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Become A Life Coach
We will train you to help yourself and others
Become an extremely effective and valuable Holistic Harmony Life Coach
In the comfort of your home over the Internet.
With the author of 20 books and a trainer of Life Coaches with 35 years of experience.
Learn to help yourselves and others with a combination of traditional and ultra-modern techniques proven to free us from emotional stress and help us manifest our full potential in life.
Introductory Information
What can I expect?
In this course you will learn how to employ concepts and methods on yourself and others in order to:
1. Become anxiety-free 2. Solve emotional problems 3. Improve relationships and communication 4. Increase inner guidance 5. Become more effective in manifesting your unrealized potential 6. Develop inner peace 7. Increase self-esteem and self-confidence 8. Become more successful in all endeavors 9. Resolve inner conflicts 10. Develop purer love and other virtues
You may participate solely for your own problem solving and self-actualization, even if you do not want to work with others. You will do the same work but can choose ...
... later not to work with others.
You can receive 12 FREE preliminary introductory texts by sending an email without any message to:
Who is the Trainer?
The course is offer by Robert Elias Najemy who is the author of 20 books which have sold over 100,000 copies. He is the founder and has been the director of the Center for Harmonious Living in Athens, Greece for the last 26 years. The center has a membership of 300o clients and 600 students. He has lectured over 25,000 hours and has worked with around 20,000 persons through personal appointments, classes and seminars. He has produced over 500 cassettes and videocassettes with an abundance of information or human harmony.
He is not a psychologist, nor a doctor but rather a chemical engineer who gave up his profession 35 years ago in order to study human nature and all aspects of human health, happiness, harmony and spiritual development. He has a certificate in Counseling from the Counseling & Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (UK) and certificates as a practitioner of three forms of Energy Psychology; specifically Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Tapas Acupuncture Techniques (TAT) and Thought Field Therapy (TFT).
Robert has developed a six-year self-knowledge seminar which is taught at his school and has also been recorded on 200 acoustic and videocassettes and is thus available in other cities. He has trained more than 250 life coaches, 50 of whom now work with him in Athens, Greece and other affiliated centers around Greece and Cyprus.
How will I be educated?
This course will have various aspects: v You will receive weekly lessons by email. These will contain your regular lessons and work sheets to study and answer. v Special supplementary lessons will also be sent as the course develops. v A few books or ebooks (your choice) will supplement the lessons. v Some may choose to receive acoustic or videocassettes which supplement some lessons (optional). v Exercises will take place on the Internet through which you will learn to perform active listening with fellow trainees and experienced life coaches. v Occasionally there will be group work in an exclusive chat room in which Robert and/or other Life Coaches will participate and simultaneously teach and guide you in exercises in which you will practice analysis and active listening, psychodrama, formulation of affirmations etc.
What will be required of me?
1. You will need to have a computer in order to communicate by email and access materials from our site. 2. Your should have Microsoft Word for the texts and Abobe Acrobat Reader in order to view the ebooks and image files which will be sent to you to supplement your lessons. 3. You will need to dedicate around three hours a week studying the lessons, answering questions and communicating and performing exercises with fellow trainees. 4. To make your suggested offerings.
What will I learn?
Some of the techniques and concepts which you will be learning are listed in stages below.
In the course you will learn a combination of psychological approaches, including:
v Active Listening and basic analysis of emotions. v Cognitive therapy in which we seek to understand and transform negative beliefs. v Humanistic Psychology in which we learn to manifest our yet-unrealized potential. v Psychodrama and dialoguing for specifying deeper causes and conflicts. v Behavioral therapy in which we come into contact with our fears or resistances. v Energy Psychology which heals emotional energy fields by tapping on certain acupuncture points while focuses on the thought field or emotional field causing our emotional disturbance.
Energy psychology is by far the most effective of these systems for removing physical or emotional disturbances or obstacles towards happiness, love, peace or other more mundane goals. Some may think that they could simply learn Energy Psychology without the other training.
Our experience and resulting belief is that in order to be a good practitioner of Energy Psychology, one needs to be knowledgeable and experienced in understanding people¢s deeper emotions and beliefs. This is why we have placed this cognitive training as a prerequisite for taking our Energy Psychology training.
For more details on Energy Psychology go to: or ******
Preliminary Materials and Instructions (Free ? No certificate given) v You can receive 12 FREE preliminary introductory texts to enable you understand what this course is all about and whether it is really what you want by sending an email without any message to:
Stage I - 38 weekly lessons and 11 Supplementary Lessons plus two ebooks. (You can also get hardcopy books if you prefer.) (Verification of Participation is given for Stage I ? Methods of Analysis and Evaluation of Emotional Issues)
v Important Qualities of a Holistic Harmony Life Coach v The Seven Centers of Consciousness v The Problem of Needs and Attachments v The Psychology of Evolution v Our Emotional Mechanisms and the Basis of Analysis v How to Analyze Emotions v Concepts, Tools and Methods For Self Transformation v Active Listening for enabling others clarify their issues v The Twelve Pathways to Higher Consciousness v Specifying Goals v Dealing with Inner Resistance and Self-sabotage v Guiding others in Positive Programming v Changing our Reality Through Positive Thinking v Written Affirmations v Handling Emotions in the Present v General Approach for All Emotions v Dealing with Hurt - Bitterness - Injustice - Abused ? Pain v Dealing with Disappointment - Disillusionment ? Discouragement - Depression v Dealing with Jealousy ? Envy - Loneliness v Dealing with Anger - Hate ? Rage - Rejecting Others - Criticizing - Condemning - Blaming v Dealing with Self Doubt - Shame- Guilt - Self Rejection ? Unworthiness ?Rejection v Learning to Love Our Selves v Freeing Ourselves From Social Programming
Stage II (21 weekly lessons, two hardcopy books, 12 hours of video, 2 hours of personal attention + Certificate II given as a Holistic Harmony Emotional Freedom Practitioner.)
We will explore how EFT can be used for a wide variety of physical and emotional problems as well as for achieving goals such as:
1. What is EFT? 2. How to employ EFT 3. Uses of EFT and Dealing with Aspects 4. Working with Aspects of Emotions with EFT 5. Case Histories and a Study in Aspects in EFT 6. Working on Goals with EFT 7. EFT and self-esteem 8. EFT and Overcoming Fear 9. EFT and Health Issues 10. What to do when we are not Getting Results 11. Getting Free from Addictions with EFT 12. EFT & Opening to Love 13. Using EFT to Aid the Process of Forgiveness 14. EFT & Romantic Rejection 15. EFT and Coping With the Departure Of Loved Ones 16. EFT and Codependency 17. EFT and Dealing with the Various Roles People Play with us. 18. EFT and Improving our Communication Skills and Love Relationships 19. EFT and Resolving Inner Conflicts 20. EFT and Healing the Inner Child 21. Various Other Subjects
We will also work on perfecting the use of affirmations in healing with Energy Psychology.
Stage III (Certificate III given for Dealing with Specific Situations and Conflict Resolution)
The lesson will be:
1. Relationship Work- Part I- Working with Need Conflicts + Core Philosophy 2. Learning Life¢s Lessons + Situations and Lessons 3. Techniques for Reconciling Personas or Sub-Personalities + A Catalog of Roles 4. Freeing Ourselves from Role Conflicts and Power Games 5. More Effective Communication in Close Relationships 6. Confrontive I-Messages 7. Understanding the Sexes 8. Twelve Conscious Decisions toward a Conscious Love Relationship. 9. Our Children¢s Needs 10. Finding Our Role in Life + The Development of the Mind 11. Supporting those Who Have Lost Loved Ones + Questionnaires on the Acceptance of Death 12. Mental Exercises for Self Therapy and Self-Transformation 13. A Deep Relaxation for Self- Acceptance 14. Learning to Love Others 15. The Love Focus 16. How to Cope with Negativity 17. Circle of Love 18. Forgiveness and Freedom 19. Entertaining the Opposite Emotion 20. Forgiving Ourselves 21. Loving the Child That You Were 22. Connecting to the Divine 23. Becoming the Light 24. «Attitude Therapy» for Psychosomatic Illnesses 25. Inner Sun Healing 26. Creative Expression and Self-Therapy 27. Cultivating Talents and Abilities 28. Music & Color Relaxations 29. Identification with Our Soul
Am I obliged to take all the stages?
In most cases, the previous stages are prerequisites for each succeeding stage.
You are not obligated to continue on the next stages if you choose not to. You are free to go only as far as you like.
When can I work with others?
Our position is that it is best that you complete stage III before working professionally with clients. Even if you do not complete stage III, you will have gained so much for yourself.
However, as an EFT practitioner you can work with people after completing stage II. You, however, are responsible for knowing and abiding by the laws of your state or country concerning this.
Stage IV ($ 50)
This is a support service for those interested in facilitating growth groups. (This is an ongoing support program in which you have two hours of personal time (broken up according to your needs) by email, phone or chat with Robert Najemy concerning guidance in creating a group or problem solving in your existing groups. You may also allow a member of your group use some of your time.
Stage V Optional Live-in Intensive for those who are interested
Those having completed this training will be eligible for an intensive live-in seminar which will be announced. This is not a prerequisite to receive your Holistic Harmony Life Coach Certificate ? but simply for those who feel called to work more directly with the subconscious and with catharsis techniques. (More details will be given when a number of students are prepared and interested)
Those intensive hours of work will include:
1. Deeper Analysis and Transformation through various techniques which work on transforming the conscious and subconscious mind as well the relationship between them. Towards the end, attention is given towards higher aspects of mental functioning.
a. The transformation of physical problems in the subconscious.
b. Transforming emotions and thought-forms in the subconscious. 2. Healing the inner child & subconscious through regressions and EFT. 3. Body centered release of emotions, with emphasis on feelings of hurt, anger, guilt and fear, by focusing on physical and energy phenomena and allowing them to build, expand and release through breath, sound, movement, facial expressions and crying. 4. Creative self-expression is used as a therapy as well as a means of self-discovery and self-empowerment. 1. Dance 2. Drawing 3. Singing, chanting, 4. Drumming, 5. Games
5. Work therapy is used to help persons focus less on their problems and experience a sense of meaning by working with others and for others.
6. Selfless service to the whole is encouraged so that persons can develop feelings of unity and meaningfulness in their lives.
We also suggest that our Life Coaches supplement their methods with knowledge of some form of energy-balancing such as shiatsu massage, Reiki and / or spiritual healing. More details are available for those who are interested.
Accreditation and Legal Aspects
This course is not accredited by any University, but only by the Center for Harmonious Living. In most states (USA) and countries anyone has the right to counsel or support another psychologically, as long as he or she states exactly what their training is and does not pretend to be something they are not (such as a psychologist or doctor).
This means that, in most cases, you have every legal right to help those around you with these extremely effective methods as long as you explain to them what your qualifications are (Holistic Harmony Life Coach) and what techniques you will be using. These techniques are, in our experience, quite simple and non-intrusive.
However, in our world of lawsuits (basically in the USA ? as in most other parts of the world, this problem does not exist) you might want to ask each person to sign an agreement stating that they realize that their physical and mental health is solely their responsibility. Clarify that you can in no way be held responsible for their reality. (We have been doing this work for 30 years with around 20,o00 people and have not had even one problem ? but it is best to be covered.)
In the same way, we will be asking you to sign a similar statement releasing the Center for Harmonious Living, the Holistic Harmony Network and Robert Elias Najemy himself of any responsibility for your physical or emotional health and, of course, that of your clients.
Our approach is very mild (though effective) and is always done with great respect for each individual¢s needs and process of growth.
Our first rule is not to push anyone further than they can comfortably move at any particular moment.
Our second is not to give advice but rather ask questions that allow the client to investigate all options and clarify what he or she wants to do.
With these two basic rules, the possibility of problems is very unlikely. Despite this, you may want to cover yourself legally just as we will with you.
How much will it cost?
This is probably the cheapest training per hour of this quality which has ever taken place. For the last 30 years we have been dedicated to helping people with their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues as a voluntary service. Training you to solve your own problems and to aid others in the same process is important to us. Our hope is that by offering this so cheaply to you, you in turn will never turn down a person in need due to financial reasons.
In the same way, those who really cannot afford the offerings for each stage are welcome to ask for help. But please check with your conscience first and be sure that you really do not have enough to give towards this cause.
The offerings for each part of the seminar are listed below. They are calculated based on a factor of only $ 10 per hour of the time we will spend reviewing and correcting your work as well as corresponding with you and guiding you. This is a one time offer that will necessarily change after the first group is trained.
When most psychologists and life coaches are requesting over $ 70 to $ 150 per hour for their time, we feel that this is basically a service rather than a paid fee.
Although this is a form of distance learning, each section will have a starting and finishing date so as to create a specific group of students who are working together over the Internet in order to learn this material and these techniques.
Here are the suggested offerings
These will increase considerably after these initial special offers.
You are welcome to make donations towards our work at:
Preliminary Materials and Instructions (Free ? No certificate given)
****** Stage I - For only $ 150 you receive: 38 lessons + 11 supplementary lessons, 16 hours of personal attention, 2 ebooks & Verification of Participation for Stage I ? Methods of Analysis and Evaluation of Emotional Issues) ****** Stage II - For only $ 220 you receive: 21 lessons, 12 hours of video, one book & Certificate II awarded as a Holistic Harmony Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner. ****** Stage III - For only $ 70 you receive: 29 lessons, 2 hours of personal attention & Certificate III given for Counselors Dealing with Specific Situations and Conflict Resolution)
****** Stage IV ? For only $ 50 you receive: two hours of support for your groups or personal appointments.
How can I learn more?
You can receive 12 FREE preliminary introductory texts by sending an email without any message to:
To register for stage I or for more information, communicate with us at
About the Author
Robert Elias Najemy who is the author of 20 books which have sold over 100,000 copies. He is the founder and has been the director of the Center for Harmonious Living in Athens, Greece for the last 26 years. The center has a membership of 3000 clients and 600 students. He has lectured over 25,000 hours and has worked with around 20,000 persons through personal appointments, classes and seminars. He has produced over 500 cassettes and videocassettes with an abundance of information or human harmony. He is not a psychologist, nor a doctor but rather a chemical engineer who gave up his profession 35 years ago in order to study human nature and all aspects of human health, happiness, harmony and spiritual development. He has a certificate in Counseling from the Counseling & Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (UK) and certificates as a practitioner of three forms of Energy Psychology; specifically Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Tapas Acupuncture Techniques (TAT) and Thought Field Therapy (TFT). Robert has developed a six-year self-knowledge seminar which is taught at his school and has also been recorded on 200 acoustic and videocassettes and is thus available in other cities. He has trained more than 250 life coaches, 50 of whom now work with him in Athens, Greece and other affiliated centers around Greece and Cyprus. His site is
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