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The United States Of Europe Is A Joke!

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By Author: Doug Krieger
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Ascendency of the United States of Europe as the "Revived Roman Empire" and ultimate base of a future Antichrist is finished! Why? For starters: The total rejection of the European Union's Constitution by FRANCE! Isn't it about time to wake up and smell the coffee, roses, or something dead? The American New World Order System trumps all bases for a future Antichrist. Sorry, Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye--the 11th Horn of Daniel is the elephant in the photo, not that silly little, ten-toed, Euro-Canary sitting on the behemoth!


By Doug Krieger

French Reject EU Constitution—We Await Chirac's Resignation!
The anticipated rejection by the French of the much vaunted United States of Europe, and its Constitution (the vote in France was 45% for and 55% against), conclusively demonstrates, once again, European political and economic ineptitude compared to that of the United States of America—the Dutch are soon to follow the French (Notwithstanding, the toilet (a French word) was invented by a Brit by the name of Thomas Crapper not by a Frenchman.)
Imagine, the extremity of European cultural diversity, language, religion, and history have all come full circle to highlight centuries of particularism, political fratricide, and religious intolerance—none of which could convince the European mindset that unity with variety would lead to a multipolar world in which Europe would function as the political/economic counterweight to the unipolar world of the United States of America.

The French originally spearheaded the European Union's quest for economic and political integration . . . with the British providing noble resistance and forever frustrating efforts indirectly on behalf of the USA (Note: The USA from time to time gave tepid support, but all along it was only because it might be to her economic and political advantage.) The entire notion that the French would abandon their social safety net by opening up their labor markets to plumbers from Poland was ludicrous

The treaty's rejection in a bitterly contested referendum in France - the architect of the European project - could set the Continent's plans back by years and amounts to a personal humiliation for the veteran French leader (President Jacques Chirac). Treaty opponents chanting ‘We won!' gathered at Place de la Bastille, a symbol of rebellion where angry crowds in 1789 stormed the prison and sparked the French Revolution. Cars blared their horns and ‘No' campaigners thrust their arms into the air.

‘This is a great victory,'" said Fabrice Savel, 38, from the working-class suburb of Aubervilliers. He was distributing posters that read: ‘No to a free-market Europe.'

Viva la USA

As a result of all this Euro-nonsense and eco-politico-posturing (man, what a waste of time and money), the much-touted EURO—that economic counterweight, that renaissance of European leadership—collapsed to its lowest 2005 level against the almighty dollar ($1.25 EU).

No matter what kind of united face-saving device you put on this (Note the inane remarks of Gerhard Schroeder of Germany): The European Union (as a counterweight to the USA) is dead!

And . . . something else smells liked it's dead . . . and that's what we here at the Tribnet wish to point out to those who know that the New American World Order System is not about to be challenged by our European forebears and erstwhile upstarts who know NOTHING about how to become a unified economic, military, and political power under girded by moral authority based upon the so-called Judeo-Christian ethic. What might that eschatological conclusion be? You guessed it: It is a total farce to conceive, since the turn of the 20th Century, that USA ascendancy could ever be challenged by the effete Europeans and, consequently, the BASE of Antichrist is not found in the squalid political and economically deficient European quagmire but in the New Rome: The United States of America.

Furthermore, the Europeans, especially the isolated French, are so intimidated (and rightly so) by FREE MARKETS (viz., the overt intrusion by the multi-nationals—led by US corporate interests—epitomized by the WTO, IMF and World Bank)—that their idiotic celebration of the EU Constitution's defeat only belies the vacuous pride they have in their insipid ignorance of the world formed by the Merchants of the Earth who delight to feed at the trough of Babylon the Great. Don't think my seemingly prideful remarks are aimed at the French—no; they're aimed at the evangelicals of the USA who haven't a clue as to what's been happening (politically, economically, and even religiously) since Manifest Destiny under Teddy Roosevelt kicked the Spanish out of the New World.

First of all, and for those of you out there who ponder the following food fight amongst us Premillenarians as naught but asinine theological posturing (perhaps interesting but absurdly irrelevant in the sum total of whatever counts), let me assure you—there's a whole lot of present-day implications on what's going down around us and how we live in our world as a result of these ridiculous observations.

Here's where we start . . . a few quotes and comments (yours truly) from well-meaning, but totally off the mark brethren who wish to remain patriotic Americans will suffice:

The mention of a core Europe or a core group of European nations resonates with Bible prophecy in the books of Daniel and Revelation. It concerns a latter-day revival of the Roman Empire. The prophet Daniel predicts that a group of 10 ‘kings' (national leaders) will give rise to a frightening union that will fulfill many end-time prophecies. Depending on the decision of the French, and later the Dutch voters, the coming weeks may give some hint to the answer to the Economist's intriguing question: ‘And What Happens to the Beast Now?'

Imagine, brother Hal could say these remarks knowing the demise of the EU Constitution, and, ipso facto, the United States of Europe—what prophetical insight do we witness here! Come on Hal, get with the program. Your prognostications are so outmoded that even you know that the canary (really a crane) on the elephant is not the base of Antichrist, but the elephant itself!!

I repeat on behalf of the hard of seeing, the bird represents the fine efforts of Chirac and Schroeder, the elephant—apparently utterly indifferent to the free ride he's providing for the crane—represents the European nemesis, the American New World Order System.


A meaningful, but brief digression, is in order before I get back to well-meaning brethren (and, incidentally, since most of them are Premillenarian, believing that the Kingdom of Heaven is yet to manifest itself upon the earth through the miraculous intervention of the Second Coming of Christ, my only intention here is to hit them over the theological head to get their attention vis-à-vis American hegemony and the consequences of its neglect).

First of all, a short lesson in world history might be in order; and, since I'm credentialed to teach the subject (man, I'm even certified as a No Child Left Behind instructor in the subject), I already have my reward . . . but let's take a gander at the evolution of the Image seen in Daniel and alluded to in Hal's above and most recent remarks.

What Hal alluded to was the Image of Daniel and the allusion to the Ten Toes of that same Image and its counterpart found in the book of Revelation where it is referred to as the 10 Toes/10 Kings/10 Horns (Daniel 2:41-42; 7:7, 20, 24; Revelation 12:3; 13:1; 17:3, 7, 12, 16)

The above picture of the Image seen by the Gentile world leader of the Neo-Babylonian Empire (Nebuchadnezzar) envisioned the development and/or evolution of Gentile World Power set within the context of the Jewish exile; and, the commencement of Jerusalem trodden under foot of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled (Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2) is/was confirmed by Jesus in His discourse on the latter days, and, subsequently, referred to by John in the Apocalypse.

The point of the matter here, insofar as metals relate to this revelation, is that the Babylonian head of gold evolves into the silver of the Medo-Persian Empire, which in turn evolves into the Grecian bronze, and ultimately into the two legs of iron represented by the Roman Empire. This imagery of Gentile World Powers and their evolution is decidedly a progression of WESTERN CIVILIZATION, not of Islam, Asian, African, or any other civilization which would/has dominated the planet (thank you Dr. Huntington)!

Next, the Ten Toes of this Image are described as a mixture of both clay and iron—some strong and some weak—and clearly are an extension of the legs of the Roman Empire from whence they protrude (Daniel 2:33-45). It is likewise true that these 10 toes/horns are representative of ten kings and that these ten kings are European powers which in some way, shape and form constitute the original environs or sphere's of landed-influence of the Roman Empire. Up to this point Hal and Doug concur; however, it is precisely at this point our convergence has a drastic departure!

Rome's alleged demise in 476 A.D. (The Decline and Fall of Rome by Edward Gibbon) is, putting it mildly, a distortion of the historical account. Rome NEVER died—her simple metamorphosis, and I hasten to add, its ability to BORG (i.e., absorb all its enemies into the collective) all that came against her (be they the Phoenician Merchants, the Greeks and their culture, and the Christian religion). The idea that was Rome may have outwardly transformed, but the ideal of Western Empire never ceased—Western Man, though seemingly weakened (clay), nevertheless, through world colonization, began to WALK THE FACE OF THE WHOLE EARTH! (i.e., some clay nations were weaker in Europe than some of the iron nations or toes . . . for example, France was stronger than Belgium).

Yes, the Image began to walk—pray tell, for what purpose do those feet and toes stand? Just to stand? No, no, no—a thousand times no! Them feet and toes are for walkin'. And, walk they did—all over the planet: Africa, the New World (North and South America), the Middle East (to this day), Asia, Australasia, the vast regions of the Pacific and even Antarctica. Scarcely an inch of earth escaped the Image! A little walk through Africa will assist your memory: (Note: All maps can be found on the graphic version @ www.the-tribulation-network.com)
..and the Spanish (New World only) to name but a few (especially the three horns):

Now, thanks to our insightful brother and co-conspirator, Brian Piltz in Seattle, we discover a most revelatory exegesis of the following Scripture found in Daniel 7:8, 20-24:

‘I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little (i.e., younger) one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words' ((vs. 8)—Note: This is, I affirm, an immediate introduction of the Antichrist himself and of his base/kingdom.)

‘and the ten horns that were on its head, and the other horn which came up (i.e., the ELEVENTH HORN), before which three fell, namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth which spoke pompous words, whose appearance was greater than his fellows. I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them, until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom.' Thus he said: ‘The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all other kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, trample it and break it in pieces. The ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom. And another shall rise after them; He shall be different from the first ones, and shall subdue three kings' (vs. 20-24).

The sequence of disclosures recorded in Daniel 7 leave little doubt that the little horn who shall arise after them (i.e., after the Ten Horns/Toes) shall be different from the first ones (i.e., the first Ten Horns), and this younger horn shall subdue or root up three kings. Brother Piltz deduced that these three kings hail not from Orient are but are the three dominant European empires which encompassed nearly all of North America: The English, the French, and the Spanish--Britain, France and Spain. Through the Revolutionary War, the Spanish-American War, and even the French and Indian War (among other disquieting connivances), the Americans subdued these three kings/horns/toes and effectively over the last century and into the 21st Century, with their pompous declarations and fierce countenance and soon-to-be revealed World Leader/Antichrist, will/have devoured the whole planet!

Oh, well, you get the point: England, France and Spain were uprooted by the younger horn when this horn DEVOURED (i.e., uprooted or subdued) the original three. Sure, it took a while, but the ten horns who arose from the fourth beast (i.e., the original Roman Empire), and the three horns/kings (of the ten horns) who originally dominated North America eventually gave way to the one who arose after them (Daniel 7:24): The United States of America. I conclude: Some times the most obvious is the most difficult to see!

Let me be perfectly clear—count them, please:

1. England
2. France
3. Spain
4. Portugal
5. Belgium
6. Netherlands
7. Denmark
8. Italy
9. Germany
10. Russia

. . . walked the face of the entire planet and colonized the world!

These primary nations' histories are wrought with expansion and colonization—to adjudge otherwise is a complete revision of world history.

(For remainder of the article go to: http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/dougkrieger/united_states_of_europe.htm)
About the Author Doug is a member of the team at www.lastdaysnetwork.com . . . an evangelical ministry involved in news analysis relative to Religion and Politics and, as a prophetic voice, emphasize the Last Days apostasy and deception afflicting the Church, while pointing men and women to faith in Christ as the only solution to the current crisis.

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