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Florida Lemon Law Statutes

Florida Lemon Law Chapter 681
Florida Lemon Law 681.10 Short title.--
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act."
History.--s. 1, ch. 83-69; s. 1, ch. 85-240; s. 19, ch. 88-95; s. 4, ch. 91-429.
Florida Lemon Law 681.101 Legislative intent.--
The Legislature recognizes that a motor vehicle is a major consumer purchase and that a defective motor vehicle undoubtedly creates a hardship for the consumer. The Legislature further recognizes that a duly franchised motor vehicle dealer is an authorized service agent of the manufacturer. It is the intent of the Legislature that a good faith motor vehicle warranty complaint by a consumer be resolved by the manufacturer within a specified period of time; however, it is not the intent of the Legislature that a consumer establish the presumption of a reasonable number of attempts as to each manufacturer that provides a warranty directly to the consumer. It is further the intent of the Legislature to provide the statutory procedures whereby a consumer may receive a replacement ...
... motor vehicle, or a full refund, for a motor vehicle which cannot be brought into conformity with the warranty provided for in this chapter. However, nothing in this chapter shall in any way limit or expand the rights or remedies which are otherwise available to a consumer under any other law.
History.--s. 2, ch. 83-69; s. 1, ch. 84-55; ss. 1, 19, ch. 88-95; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1, ch. 97-245.
Florida Lemon Law 681.102 Definitions.-- As used in this chapter, the term:
1. "Authorized service agent" means any person, including a franchised motor vehicle dealer, who is authorized by the manufacturer to service motor vehicles. In the case of a recreational vehicle when there are two or more manufacturers, an authorized service agent for any individual manufacturer is any person, including a franchised motor vehicle dealer, who is authorized to service the items warranted by that manufacturer. The term does not include a rental car company authorized to repair rental vehicles.
2. "Board" means the Florida New Motor Vehicle Arbitration Board.
3. "Collateral charges" means those additional charges to a consumer wholly incurred as a result of the acquisition of the motor vehicle. For the purposes of this chapter, collateral charges include, but are not limited to, manufacturer-installed or agent-installed items or service charges, earned finance charges, sales taxes, and title charges.
4. "Consumer" means the purchaser, other than for purposes of resale, or the lessee, of a motor vehicle primarily used for personal, family, or household purposes; any person to whom such motor vehicle is transferred for the same purposes during the duration of the Lemon Law rights period; and any other person entitled by the terms of the warranty to enforce the obligations of the warranty.
5. "Days" means calendar days.
6. "Department" means the Department of Legal Affairs.
7. "Division" means the Division of Consumer Services of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
8. "Incidental charges" means those reasonable costs to the consumer which are directly caused by the nonconformity of the motor vehicle.
9. "Lease price" means the aggregate of the capitalized cost, as defined in s. 521.003(2), and each of the following items to the extent not included in the capitalized cost:
1. Lessor's earned rent charges through the date of repurchase.
2. Collateral charges, if applicable.
3. Any fee paid to another to obtain the lease.
4. Any insurance or other costs expended by the lessor for the benefit of the lessee.
5. An amount equal to state and local sales taxes, not otherwise included as collateral charges, paid by the lessor when the vehicle was initially purchased.
10. "Lemon Law rights period" means the period ending 24 months after the date of the original delivery of a motor vehicle to a consumer.
11. "Lessee" means any consumer who leases a motor vehicle for 1 year or more pursuant to a written lease agreement which provides that the lessee is responsible for repairs to such motor vehicle or any consumer who leases a motor vehicle pursuant to a lease-purchase agreement.
12. "Lessee cost" means the aggregate deposit and rental payments previously paid to the lessor for the leased vehicle but excludes debt from any other transaction.
13. "Lessor" means a person who holds title to a motor vehicle that is leased to a lessee under a written lease agreement or who holds the lessor's rights under such agreement.
14. "Recreational vehicle" means a motor vehicle primarily designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel use, but does not include a van conversion.
15. "Replacement motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle which is identical or reasonably equivalent to the motor vehicle to be replaced, as the motor vehicle to be replaced existed at the time of acquisition. "Reasonably equivalent to the motor vehicle to be replaced" means the manufacturer's suggested retail price of the replacement vehicle shall not exceed 105 percent of the manufacturer's suggested retail price of the motor vehicle to be replaced. In the case of a recreational vehicle, "reasonably equivalent to the motor vehicle to be replaced" means the retail price of the replacement vehicle shall not exceed 105 percent of the purchase price of the recreational vehicle to be replaced.
16. "Warranty" means any written warranty issued by the manufacturer, or any affirmation of fact or promise made by the manufacturer, excluding statements made by the dealer, in connection with the sale of a motor vehicle to a consumer which relates to the nature of the material or workmanship and affirms or promises that such material or workmanship is free of defects or will meet a specified level of performance.
History.--s. 3, ch. 83-69; s. 2, ch. 84-55; s. 2, ch. 85-240; s. 1, ch. 86-229; ss. 2, 19, ch. 88-95; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 2, ch. 92-88; s. 2, ch. 97-245; s. 2, ch. 98-128; s. 21, ch. 99-164.
Florida Lemon Law 681.103 Duty of manufacturer to conform a motor vehicle to the warranty.--
1. If a motor vehicle does not conform to the warranty and the consumer first reports the problem to the manufacturer or its authorized service agent during the Lemon Law rights period, the manufacturer or its authorized service agent shall make such repairs as are necessary to conform the vehicle to the warranty, irrespective of whether such repairs are made after the expiration of the Lemon Law rights period. Such repairs shall be at no cost to the consumer if made during the term of the manufacturer's written express warranty. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to grant an extension of the Lemon Law rights period or to expand the time within which a consumer must file a claim under this chapter.
Florida Lemon Law 681.108 Dispute-settlement procedures.--
1. If a manufacturer has established a procedure, which the division has certified as substantially complying with the provisions of 16 C.F.R. part 703, in effect October 1, 1983, and with the provisions of this chapter and the rules adopted under this chapter, and has informed the consumer how and where to file a claim with such procedure pursuant to s. 681.103(3), the provisions of s. 681.104(2) apply to the consumer only if the consumer has first resorted to such procedure. The decisionmakers for a certified procedure shall, in rendering decisions, take into account all legal and equitable factors germane to a fair and just decision, including, but not limited to, the warranty; the rights and remedies conferred under 16 C.F.R. part 703, in effect October 1, 1983; the provisions of this chapter; and any other equitable considerations appropriate under the circumstances. Decisionmakers and staff of a procedure shall be trained in the provisions of this chapter and in 16 C.F.R. part 703, in effect October 1, 1983. In an action brought by a consumer concerning an alleged nonconformity, the decision that results from a certified procedure is admissible in evidence.
2. A manufacturer may apply to the division for certification of its procedure. After receipt and evaluation of the application, the division shall certify the procedure or notify the manufacturer of any deficiencies in the application or the procedure.
3. A certified procedure or a procedure of an applicant seeking certification shall submit to the division a copy of each settlement approved by the procedure or decision made by a decisionmaker within 30 days after the settlement is reached or the decision is rendered. The decision or settlement must contain at a minimum the:
1. Name and address of the consumer;
2. Name of the manufacturer and address of the dealership from which the motor vehicle was purchased;
3. Date the claim was received and the location of the procedure office that handled the claim;
4. Relief requested by the consumer;
5. Name of each decisionmaker rendering the decision or person approving the settlement;
6. Statement of the terms of the settlement or decision;
7. Date of the settlement or decision; and
8. Statement of whether the decision was accepted or rejected by the consumer.
1. Manufacturers shall submit to arbitration conducted by the board if such arbitration is requested by a consumer and the dispute is deemed eligible for arbitration by the division pursuant to s. 681.109.
2. The board shall hear the dispute within 40 days and render a decision within 60 days after the date the request for arbitration is approved. The board may continue the hearing on its own motion or upon the request of a party for good cause shown. A request for continuance by the consumer constitutes waiver of the time periods set forth in this subsection. The Department of Legal Affairs, at the board's request, may investigate disputes, and may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and for the production of records, documents, and other evidence before the board. The failure of the board to hear a dispute or render a decision within the prescribed periods does not invalidate the decision.
3. At all arbitration proceedings, the parties may present oral and written testimony, present witnesses and evidence relevant to the dispute, cross-examine witnesses, and be represented by counsel. The board may administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses and inspect the vehicle if requested by a party or if the board deems such inspection appropriate.
4. The board shall grant relief, if a reasonable number of attempts have been undertaken to correct a nonconformity or nonconformities.
History.--ss. 7, 19, ch. 88-95; s. 18, ch. 91-110; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 7, ch. 92-88; s. 55, ch. 95-211; s. 6, ch. 97-245.
Florida Lemon Law 681.1096 RV Mediation and Arbitration Program; creation and qualifications.--
1. This section and s. 681.1097 shall apply to disputes determined eligible under this chapter involving recreational vehicles acquired on or after October 1, 1997.
2. Each manufacturer of a recreational vehicle involved in a dispute that is determined eligible under this chapter, including chassis and component manufacturers which separately warrant the chassis and components and which otherwise meet the definition of manufacturer set forth in s. 681.102(14), shall participate in a mediation and arbitration program that is deemed qualified by the department.
3. In order to be deemed qualified by the department, the mediation and arbitration program must, at a minimum, meet the following requirements:
1. The program must be administered by an administrator and staff that are sufficiently insulated from the manufacturer to ensure impartial mediation and arbitration services and to ensure that a manufacturer does not make decisions as to whether a consumer's dispute proceeds to mediation or arbitration.
2. Program administration fees must be paid by the manufacturer and no such fees shall be charged to a consumer.
3. The program must be competently and adequately funded and staffed at a level sufficient to ensure the provision of fair and expeditious dispute resolution services
4. Program mediators and arbitrators must be sufficiently insulated from a manufacturer to ensure the provision of impartial mediation and arbitration of disputes.
5. Program mediators and arbitrators shall not be employed by a manufacturer or a motor vehicle dealer.
6. Program mediators must complete a Florida Supreme Court certified circuit or county mediation training program or other mediation training program approved by the department.
7. Program mediators must comply with the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators issued by the American Arbitration Association, the Dispute Resolution Section of the American Bar Association, and the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution.
8. Program arbitrators must complete a Florida Supreme Court certified circuit or county arbitration program or other arbitration training program approved by the department.
9. Program arbitrators must comply with the Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes published by the American Arbitration Association and the American Bar Association in 1977 and as amended.
1. Upon determination that an application is eligible, the program administrator shall notify the consumer and all involved manufacturers in writing that an eligible application has been received. Such notification shall include a statement that a mediation conference will be scheduled, shall identify the assigned mediator, and provide information regarding the program's procedures. The program administrator shall provide all involved manufacturers with a copy of the completed application and obtain from each manufacturer a written response to the allegations contained in the application along with copies of any documents in support of such response. The written response shall be on a form and submitted in the manner prescribed by the program.
2. The mediator shall be selected and assigned by the program administrator. The parties may factually object to a mediator based upon the mediator's past or present relationship with a party or a party's attorney, direct or indirect, whether financial, professional, social, or of any other kind. The program administrator shall consider any such objection, determine its validity, and notify the parties of any determination. If the objection is determined valid, the program administrator shall assign another mediator to the case.
3. At the mediation conference, the mediator shall assist the parties' efforts to reach a mutually acceptable settlement of their dispute; however, the mediator shall not impose any settlement upon the parties.
4. Upon conclusion of the mediation conference, the mediator shall notify the program administrator that the case has settled or remains at an impasse.
5. If the mediation conference ends in an impasse, it shall proceed to arbitration pursuant to subsection (5). The program administrator shall immediately notify the parties in writing that the dispute will proceed to arbitration and shall identify the assigned arbitrator.
6. If the parties enter into a settlement at any time after the dispute has been submitted to the program, such settlement must be reduced to legible writing, signed by the consumer and all involved manufacturers, and filed with the program administrator. All settlements must contain, at a minimum, the following information:
1. Name and address of the consumer.
2. Name and address of each involved manufacturer.
3. Year, make, model, and vehicle identification number of the subject recreational vehicle.
4. Name and address of the dealership from which the recreational vehicle was acquired.
5. Date the claim was received by the program administrator.
6. Name of the mediator and/or arbitrator, if any.
7. A complete statement of the terms of the agreement, including, but not limited to: whether the vehicle is to be reacquired by a manufacturer and the identity of the manufacturer that will reacquire the vehicle; the amount of any moneys to be paid by the consumer or a manufacturer; the year, make, and model of any replacement motor vehicle or motor vehicle accepted by the consumer as a trade-assist; the date, time, location, and nature of any agreed-upon repair or replacement of a component part or accessory and an estimate as to the anticipated length of time for such repair or replacement; and a time certain for performance not to exceed 40 days from the date the settlement agreement is signed by the parties.
7. If a manufacturer fails to perform within the time required in any settlement agreement, the consumer must notify the program administrator of such failure in writing within 30 days of the required performance date. Within 10 days of receipt of such notice, the program administrator shall determine whether the dispute is eligible to proceed to arbitration and shall schedule the matter for an arbitration hearing pursuant to subsection (5). If the program administrator determines the dispute is not eligible for arbitration, the dispute shall be rejected pursuant to subsection (3).
5. Arbitration proceedings shall be open to the public on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms.
1. The arbitration hearing shall be conducted by a single arbitrator assigned by the program administrator. The arbitrator shall not be the same person as the mediator who conducted the prior mediation conference in the dispute. The parties may factually object to an arbitrator based on the arbitrator's past or present relationship with a party or a party's attorney, direct or indirect, whether financial, professional, social, or of any other kind. The program administrator shall consider any such objection, determine its validity, and notify the parties of any determination. If the objection is determined valid, the program administrator shall assign another arbitrator to the case.
2. The arbitrator may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and for the production of records, documents, and other evidence. Subpoenas so issued shall be served and, upon application to the court by a party to the arbitration, enforced in the manner provided by law for the service and enforcement of subpoenas in civil actions. Fees for attendance as a witness shall be the same as for a witness in the circuit court.
3. At all program arbitration proceedings, the parties may present oral and written testimony, present witnesses and evidence relevant to the dispute, cross-examine witnesses, and be represented by counsel. The technical rules of evidence as are applicable to civil court proceedings do not apply to arbitrations conducted by the program. The arbitrator shall record the arbitration hearing and shall have the power to administer oaths. The arbitrator may inspect the vehicle if requested by a party or if the arbitrator considers such inspection appropriate. The parties may, by mutual written agreement, consent to expand the scope of the arbitration hearing to permit consideration by the arbitrator of warranty claims by the consumer that may not be covered under this chapter, provided such claims were first reported by the consumer to the manufacturer or its authorized service agent during the term of the manufacturer's express warranty.
4. The program arbitrator may continue a hearing on his or her own motion or upon the request of a party for good cause shown. A request for continuance by the consumer constitutes a waiver of the time period set forth in s. 681.1096(3)(k) for completion of all proceedings under the program.
5. The arbitrator shall, in rendering decisions, take into account all legal and equitable factors germane to a fair and just decision, including, but not limited to, the warranty and the provisions of this chapter.
6. In any civil action arising under this chapter relating to a dispute arbitrated pursuant to this section, the decision of the arbitrator is admissible in evidence.
7. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this section.
History.--s. 8, ch. 97-245; s. 34, ch. 2001-196; s. 3, ch. 2002-71; s. 22, ch. 2002-235; s. 3, ch. 2005-141.
Florida Lemon Law 681.110 Compliance and disciplinary actions.--
The Department of Legal Affairs may enforce and ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter and rules adopted thereunder, may issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses and production of evidence, and may seek relief in the circuit court to compel compliance with such subpoenas. The Department of Legal Affairs may impose a civil penalty against a manufacturer not to exceed $1,000 for each count or separate offense. The proceeds from the fine imposed herein shall be placed in the Motor Vehicle Warranty Trust Fund in the Department of Legal Affairs for implementation and enforcement of this chapter.
History.--s. 6, ch. 85-240; ss. 8, 19, ch. 88-95; s. 4, ch. 91-429.
Florida Lemon Law 681.111 Unfair or deceptive trade practice.--
A violation by a manufacturer of this chapter is an unfair or deceptive trade practice as defined in part II of chapter 501.
History.--s. 7, ch. 85-240; ss. 9, 19, ch. 88-95; s. 4, ch. 91-429.
Florida Lemon Law 681.112 Consumer remedies.--
1. A consumer may file an action to recover damages caused by a violation of this chapter. The court shall award a consumer who prevails in such action the amount of any pecuniary loss, litigation costs, reasonable attorney's fees, and appropriate equitable relief.
2. An action brought under this chapter must be commenced within 1 year after the expiration of the Lemon Law rights period, or, if a consumer resorts to an informal dispute-settlement procedure or submits a dispute to the division or board, within 1 year after the final action of the procedure, division, or board.
3. This chapter does not prohibit a consumer from pursuing other rights or remedies under any other law.
History.--ss. 10, 19, ch. 88-95; s. 4, ch. 91-429.
Florida Lemon Law 681.113 Dealer liability.--
Except as provided in ss. 681.103(3) and 681.114(2), nothing in this chapter imposes any liability on a dealer as defined in s. 320.60(11)(a) or creates a cause of action by a consumer against a dealer, except for written express warranties made by the dealer apart from the manufacturer's warranties. A dealer may not be made a party defendant in any action involving or relating to this chapter, except as provided in this section. The manufacturer shall not charge back or require reimbursement by the dealer for any costs, including, but not limited to, any refunds or vehicle replacements, incurred by the manufacturer arising out of this chapter, in the absence of evidence that the related repairs had been carried out by the dealer in a manner substantially inconsistent with the manufacturer's published instructions.
History.--ss. 11, 19, ch. 88-95; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 9, ch. 97-245.
Florida Lemon Law 681.114 Resale of returned vehicles.--
1. A manufacturer who accepts the return of a motor vehicle by reason of a settlement, determination, or decision pursuant to this chapter shall notify the department and report the vehicle identification number of that motor vehicle within 10 days after such acceptance, transfer, or disposal of the vehicle, whichever occurs later.
2. A person shall not knowingly lease, sell at wholesale or retail, or transfer a title to a motor vehicle returned by reason of a settlement, determination, or decision pursuant to this chapter or similar statute of another state unless the nature of the nonconformity is clearly and conspicuously disclosed to the prospective transferee, lessee, or buyer, and the manufacturer warrants to correct such nonconformity for a term of 1 year or 12,000 miles, whichever occurs first. The Department of Legal Affairs shall prescribe by rule the form, content, and procedure pertaining to such disclosure statement.
3. As used in this section, the term "settlement" means an agreement entered into between a manufacturer and consumer that occurs after a dispute is submitted to a procedure or program or is approved for arbitration before the board.
History.--ss. 12, 19, ch. 88-95; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 8, ch. 92-88; s. 10, ch. 97-245.
Florida Lemon Law 681.115 Certain agreements void.--
Any agreement entered into by a consumer that waives, limits, or disclaims the rights set forth in this chapter, or that requires a consumer not to disclose the terms of such agreement as a condition thereof, is void as contrary to public policy. The rights set forth in this chapter shall extend to a subsequent transferee of such motor vehicle.
History.--ss. 13, 19, ch. 88-95; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 9, ch. 92-88; s. 35, ch. 2001-196.
Florida Lemon Law 681.116 Preemption.--
This chapter preempts any similar county or municipal ordinance regarding consumer warranty rights resulting from the acquisition of a motor vehicle in this state.
History.--ss. 14, 19, ch. 88-95; s. 4, ch. 91-429.
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