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Hearing Aids - Making Life Interactive For Hearing Impaired

Hearing aids are devices that amplify the acoustic signals to a certain degree that a hearing impaired individual hearing capability is enhanced in an efficient manner. The first hearing aid device was made up of tubes and horns of different sizes and was mechanical but in the year 1900 mechanical hearing aid was replaced by the electrical instruments. In the year 1930 the first wearable electrical hearing aid was manufactured and this device was completely revolutionized in the year 1950 in which transistors were introduced. Since then the hearing aids have been continuously enhanced in terms of sound quality, sound clarity and precise fitting paradigms. The size of the hearing aid was reduced to a great extent and the cost of the battery of the hearing aid was also reduced. Today programmable digital hearing aids have become common and are preferred by the hearing impaired people.
Different Styles of Hearing Aids
Today hearing aids are available in different sizes, style and the way they are fitted in the ear. All the hearing aids are made up of same parts to carry the sound to the ear in the clear and audible ...
... manner. Many hearing aids are so small in size that it easily fit inside the ear canal and it is almost invisible from outside. Some of the hearing aids come in styles that partially fits into the ear. The smaller hearing aid is less powerful and has shorted battery life and more importantly it is expensive. Some of the common styles of hearing aids available in the market include:
In the Ear - This hearing aid is especially designed for people with mild to severe hearing loss. In the ear style of hearing aid fits completely in the bowl of the ear and due to its large size this aid is visible from outside and has longer battery life. This ear phone accommodates directional microphones and comes in two distinct style with added features like In the canal and Completely in the canal.
Behind the Ear - This hearing aid is useful in all types of hearing loss. The electronics part of the hearing aid is in case and it fits behind the ear. A plastic piece called earmold fits inside the ear and this plastic piece is connected to the electronic case through a clear tubing. Sounds are transferred from the earmold to the ear.
Behind the ear open fit - This is a new version of Behind the Ear model that has solved the device visibility problem. It is a tiny device that is fitted behind the ear and is attached to a miniscule speaker inside the ear canal by a tube, which is hardly seen. This hearing aid doesn't has fitting problems and it is known for offering better sound quality compared to ITE hearing aids. However this hearing aid is ideal only for people having mild hearing loss who can hear low- and mid-frequency sounds.
Hearing Aids Parts
Hearing aid is a simple device that mainly consists of the following four parts:
Microphone - Microphone is used to catch sound from the environment and convert the sound into an electrical signal that is send to the amplifier.
Amplifier - Amplifier increases the sound volume and send it to the receiver.
Speaker - The electrical signal is changed back into sound by the speaker and then it is send into the ear and impulses are then sent to the brain.
Battery - Battery is used to provide power to the hearing aid.
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