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About 70-270
Intended Audience
Anyone who wants to learn about Windows XP Professional will find this book useful. This book was developed for information technology (IT) professionals who need to design, plan, implement, and support Windows XP Professional or who plan to take the related Microsoft Certified Professional 70-270 exam, Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional.
This course requires that students meet the following prerequisite: A knowledge of the fundamentals of current networking technology is required.
Reference Materials
You might find the Microsoft Windows XP Professional Resource Kit a useful reference for this training kit.
About the CD-ROM
The Supplemental Course Materials compact disc contains a variety of informational aids that can be used throughout this book. This includes demonstrations for many of the practices, multimedia presentations, electronic books (eBooks), and a sample of the test questions from the MCSE Microsoft Windows XP Professional Readiness Review; 70-270 Exam. ...
... For more information regarding the contents of this CD-ROM, see the section titled "Getting Started" later in this introduction.
The Training Kit Demos supplement some of the key concepts covered in the book. You should view these demonstrations when suggested, and then use them as a review tool while you work through the free CompTIA certification exam questions
. In addition, demonstrations are provided from the Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) 2272: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows XP Professional. For more information about viewing the demonstrations, see the section "About the Demos" later in this introduction.
Complete electronic versions of this book (eBook) and the Microsoft Encyclopedia of Networking are also available with a variety of viewing options available. For information about using the eBooks, see the section "About the eBooks" later in this introduction.
Features of This Book
Each chapter opens with a "Before You Begin" section, which prepares you for completing the chapter.
The chapters are then divided into lessons. Whenever possible, lessons contain practices that give you an opportunity to use the skills being presented or explore the part of the IT Exams. All practices offer step-by-step procedures that are identified with a bullet symbol like the one to the left of this paragraph.
The "Review" section at the end of each lesson allows you to test what you have learned. The "Summary" section at the end of
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