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An Ecourse? Why Would I Want One??

It should be no surprise that eCourses are an effective marketing
tool for you. Just follow the lead of some of the top marketers
online today and you will see more and more of them are developing
their own eCourses.
eCourses create fantastic results:
1. They are an effective way to bring in more subscribers to your newsletters.
2. They can be the basis of creating a new opt-in list.
3. They generate profits.
The thing I like the best about eCourses is the way they help with three
fundamentals in marketing, which are:
Number One... You have heard it said numerous times... "That in order to
succeed online, you need a list(s)."
An eCourse provides you with the means of building a list. For the price of
an email address, a prospect gives their permission for you to send them your
course...BINGO now you have a name and address and you can start to build
upon gaining trust with that person.
Number Two... People will do business with people they; know, like and trust.
eCourses ...
... provide an excellent way to build trust and create a rapport with
people through providing good, quality information. Information that will
peg you as the "expert" in your given field. When you have the "trust" of
your prospects they are more apt to take your recommendations into
consideration, which of course and let's be honest here, leads to additional
revenue for you.
Number Three... It takes between 7-10 exposures to your business before a
prospect will register your business in their mind.
eCourses provide you with a medium in order to create that exposure. Stop and
think about that for a second and you will soon see how that can work to your
A typical eCourse is about 5-7 days in length...each day a new "lesson" is sent
to your prospect which is an additional "hit" or "exposure" that they have
received. That is an additional time that you and your business have their
direct attention.
After the completion of the course you follow up with them on a regular basis
and provide more great content and of course offers.
The benefits of offering your own eCourse don't stop there, there are many
more...however, the two that really "hit home" are these:
1. Automation Let's face it...time is NEVER on our side, so with that said the
more "email marketing systems" that we have in place which will capture
email addresses for us and send out the information that is requested...the
Better! That is the beauty of an eCourse.
You write it, (hey, did I just hear you grasp for breath at the thought of writing
your own course? Don't worry there is a resource below to help you), plug it into
an autoresponder and are ready to start giving it away. The system
takes care of itself.
2. LEVERAGE (my personal favorite)
Ok, picture this...You have written your 7 day eCourse, and on the very last day,
you include an offer to the "prospect" saying that they have permission to upload
YOUR eCourse to their autoresponder and offer it to their networks and down-lines.
They of course are biting at the bit to do it, because it is good quality information
and they are now able to use it as a means of building a list of their own...but it
gets even better.
By offering YOUR eCourse to them, you are now LEVERAGING yourself through
their marketing efforts. They are going to start giving it away, for the price of
an email address, to people that perhaps you may never have even reached on
your own, which of course leads to...EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE.
Because your name and contact information is on each and every autoresponder
that your course is uploaded on.
That is in my terms LEVERAGE...but using online marketing terms it also is
referred to as VIRAL MARKETING.
How powerful is that???
John D. Rockefeller once said: "I would rather earn 1% off of 100 people's
efforts than 100% of my own efforts."
Hmmm, I think that pretty much hits it out of the ballpark for you and you get
the idea of just how powerful eCourses are and why you need one.
The question is, knowing what you know now, are you going to act on it and put
this email marketing tactic to work for you?
Automatic Income Streams is a fantastic ebook which will walk you through
the process of developing your own quality, information driven eCourse. Yes,
your OWN...not someone else's. It all boils down to my person belief...why
rent when you can own ;o)
It will help you from Concept to Delivery, even offers you with good solid
suggestions for resale rights if that is the way you want to go. You will also
receive an eCourse template that you can use for your own eCourse. It is a
good resource and one that should be in any Marketing Library. Check it out
About the Author
Denise Ryder is a Marketing Coach writing from her home
office in Northern Ontario (Canada). Hey...are you a do-it
yourself marketer? Are you struggling a little? Need just a
little help??? Can you imagine how far your business could
grow with a Marketing Coach in your pocket??? Take a no
cost Test Drive TODAY!!
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