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Never Let Your Musical Career Hit A Rough Patch, Get Orchestra Insurance
Do you own or are you a member of a symphony orchestra? If so, then what is the definition of a good insurance policy for you? Something that processes your claim and compensates against it? Read on!
The show must go on!
As far as the world of performing arts and music is concerned, the thumb rule is - the show must go on. Therefore, you should choose an insurance company that stands by your side when a problem occurs and solves it as quickly as possible. It is where a specialist symphony Orchestra Insurance comes into play. A decent policy from a reliable insurance partner ensures complete protection of your musical instruments, equipment, accessories, and crew.
Orchestras comprise different types of gears and musical paraphernalia. Moreover, they are prone to a range of risks. With a customer-friendly insurance company, you can take a sigh of relief from the after-effects of mishaps that could arise and focus on your music.
Things that could go wrong
Many people when, advised to buy a musical instrument insurance plan, ask one question - ...
What could possibly go wrong with my gears? I take good care of them. Do you think the same way?
Here are some questions for you:
● What if your lead guitarist's string is damaged during transportation?
● What if one of your crew members gets injured while performing?
● What if equipment or props you borrowed gets stolen?
● What if you cannot reach the venue due to a flight delay?
● What if you accidentally hit an audience with your gear leaving him or her injured?
The answers to these questions can change drastically based on one factor - whether you have musical instrument insurance or not.
Answer 1: If you do not have dedicated Orchestra Insurance and you fall prey to any of the scenarios (given in the question), you might hit a rough patch, both financially and emotionally.
Answer 2: If you have dedicated musical instrument insurance designed for a symphony orchestra, you can come out with a flash of silver lightning no matter how adverse the situation is.
So, the choice is all yours whether you want to buy a standalone insurance plan for your orchestra and give your best performance whenever you hit the stage or be without a cover and repent later on.
The extent of coverage you can enjoy with dedicated orchestra insurance
An all-encompassing musical instrument insurance plan can help you with the following situations. Let us take a quick look:
● Property insurance: It covers all your musical instruments, offices, computers, AV instruments, props, mixing desk, and accessories.
● Loss of income cover: It protects you against loss of income and ensures income flow during unforeseen events of technological and physical disturbances. It includes power failure, telecommunication faults, flood, fire, among others.
● Public liability insurance: It compensates you if a third party is injured or his or her property is damaged with you at the party at fault.
● Workman's compensation insurance: It compensates your employee(s) on your behalf if the former is injured on duty.
Besides the extent of insurance coverage mentioned above, you can also avail yourself of worldwide cover, transportation cover, policy customization options, and a lot more with a customer-friendly insurance provider.
The verdict
After going through this article on specialized musical insurance for musicians and everything musical, now you probably understand the importance of having one. Right? So, without making any more delays, get one for your band and give your 100% every time you perform.
Always remember staying ahead of uncertainties might not be possible. However, staying prepared is always in your hands.
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