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Important Things To Know About Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy

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By Author: eliasmarc
Total Articles: 18
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The Journal of Obesity and Weight Loss Therapy deals with the medical study of obesity and body mass index. Obesity and weight loss are well-known risk factors for many medical conditions. Individuals who are overweight or obese who lose weight can reduce their risk of developing these diseases.

The Journal of Obesity and Weight Loss Therapy is an open access journal that aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the field of obesity and its associated areas, like childhood obesity, adolescent obesity, morbid obesity, obesity and diabetes, obesity and weight loss, etc., and make them freely available worldwide. This Science Journal includes colourful types of manuscripts similar to research articles, review papers, case reports, short communications, commentaries, letters to the editor, etc.

The Journal of Obesity and Weight Loss Therapy is a peer-reviewed journal serving the international scientific community. The journal operates an Editorial Tracking System for online manuscript submission, review, and tracking. Editorial Board Members ...
... of the Journal of Obesity and Weight Loss or outside experts perform the review; at least two independent reviewers' approval followed by that of the editor is needed for the acceptance of any citable manuscript.

Every year, OMICS International organises 1000 conferences across the United States, Europe, and Asia, with the help of another 1000 scientific societies, and publishes 700 scholarly open access journals with over 50000 eminent personalities and renowned scientists on their editorial boards.

Obesity is a human health condition in which extra fat gets deposited in the body’s adipose tissue, leading to fat and related health problems. There are essentially two measures to cure obesity. First is physical exercise, and second is healthy food habits.

Obesity-Related Journals
Obesity Journals, Obesity in the USA, Obesity Research Journals, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity, Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism, Obesity, Obesity Reviews, Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, Open Obesity Journal

Weight LossWeight Loss can be explained in two contexts. To begin, it can be defined as a treated result of physical exercise in obese people.Secondly, it's a diseased condition inside a mortal body when an individual gradually loses weight due to malnutrition or hormonal imbalance.

Weight Loss Journals That Are Affiliated
Childhood Obesity, Bariatric Surgery, Bariatric Surgery Information, Obesity and Eating Diseases, Yoga and Physical Therapy, Surgery: current exploration, advances in weight loss management and medical bias, obesity and weight management, eating and weight diseases, Obesity Surgery, Open Rotundity Journal, Obesity Reviews

Gastric bypass surgery
Gastric bypass surgery is a type of weight loss surgery that's generally done on obese and diabetic individuals. In this surgery, the stomach is divided into two pouches, one upper-lower pouch and one bigger-lower pouch, which are also arranged to be connected by the small intestine using a Roux-en-Y anastomosis. This is done to significantly reduce the size of the stomach as well as its ability to stretch itself.

Journals Related to Gastric Bypass Surgery
Obesity Journals, Obesity Facts Journals, Obesity Research Journals, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Ways, Surgery Today, Rotundity, Obesity Reviews

Global rotundity statistics
Obesity is a major concern in largely advanced countries, where people consume high-calorie drinks rather than water. In the United States, it has been surveyed that childhood obesity has nearly doubled in the past 30 years. This percentage is increasing at an intimidating rate, which is eventually leading to several other body conditions at such a tender age.

Affiliated Journals of Global Obesity Statistics
Obesity Journals, Obesity in the United States, Obesity, Data Journals, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery, Current Research, Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity, Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism, Obesity Reviews, Obesity Exploration and Clinical Practice, Open Obesity Journal, Rotundity Data.

Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery is also referred to as the weight-loss surgery that's applied to fat individuals with a BMI> 40. This surgery is of many types, including gastric bypass surgery, biliopancreatic diversion, sleeve gastrectomy, etc. In this type of surgery, the stomach size is either reduced by removing some of its contents or by using a Roux-en-Y anastomosis.

Related Bariatric Surgery Journals
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Ways, Surgery Today, Rotundity, and Obesity Reviews.

Diabetic Diet
Maintaining a healthy diet is absolutely necessary in diabetics. When we have diabetes, our bodies may not use insulin properly, resulting in high blood sugar levels. In order to maintain a proper blood sugar level, it's veritably essential to change our eating habits. Doctors generally make a routine food chart for diabetic individuals that includes eating less fat and largely carbohydrate-contained food, lowering alcohol consumption, eating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables daily, regular physical exercise, etc.

Childhood Obesity, Bariatric Surgery, Bariatric Suregry Information, Obesityand Eating Disorders, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Obesity and Weight Management, Eating and Weight Disorders, Open Obesity Journal, Obesity Surgery, Obesity Reviews.

Gastric By-pass SurgeryGastric By-pass surgery is a type of weight loss surgery that is usually done in case of obese and diabetic individuals. In this surgery, stomach is divided into two pouches, one upper smaller pouch and one bigger lower pouch, which are then arranged to be connected by the small intestine using a Roux-en-Y anastomosis. This is mainly done to reduce the size of stomach, and also to reduce its capacity to stretch itself.

Related Journals of Gastric By-pass Surgery
Obesity Journals, Obesity Facts Journals, Obesity Research Journals, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Global Obesity StatisticsObesity is a major concern in highly developed countries, where, people consume higher calorie drinks instead of water. In United States, it has been surveyed that childhood obesity has almost doubled in past 30 years. This percentage is increasing in an alarming mode which is ultimately leading to several other body diseases at such a tender age.

Related Journals of Global Obesity Statistics
Obesity Journals, Childhood Obesity, Obesity in New Mexico, Obesity, Facts Journals, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy; Surgery: Current Research, Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity, Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism, Obesity, Obesity Reviews, Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, Open Obesity Journal, Obesity Facts.

Bariatric SurgeryBariatric Surgery is also referred to as the weight loss surgery that is applied on obese individuals having BMI>=40. This surgery is of various types including Gastric bypass surgery/biliopancreatic diversion/sleeve gastrectomy, etc. In this type of surgery, the stomach size is either reduced or by removing some of its portion or by using Roux-en-Y anastomosis.

Related Journals of Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery, Bariatric Surgery Information, Obesity Journals, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Diabetic DietIn diabetic individuals, it is very necessary to keep an account of a healthy diet. During diabetes, our body may not properly use the insulin which may lead to high sugar level in the blood. In order to maintain proper blood sugar level, it is very essential to change our eating habits. Doctors generally make a routine food chart for the diabetic individuals which include: Eating less fat and highly carbohydrate contained food, less consumption of alcohol, eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables daily, regular physical exercise, etc.

Related Journals of Diabetic Diet
Obesity Journals, International Journal of Obesity, Chilhood Obesity, Diabetic Complications and Medicine, Endocrinology & Diabetes Research, Clinical Diabetes & Practice, Diabetes Case Reports, Diabetes & Metabolism, Diabetic Medicine, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Supplement, Diabetologia Croatica, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics.

Anti Obesity MedicationAnti Obesity Medication includes consumption of anti obesity drugs, regular physical exercise, healthy diet, etc. The drugs prescribed for obese individuals mainly work by either changing an individual’s appetite or by the absorption of extra calories in the body. Physical exercise and healthy diet are considered to be the most useful treatment plans to reduce overweight.

Related Journals of Anti Obesity Medication
Obesity in New Mexico, Obesity Research Journals, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Android ObesityAndroid Obesity is a case in obese individual in which the body’s extra fat gets distributed over the abdominal region of the body because of which the person’s body’s shape seems to be apple shaped. In this case, the fat distribution of human body is mainly concentrated over chest region, shoulders and even in the neck part. This is seen to occur more in males as compared to females. The consequence of android obesity also includes cardiovascular and heart complications.

Related Journals of Android Obesity
Childhood Obesity, International Journal of Obesity, Obesity Journals, Journal Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Gynoid ObesityGynoid obesity is a case that is defined by the study of fat distribution in human’s body. In this case, body’s extra fat gets accumulated in the lower body parts like thighs, hips, etc. Because of such fat distribution, gynoid obese looks pear shaped. These obese are believed to be at lower risk as compared to android obese.

Related Journals of Gynoid Obesity
Pediatric Obesity Journal, Childhood Obesity, Obesity Journal, Journal of Obesity, Childhodd Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Obesity and CancerObesity is highly related to Cancer. There have been various researches that have concluded the same. One of those includes that during obesity, insulin level gets increased in the body. This may promote factors for formation of tumors. Another survey says that fat cells produce hormones such as adipokines. These hormones have the ability to increase cell growth in the human body.

Related Journals of Obesity and Cancer
Obesity Journals, International Journal of Obesity, Obesity in USA, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Visceral ObesityVisceral obesity is a type of obesity disease in which active body fat gets accumulated or stored around important internal organs. This may be stored in abdominal organs such as pancreas, liver, intestine, etc. this accumulation of visceral fat generally leads to enlargement of belly leading to various other diseases such as Type-2 Diabetes.

Related Journals of Visceral Obesity
Obesity Facts Journal, Obesity Managment Journals, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Comorbidities of ObesityComorbidities are the diseases that are generated due to some primary disease. As for example, there are several comorbidities that are related to morbid obesity as consequences. This includes Congestive Heart Failure, Fatty Liver Syndrome, Depression, Stroke, Inability to Carry Out Daily Activities, Psychosocial Stress Resulting From Obesity, etc.

Related Journals of Comorbidities of Obesity
Obesity Research Journal, Obesity Facts Journals, Journal of Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Genetics of ObesityObesity can be a result of both genetic as well as environmental factors. Changes or mutations in genes that control body’s metabolism and appetite, may sometimes lead to obesity, when fulfilled by favorable dietary conditions. The influence of genetic factors on obesity is estimated to be 40-70%.

Related Journals of Genetics of Obesity
Pediatric Obesity Journals, International Journal of Obesity, Journal Obesity, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Obesity in PregnancyObesity in pregnant women is abundantly seen in United States. Pregnant women who have undergone bariatric surgery might have nutritional deficiencies. They are needed to get an exercise program as well as external vitamin supplementation if recommended. Obesity during pregnancy may sometimes lead to several complications that may include hypertension, gestational diabetes, premature delivery, birth injury to infant, etc.

Related Journals of Obesity in Pregnancy
Pediatric Obesity Journals, Childhood Obesity, Obesity Journals, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews, Journal of Pregnancy, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.

Child Obesity StatisticsChildhood obesity is a major concern in highly developed countries, where, children consume higher calorie drinks instead of water. In United States, it has been surveyed that childhood obesity has almost doubled in past 30 years. This percentage is increasing in an alarming mode which is ultimately leading to several other body diseases at such a tender age.

Related Journals of Child Obesity Statistics
Childhood Obesity, Pediatric Obesity Journals, Obesity in USA, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

There are several ways that have been diagnosed to lose weight. Doctors and physicians have recommended some beneficial things which should be opted for a healthy body. This includes drinking water instead of high calorie soft drinks, eating fruits and vegetables more, doing regular physical exercise, thereby following a healthy life style.

Related Journals of Best Ways to Lose Weight

Obesity Journals, International Journal of Obesity, Obesity Facts Journal, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Etiology of ObesityObese and weight problems are a outcome of energy imbalance over a long period of time. The cause of vigor imbalance for every character is also due to a combination of a few factors. Person behaviors, environmental explanations, and genetics all contribute to the complexity of the obesity epidemic.

Related Journals of Etiology of Obesity

Obesity Management Journals, Obesity Research Journals, Childhood Obesity, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Fat Burning FoodsIn addition to various weight loss methods, there is another way to burn extra fat inside our body. This is consumption of fat burning foods. A number of fat burning foods are recommended to be consumed in a regular diet. It includes red pepper, whole grains, low fat dairy products, lean meats, green tea, etc.

Related Journals of Fat Burning Foods

Journal Obesity, Obesity in USA, Childhood Obesity,International Journal of Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Obesity ComplicationsThere are several complications that are related to obesity. This includes diabetes, sweating, snoring, joint and back pain, depression, breathlessness, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and stroke, etc. Obesity during pregnancy may sometimes lead to several complications that may include hypertension, gestational diabetes, premature delivery, birth injury to infant, etc.

Related Journals of Obesity Complications
Bariatric Surgery Information, Obesity Research Journals, Childhood Obesity, bariatric Surgery, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Obesity and Sleep ApneaIn a 20 years survey record, it has been shown that obese individuals may acquire sleep disorders like sleep apnea. In this case, what actually happens is, obese individuals have cholesterol deposition in chest, neck and shoulder. This may lead to some respiratory complications that ultimately let sleep apnea to occur. The symptoms are snoring loudly, etc.

Related Journals of Obesity and Sleep Apnea
International Journal of Obesity, Journal Obesity, Obesity Research Journals, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews, Sleep, Sleep Science, etc.

Diabetes and Obesity Diabetes and Obesity are interrelated. An unhealthy diet generally results in increased sugar, cholesterol and fat content in the blood stream. This generally leads to diabetes. During diabetes, our body may not properly use the insulin which may lead to high sugar level in the blood. In order to maintain proper blood sugar level, it is very essential to change our eating habits.

Related Journals of Diabetes and Obesity
Obesity management Journal, Obesity Research Journal, Bariatric Surgery Information, Diabetic Complications and Medicine, Endocrinology & Diabetes Research, Clinical Diabetes & Practice, Diabetes Case Reports, Diabetes & Metabolism, Diabetic Medicine, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Supplement, Diabetologia Croatica, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics.

Obesity in New Mexico has been seen to be increased in a rapid way. It is the most alarming disease that has been seen to affect a higher number of individuals in the country. This is actually due to the life style attained by the US public. The acquisition of high calorie drinks is very common among individuals of all ages there. This habit has been resulted into an alarming obese situation within the country.

Related Journals of Obesity in New Mexico

Obesity in USA, Obesity Journals, International Journal of Obesity, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Childhood Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews.

Obesity and Nutrition Obesity is highly related to body nutrition and related factors. A person’s healthy lifestyle greatly influences his ability to overcome obesity. Like consumption of nutritious food such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc is generally recommended by the doctors to have gradual extra weight loss. Human nutrition is a major factor that has to be reflected while treating obesity and overweight.

Related Journals of Obesity and Nutrition

Childhood Obesity, Bariatric Surgery, International Journal of Obesity, Yoga & Physical Therapy, Surgery: Current Research, Advances in Weight Loss Management & Medical Devices, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy, Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, Surgery Today, Obesity, Obesity Reviews, Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Food and Nutrition Research.

Junk Food and Childhood Obesity Junk food availability in schools has greatly increased the rates of occurrence of obesity. It has been found out that in stomach, there are a number of microbial species present that help the body cells to fight against obesity, diabetes, inflammatory bowel conditions, heart disease, etc. Junk food kills these microbial species leading to increased level of occurrence of obesity and its related diseases.

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