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Hitch Hiking Around Personal Development

Let's face it, there is so much stuff out there on the subject of personal development. Publications of all sorts adorn shelf after shelf in our nation's book shops. That's before we look at online sales, and all the self-published books out there (which includes a lot of mine).
It's enough to put people off completely - I mean, where do you start? The aim of this article is to provide you with a place to start.
I have read widely in the personal development category, and I thoroughly recommend it for anyone wishing to better themselves. My reading has taught me many brilliant ideas, approaches and theories, some of which I found hard to understand! Most personal development writing boils down to a handful of central lessons that, if we learn and apply, will help us greatly. So outlined below are the eight key lessons that will enable you to live a great life.
As a starting point, I define personal development as the stuff that helps you to move towards living a better, happier, more purposeful life. Isn't this what we all want? Here goes then, the eight key principles for a great life, not in order ...
... of importance.
Lesson 1 - Live in the present
Start living in the present, focusing on what's happening right in front of you. Stop worrying about the past or the future. Most unhappy folks either spend their time concerned about the future (what 'could' happen), or trawling over the past (what 'could' have been). Learn the lessons from what happened, and plan for your future by all means, but don't live there. The only thing you can alter is what you're doing at this moment.
Lesson 2 - Focus on others, not self
Contented people usually spend most of their time focused on other people. They show an interest in what others are doing, and helping where they can. Unhappy folks are more likely to be self focused, and even where they do show interest in others, it is a tactic rather than genuine interest (e.g. if I ask how you're doing, you might show interest in me). How many depressed people do you know who show any real interest in how others are doing? Not many, in my experience. So unless depression is your aim in life, be interested in others.
Lesson 3 - Think positively
Thinking and talking positively is more likely to lead to contentment. Obvious is it not? I don't mean that gushing positivity that winds people up (what planet are they on?). But emphasising the best in other people and situations will help. Being positive might also make a positive outcome more likely in any event. As the Henry Ford quote goes, 'whether you believe you can, or whether you believe you can't, you're probably right'. Quite simply, being positive makes a positive result more likely.
Lesson 4 - Be true to yourself
Call it personal integrity, authenticity (my favourite word!), call it whatever. Remain true to your personal beliefs and values. You will not achieve things that matter to you through trying to impersonate someone else. At best, you'll be a poor imitation of this person. Instead, be the best 'you' there can be, because no one else can do that as well as you can.
Lesson 5 - Have quiet time
Some people do meditation, others might just go for a walk, do some fishing, or read a magazine. But have some quiet time in your life. It allows you to get centred, and brings the rest of your hectic life into greater perspective, as well as recharging your energy levels. In modern life, people are incessantly busy, so quiet time is a must.
Lesson 6 - Act on your feelings
Keep in touch with how you feel, especially you people who aren't paid to be in touch with them. Your feelings are a useful indicator to us of how we're doing. Do we feel good or bad at this moment, and why is this? But they are only a helpful indicator if we pay attention to them. Once you've noticed how you feel, do not be afraid to act on them where you need to.
Lesson 7 - Decide what you really want to do
You might call this a mission, vision, or life purpose. It may even be what you spiritually think you're here to do. Whatever you call it, have some big idea of what you want to do while you're here on this planet. Not only will this focus you on something that matters, it will also help you decide what to do now, so you don't spend your life wasting time on trivial matters.
Lesson 8 - Try different stuff
Variety really is the spice of life - many of these old sayings have a truth in them. Where's the fun in living the same life every day? Ground-hog day is no-ones idea of a good time. Most pensioners will tell you that it isn't what they did when they were younger that they regretted. It was the wasted opportunities, the things they didn't do when they could. What have you tried that was different today? This week? This month? This year? If the answer is 'not much', find something different to try.
There you have it - the vanilla based, hitch-hikers guide to personal development. Stripped of all the finery, these are the key lessons. If you are drawn to certain lessons more than others, there are many great books out there that will give you the detail. I'd be delighted to give you my own recommendations on other writing if you get in touch.
I will say this though. If you don't read another self help text, but you follow these rules in your life, you will see a big difference in how you get on.
Mark Eyre
A published author and personal development consultant, Mark has 25 years experience of helping people improve their performance in work and life. His focus is on careers, improving resilience and developing great relationships.
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