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Blavatsky's Message And Teaching

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's (HPB) project turned into to behave as a messenger to carry the expertise that there's a Divine Wisdom - Theo-sophia as the basis and foundation upon which all philosophies, sciences and religions are based and which courses the cosmos, nature and human life.
This Divine Wisdom is variously called the Ancient Wisdom, or Wisdom-Religion, or Esoteric Philosophy, or Perennial Philosophy, or Occult Science. All those phrases allude to the reality that Theo-sophia isn't a device of notion formulated through an individual, nor a faith withinside the normal which means of the phrase denoting formalized worship and ritual; alternatively it's far the gathered understanding of innumerable a long time that has been systematically checked through generations of sages the arena over. Spa in Al Mankhool
What then is Occult Science?
It is a accepted time period regarding the Hermetic or Esoteric Sciences, which discover the essential, or hidden secrets and techniques of Nature - bodily and psychic, intellectual and religious - as a substitute than, ...
... however now no longer excluding, Her outward look and mechanical conduct which Western technology research to digital perfection.
For example, that Swedenborg got here to the Occult teachings in his widespread conceptions is proven through his essay at the Vortical Theory.
HPB's message
As to the message that HPB brought: it's far primarily based totally on essential axioms formulated into 3 propositions that can't be idea of independently from the whole, which means that no aspect, no precept and no regulation may be well taken into consideration in isolation: the Universe and all this is in it represent a WHOLE.
Furthermore, it can't be too strongly emphasised that those propositions aren't the discovery of HPB or every body else. They shape the idea of the presentation of the doctrines of the Divine Wisdom. Countless generations of sages have checked those doctrines through examine in addition to sensible enjoy in a way corresponding to the inductive technique of technology wherein a speculation recommend is checked through repeatable experiments and simplest while there's a enough corroboration among speculation and experimental verification is the previous improved to a theory.
In comparable vein those sages have located the lessons enunciated to be in consonance with the overriding philosophy formulated through them. But it turned into HPB who synthesized the numerous and scattered fragments of this doctrine right into a coherent device and frame of expertise made to be had for the primary time to, and in a appropriate idiom for, the Western global at large.
But it's far as nicely to factor out right here HPB's counsel 'that no human-born doctrine, no creed, but sanctified through custom and antiquity, can evaluate in sacredness with the faith of Nature. The Key of Wisdom that unlocks the huge gates main to the arcana of the innermost sanctuaries may be located hidden in her bosom simplest: and that bosom is withinside the nations pointed to through the extremely good seer of the beyond century Emanuel Swedenborg. There lies the coronary heart of nature, that shrine whence issued the early races of primeval Humanity, and that's the cradle of bodily man'. Body Massage in Al Mankhool
The Cards of Destiny have dealt humankind a jewel past fee in HPB's message of religious uplift and widely wide-spread brotherhood to be attained through a expertise of the everlasting verities of our existence. Have we used this chic present with gratitude, expertise and love? Who is to say? All religious instructors are however messengers. They proffer no initiations and carry out no miracles at our behest. All that they are able to do is to say, with H. P.Blavatsky: 'I can inform you the way to locate Those who will display you the name of the game gateway that leads inward simplest, and closes rapid at the back of the neophyte for evermore. For folks that win onwards, there's praise beyond all telling: the strength to bless and shop humanity. For folks that fail, there are different lives wherein fulfillment might also additionally come.'
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