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Triphala: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, & Side Effects

Triphala – The wonder herb in Ayurveda
Triphala benefits
Triphala is one of the most popular medicines in Ayurveda and the most prescribed Ayurvedic formula. Triphala means’ three fruits.’
These three fruits are :
Haritaki- Terminalia Chebula
Bhibhitaki- Terminalia belerica
Amalaki- Embilica Officinalis (Indian gooseberry)
These trees grow in India and the Middle East.
The fruits of these three plants are collected in the appropriate season and dried. The seeds are removed, and the fruits are mixed equally by weight.
The mixture is then ground to make a fine powder.
Seeds need not be removed if one wishes to make a decoction.
Each of the components of Triphala has a medicinal property, but when combined, they make a potent combination with unique qualities that can alleviate several diseases.
In Ayurveda
Each of the three drugs acts on one particular dosha. For example, Haritaki pacifies Vata, while Bibhitaki and Amalaki pacify Kapha and Pitta.
Triphala has the unique property of balancing all ...
... three doshas. This makes it one of the few drugs in Ayurveda that can be taken irrespective of the individual’s body type.
It is mild enough for daily use without fear of side effects or habit formation.
Ayurveda texts describe Triphala as ‘Rasayana’ or rejuvenator.
Taste: Astringent, bitter, pungent, sour, sweet
Virya: Ushna (warm)
Guna (property): light and dry
Dosha: Tridoshic or balances all constitutions
Prabhava: Rasayana (It builds Ojas or innate strength)
Traditional uses
Rasayana (revitalize) • Srotoshodhak (detoxifies micro channels)
Anulomana( mild laxative) • Sthoulyanashak ( removes excessive fat )
Deepana (appetizer) • Kanthya (to nurture voice quality)
Pachana (digestive) • Keshya (for strengthening hair roots)
Vrana prakshalan( washing of wounds) • Keshranjana ( enriching hair color)
Amlapittanashak (antacid) • Chakshushaya (improving eyesight
As Gandoosh (gargles for improving oral health)
In modern medicine
Modern scientific research and clinical trials on animals have proved beyond doubt that Triphala has several effects.
Scavenger of free radicals • Improves circulation (potentiates adrenergic function)
Anti-inflammatory • Marked cardio-protective effect
Antioxidant • Improves digestion
Antipyretic • Reduces high blood pressure
Improves liver function • Antibacterial and wound healing
Anticancer and chemoprotective • Normalises blood pH
Anti-stress • Anti-ageing
Hypoglycemic • Serum Cholesterol-lowering
Blood purifying
How to use Triphala
Triphala should be used daily to derive maximum benefits from this beautiful herbal formula.
It is available in three forms:
Fresh /dried fruits
Powder made out of whole fruit
Capsules/tablets containing whole fruit powder or extract
Fruits are not available easily, so powder/capsules should be used.
Only whole fruit products are recommended. Products containing active principles are against the principles of Ayurveda.
The taste will be unpalatable initially, particularly for Western society, as they are not used to astringent and bitter tastes. Both these tastes are essential for total health and must form an integral part of one’s daily diet. Slowly, as habit develops, the drink will start tasting sweet.
Generally, Triphala taken in the morning promotes Rasayana (rejuvenation) action, while it shows a laxative effect in the evening.
Triphala for Oral Health
Tooth powder
Apply a little powder to the toothbrush and start brushing. The mouth will start producing excessive mucus, a regular cleansing action. It will taste worse than any toothpaste, but the oral health benefits will be much more significant.
Add one teaspoon(1 g) of powder in 100 ml of water and leave it overnight in an iron/steel pot. Boil for one minute in the morning and then filter it. Rinse the mouth with it for 2 minutes.
Triphala drink
For overweight
Add one teaspoon(1 g) of powder to a glass of water and leave it overnight in an iron or steel pot. First thing in the morning, warm the liquid (don’t heat) and add one teaspoon of honey, leaving the settled powder behind.
For underweight
This drink is not ideal for the underweight. If they wish to take Triphala for its health benefits, they should take it just before food, and honey should not be added.
For a balanced body constitution
The drink should be taken first thing in the morning without honey.
The powder can be reused till it lends taste, i.e., 2-3 times depending on the freshness of the powder.
Triphala eye wash
Soak one teaspoon of powder in 50 ml of water overnight. Filter it in the morning and splash it on the eyes. This is beneficial for general eye health and for particular conditions like conjunctivitis, early stages of cataracts, Horner Trantas, etc.
Triphala wash for wounds and skin.
In our practice, we use coarse Triphala powder to make a decoction after reducing it by one-fourth. If coarse powder is unavailable, fine powder should be mixed in water and boiled for one minute. Then, it should be allowed to cool and wash wounds or skin.
Triphala washes for Hair.
The preparation mentioned above can be used to wash Hair. Massage the scalp with it for about 2-3 minutes, and then rinse with plain water. It will nourish hair roots, making Hair soft and silky and preventing premature graying and falling. The cleansing action on the scalp controls dandruff.
Triphala for digestive health
Triphala lassi
This is the best Triphala preparation for digestive health. Make it a habit to take this drink with meals instead of water.
Add one teaspoon of powder to 100 ml of water and leave it overnight in an iron or steel pot. In the morning, mix two tablespoons of yogurt with this water; also, add sugar/ salt and cumin powder to taste. Stir well and drink with food. Sugar, salt, and cumin powder will make this drink palatable.
This drink will care for intestinal flora, normalize intestinal motility, remove unwanted toxins/materials from the gut, and enhance absorption and assimilation in the intestines. It will also serve as a tonic for the intestinal nervous system and our Immunity, as 70% of our Immunity lies in the gut.
Otherwise, Triphala powder (one teaspoon/1 gm) can be taken halfway through meals mixed with food or water.
Triphala for constipation
Take one tablespoon of Triphala powder at bedtime with warm water.
It differs from other laxatives like senna rhubarb, leptandra, buckthorn psyllium, and flax seed.
Triphala combines both nutritional and blood- and liver-cleansing properties. It has little function as a demulcent or lubricating laxative. However, it possesses some anthraquinones that help to stimulate bile flow and peristalsis.
The nutritional aspect is its high vitamin C content, linoleic oil, and other essential nutrients that make it more of a tonic. Triphala will be helpful for all kinds of constipation except that caused by a lack of vital energy.
Triphala as Rasayana (Rejuvenation/total health)
Mix one tablespoon of powder with some water to make a paste. Apply the paste to an iron or steel pot and leave it for 24 hours. Then remove the paste in the morning (after 24 hrs) and mix it with two tablespoons of honey and 50 ml of water. Drink this mixture in the morning.
If the powder of each fruit is available, take half a teaspoon of Hareetaki on an empty stomach, Three-fourths a teaspoon of Bibeethaki half an hour before lunch, and one teaspoon of Amalaki two hours after food—all with honey and cow’s ghee(purified butter).
Regular use of Triphala following any of these two methods for one year will result in longevity and disease-free life.
Triphala Veggie
In rural India, fresh Triphala fruits are cooked in sesame oil with onions, tomatoes, and spices like cumin, fenugreek, parsley, ginger, etc. Since fresh fruits are unavailable in the cities, the Triphala drink can be used to cook vegetables and rice and knead flour.
With milk
Bleeding disorders
Acute diarrhea and Dysentery
Excessively Underweight
So enjoy nature’s gift to mankind
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