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Anjali Mudra Health Benefits: Simple Greeting Or Divine Salute?

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By Author: Manish Sharma
Total Articles: 4
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Anjali mudra (prayer position) is often practiced to begin and end a yoga class, or during yoga practice, such as Surya Namaskar, Pranamasana, Vrikshasana, Veera Bhadrasana, Malasana, Parsva Uttanasana, Tadasana, etc. goes. This yogic hand gesture, also called the "Namaste" mudra, is commonly used to greet a person or deities. Apart from this, this hand gesture is also used to greet in most Asian countries. In India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, and Indonesia the momentary meeting of two persons with "Namaste" is widely used as a sign of respect or silent greeting in the form of Anjali Mudra.

In addition to Western yoga asana classes, Anjali Mudra also has its roots in Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, and Sikh traditions, the meaning of which is subject to many interpretations.

No matter the Anjali mudra, whether it is accompanied by "Namaste" or a gesture of greeting - enhances respect for oneself and others, is associated with spirituality, relieves stress, anxiety, and depression, and meditation assists.

Anjali mudra, one of the 24 composite postures of Indian classical arts, is a part of the performing ...
... arts and classical dance postures.
In Anjali Mudra, the palms and fingers of both hands are clasped together equally, fingers perpendicular, and the back of the thumb is towards the middle near the heart.

When the hands are pressed together and raised up, it indicates a form of "respect", "reverence", "blessing", "salutation" or "prayer".
When the fingers are pressed together, a stopped or unbalanced electric current flows, which re-awakens the body's energy and the body becomes healthy.

Anjali Mudra Meaning

Anjali Mudra has a similar meaning to Sanskrit "to offer" or "to salute" and the word mudra means "seal" or "mark". This can be done by saying Namaste, Namaskar, or Pranam, or instead of uttering a word.
The gesture is used equally for both greeting and farewell to the experience and methods of oneself, but has a deeper significance than a simple "hello" or "goodbye".

Try Anjali Mudra

To do Anjali Yoga Mudra, first sit on a yoga mat in a comfortable sitting position like Sukhasana (Easy Pose). Whether you sit in Ardha Padmasana, Siddhasana or Padmasana. If you have any problem in sitting down, then you can also do this posture by sitting on a chair.

Just keep in mind that in the sitting position, make your spine longer than your pelvis.

Join both the palms together (placed gently against each other). Make sure that one hand does not put pressure on the other hand. Fingers point upwards.

Make this mudra with the palms near the anahata (heart) chakra. Keep your thumbs touching your chest.

While doing the mudra, inhale slowly and focus on the breath.

While doing this mudra, inhale and exhale for about 20 to 30 times. Or chant 11bar Om. You have to do this for 5 minutes.

After the prescribed time of exercise, slowly open your eyes. Separate your hands and bring them back to your thighs or knees.

Relax and breathe freely.

Practicing Anjali Mudra every day for 5 minutes to 20 minutes while still requiring some grounding and balance, you will get good results. Practicing this mudra in the morning and in the evening helps you to feel energized or empowered and can balance your emotions. Mudra can be practiced in the morning, and in the evening for 10-10 minutes.

Anjali Mudra Health Benefits

- By placing the palms in a particular way, the Anahata Chakra is stimulated, which redirects to a particular area of the body.
- Physically the practice of Anjali Mudra improves the flexion of the hand joints and wrists.
- The slow rate of breathing in Anjali Mudra improves the circulation of oxygen in the blood. Slow breathing immediately calms the agitated mind.
- This stimulation helps us deal with our emotions better. Calms the mind, relieves stress, enhances focus and memory, and promotes mindfulness and inner awareness.
- Anjali Mudra is used to help the practitioner focus and get into a meditative state.
- Anjali Mudra connects both the hemispheres of our brain. Temporarily regulates our thought process and optimizes brain functions and coordination.
- You can control your anger and experience positive thoughts during the Anjali Mudra practice.
- Increasing respect for oneself and others is based on this mudra.
- A gesture of prayer with the hands before the heart that promotes openness of the heart.

More About the Author

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