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The Famous Italian Brand-fendi

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By Author: dreew
Total Articles: 11
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Fendi is an Italian brand name that has been around for over one hundred years. Every fashionista is sure to love a great handbag. Fendi bags are stylish, beautiful and high quality items that will last forever. To ensure quality and consistency many people purchase these at full price. However, the bags are often only available in limited qualities and they can be difficult to come by. As a result, some people choose to buy their Fendi handbags at a discount, rent them, or even consider a replica bag.

The brand name is a staple in the world of Italian fashion and design. The company was started over one hundred years ago by a husband and wife design team. The couple started with designing and making fine leather goods and fur items. Their business soon took off and their items were in demand around Italy.

If renting is not an option, some people choose to buy a faux bag. Replica bags can actually look a lot like the real thing. Just because a bag ...
... is a fake, it does not mean that it will look cheap. Some fake bags are made from high quality materials. Buying a fake designer bag is a wonderful option for people that desire the look of a brand name without the large price tag.

For the fashion lover that does not want a fake and cannot bear to give a rented bag back, real ones can be found at a discount. Older wholesale handbags can be found on Internet auction Websites and discount stores. In fact, some specialty stores even offer last season's bags at a discount. The trick is to get in touch with the store as soon as the new collection is ready for resale. The few lucky ones will walk away with an older bag that is brand new, and at a great price.

The Fendi label is associated with luxury and high fashion

The Fendi label is a name associated with luxury and high fashion. Fendi handbags are now something that celebrities are frequently seen with. Fendi was founded in 1918, making the Fendi name almost a hundred years old! Adele Casagrande was the founder of the Fendi label. She originally set up a store in Rome, Italy to sell fur and leather in a boutique-type shop. Later on, Casagrande was married to a designer and business man, who were called Eduardo Fendi. The Fendi label became very popular after the boutique name was changed to Fendi.

Fendi really took off around the second half of the Twentieth Century. During this time, Bloomingdales, an extremely popular and high-end department store started to carry Fendi wholesale handbags. This made the Fendi name internationally famous. Soon, the Fendi name began to spread all over Europe and the United States. A line that used less-expensive furs and designer accessories was created by Fendi in 1969, which was also a big hit.

Fendi handbags are now one of the most sought-after items in luxury designer wear. Due to the advancement of modern technology, people no longer need to even leave their homes to experience great luxury! You can easily buy a Fendi handbag online, but not all places are created equal. The best way to find deals for these amazing items is through luxury handbag auction sites. While there is some concern of authenticity, it is very easy to tell apart replica bags from genuine ones. Furthermore, the handbags almost always sell below retail value if you buy them through luxury handbag auction sites.

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