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What Are Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells And Their Functions?

Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, abbreviated as PBMCs, refer to a group of human blood cells such as lymphocytes (T-cells, B-cells and NK cells), monocytes, and dendritic cells that play an essential role in human immunity. It is also known as agranulocytes. PBMC cells protect the body from human pathogenic infections and diseases, including cancers.
How are Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells produced?
Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells are produced from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow by hemopoiesis. During hematopoiesis, the cells differentiate to form distinct lineages called myeloid and lymphoid. PBMC typically include rounded single nucleated lymphoid cells and specific myeloid cells and are released into the peripheral bloodstream to provide immunity. These cells act as the key driver of the human immune system to fight against bacteria, viruses, funguses, and other foreign substances attacking the human body. PBMCs are the defensive line of our body.
Applications of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in R&D
PBMCs are considered the building block and determining factor for ...
... the selective immune response in humans. In recent years, blood specimens, typically Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, have been extensively used for various areas of biomedical research and development, such as:
● Personalized medicine
● Vaccine development
● Toxicological studies
● Vaccine development
● Infectious disease research
● Cancer research and therapy
● Biomarker studies
● In-vitro disease modeling
● In-vitro diagnostics research and more
Therefore, undoubtedly accelerating studies on PBMC helps to explore new frontiers of biomedical research.
Get Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells the easy way.
Procuring high-quality human specimens for research is easier than ever before. If you are searching for reliable, cost-effective human biospecimens, do not miss to check out It is an innovative data-driven E-marketplace exclusively designed to simplify the biospecimen procurement process. Central BioHub is a complete digital platform ensuring straightforward online purchase of human biosamples. Moreover, their inventory is enormous, with millions of readily available banked human biospecimens. It is an official end for your long term quest for Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells for research. It provides a wide array of well tested PBMCs ethically sourced from individuals of different ages, gender and ethnicities diagnosed with acute and chronic disease conditions. Every PBMC sample is well preserved devoid of cross-contamination at the biobanks with strict quality control. For more information on samples, check out their inventory on
Hurry up! Procuring PBMC specimens from Central BioHub will be a life-changing decision for every researcher.
Our company was founded by a group of scientists, who were confronted with the time-consuming process of human biospecimen procurement. Our experiences have motivated us to develop an online marketplace, that connects people in the life science sector who need human biological samples and the suppliers who offer them.
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