, the right direction and the right focus. The financial side of the business provides the RIGHT INFORMATION and the coaches and mentors provide the RIGHT MOTIVATION."
Arrange your One-On-One Consultation & Property Portfolio Review today! Don't delay or you may miss out on the right time to begin your step-by-step plan. Simply go to our website to register for your now, get yourself started on the path to success!
Download the full report at
"Here are some testimonials from our happy clients"
First Time Investor
"I had always wanted to get into property investing but just didn't know how. The team at Wholistic Financial Solutions conducted a free Property Portfolio Plan which made it so clear and easy to understand. Now I am well on my way to my second property."
- Michelle S (Weston, ACT)
First Home Buyer
"I was keen to enter the property market but as a first time investor, I just had no idea where to start. The team at Wholistic Financial Solutions showed me how 'property investing' really worked and helped me find the best loan for my circumstances and even helped coordinate all the confusing issues like deposits, solicitors, stamp duty grants, etc. They basically helped coordinate the whole buying process and all free of charge. Thanks Piab, I will be back when I am ready for my next property."
- Therese K (O'Connor, ACT)
Serial Property Investor
"My wife and I run a small retail business and our tax returns don't show much income. We have been passionate about property for years and already own four investment properties which are now cash flow positive. We wanted to buy more but the banks said 'No'. We saw Catherine at Wholistic Financial Solutions and she was able to show us how to unlock our equity and use this to 'cash flow fund' for another two investment properties. And we are able to do this now, rather than waiting until we miss the impending boom. Thanks Catherine."
- Jason P (Amaroo, ACT)
At Wholistic Financial Solutions we have all the necessary vehicles to drive you down your property investment highway. We have the right financial advisors to help fuel you up with the right financial products and strategies, we have the committed sales staff with great property solutions to put you behind the wheel of your investment property driven sports car/luxury car/monster truck, and we have the hard working administration and property management staff who will deal with all of your investment needs so that all the lights on the highway to property investment are green. So, no matter whether your path to investment property is a high powered race in the Gold Coast Indy Car, the Monaco Grand Prix or just a Sunday drive, Wholistic Financial Solutions can cater to all of your investment property needs! Over 20 years experience in SMSF, Taxation, Tax Planning, Property, Finance, Financial Planning, Mortgage Broking, Real Estate, Overall Wealth Creation. For more information please visit
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