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Democrats Can't Win

The only chance they had from the beginning of this campaign to win the 2004 presidential election has been to advance their best candidate and hope that the President beat himself. This is a fifty- fifty bet at any given time. Instead, they chose an anybody but Bush strategy that proclaims they don't care how qualified their candidate is, or how capable. They want to win a popularity contest. They want to nominate a candidate they hope will take votes from the President.
This cockeyed strategy will also lose them majorities in the House and Senate for many elections to come. They have told the American people they are not for anything. They are simply against what is. They have done this down to the grassroots and we hear it in the comments of ordinary Democratic voters. America will now tell them if they do not care what is best for America, which is not anyone but Bush, they have no business in government.
They had a front running candidate nobody really knew. They liked the things he said. When he slipped from number one to number three in Iowa and then embarrassed them, they went looking for a new ...
... front runner - another one that nobody knows. Democrats prefer to elect strangers and hope things work out. They do not have a clue what is going on.
Every Democratic candidate who says he can beat George Bush is lying and knows it. Only George Bush can beat George Bush as Al Gore beat Al Gore in the 2000 election. He conceded it before the election was over and showed America that the Democrats would support a quitter, if they thought he could win an election. The lesson has not been lost on the rest of America. To further demonstrate their loyalty to a quitter, the Democrats then claimed he was robbed by a partisan court decision. Fact is, Al Gore lost the election when he admitted the fact to George Bush on the telephone and not when the court made it official. So when the Democrats say they will have anybody but George Bush, we can take them at their word. Anybody will do for them. The rest of us can be more discriminating.
I personally resonate with Dennis Kucinich. Both the party and the major media have written him off as an also ran. Democrats want instant gratification and to win at any cost, they won't support Dennis now and bring him back in 2008. They want Hillary Clinton then and she will lose too. I doubt the Democrats will ever be in power at the national level again.
Dennis' plan for disengagement in Iraq is the best I have seen proposed. The only one that would restore credibility to the United States and accomplish what should have been intended from the beginning.
Other candidates assure us they will never get us into another mess like this one, as though such things are only decided by presidents. They are not. But Dennis says we can create a Department of Peace to provide some balance to the war mongers in Congress and the Department of Defense. Democrats don't care about a Department of Peace and they make no attempt to hide the fact.
Dennis knows that multi- lateral trade agreements have served corporate monopolies at the expense of international labor. There is probably already sufficient support in Congress to reverse the multi- lateral trade policies but no presidential leadership in the next five years to promote the idea, save Dennis. Let's just see how much worse things can get for five years and then we will talk about it. Democrats, excepting the likes of Dick Gephardt, couldn't care less and make no attempt to hide the fact. Democrats just want to know what lies Americans will buy this election. If we are fed up with deceit, the Democrats only offer more of the same.
I could quibble with Dennis' socialism as pertains to educating 3 year olds at public expense and universal government health care, but not much. Parenting skills have become a thing of the past and economic need forces most adults into the work force, making hundreds of thousands of new latch key children, every year. Better they should be in government paid care than home alone.
Because American health care is a fraud, I don't care about making it universal. It would be nice to see some kind of check on the disease management profiteers in the insurance, drug, and medical supply and hospital industries. His single payer system could do all that if he could find sufficient Congressional support, which I doubt. I'd like to see him get a shot at it. He is the only Democratic candidate who shows great wisdom and that alone makes him an also ran in the Democratic mind. For sure, it makes him something other than a Democrat. Since the Democrats have no respect for wisdom, why should the rest of America give them a say in anything? We all know the answer. They are looking for the most convincing liar and he will be the nominee for President, like Bill Clinton was. That is what they wish they had now, a winning liar.
Some candidates are saying they will support whichever one of them is chosen nominee. In other words, if it isn't me, any Democrat will do. The short sighted infection runs from the bottom to the top of the party. Until that changes we will have one party government. Unless, of course, we have a serious movement in this country to let in the minor parties, by supporting the best candidates regardless of their perceived chances of winning.
It is way past time for Americans to vote their conscience and to stop trying to pick winners that want to keep us in the Twentieth Century. Actually, since all Democratic and Republican votes are wasted votes this year, now is the time to vote for third party candidates. That is the only way to make any votes count this year. Two party voters only elect losers, making losers of us all.
About the Author
Freelance writer published on many websites and in newspapers.
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