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Hacker Enters Nasas Airbrush Room, Sees Off World Missions
This particular sighting is even more authentic and more creditable since it came from the photographs of NASAs airbrushing room in Johnson Space Center. The room that airbrushes out any signs of life in the photographs including building, people, ships and machinery or anything that hints at intelligent life.
29. Photo of Johnson Space Center Sign.
Although this persons sightings took place between the years 2001-2002, his continuing saga lives on as America presses the UK in June 17th, 2008 with its hardest hit manipulation of the political system yet. He not only saw UFOs on those computers, but also reports seeing alien technology for creating free energy, anti-gravity and found out the US has captured and back-engineered many types of alien spacecraft. He also seems to have stumbled upon an off world mission memorandum that the US Government has already begun. Gary is currently banned from using the Internet and faces up to 70 years in prison if extradited to the US. His overall goal was to bring information out into the open about the -UFO cover-up- and in many ways he succeeded.
Gary McKinnon is a ...
... systems administrator and is accused of hacking into no less than ninety-seven US military and NASA computers for two years. The cost of tracking down the hacker and correcting the problems that he allegedly created by breaking into their computer systems came to a whopping 700,000 US dollars, and another two million US dollars in fines, claims the US government. It seems strange that they say it cost so much to track him down, because the US government never says it took this amount of money to track down any suspect for any reason. (Makes the US sound desperate to get their grips on him). Also the US accuses Gary of causing damage, when he flatly denies causing any damage and says most likely they are referring to the cost of fixing the flaws in the computer programs that were suppose to keep him and other hackers out, but if was the governments fault for not having an adequate firewall or security program, then they should not charge him for fixing it. Often military pilots will point out flaws that need to be corrected in the stealth fighters and bombers, yet the government does not turn around and charge them with fixing those repairs. Gary denies causing any damage on any computers and says he took every measure of precaution to prevent such things from occurring.
Gary said he left a note on one of the government computers that went like this:
-US foreign policy is akin to government-sponsored terrorism these days…It was not a mistake that there was a huge security stand-down on September 11 last year…I am Solo. I will continue to disrupt at the highest levels.-
Oddly enough, Solo was tracked down and arrested under the Computer Misuse Act by the UK National Hi-Tech Crime Unit. They informed Gary that he would defiantly have to do community service to pay for his crime, yet the Crown Prosecution Service in the UK refused to press charges against him. That is when the US government came in trying to get their hands on this hacker, not to punish him and throw him into prison, but to take him and blackmail Solo in order to force him to work for the USA. Such true stories have been made public on numerous accounts. The NSA or CIA will allow Gary to experience two weeks of actual prison like life, with numerous interrogations, and then when Gary is confident that he will spend the next 70 years behind American bars, they will present him with a choice. This choice will be to work off his time as an employee of the US government or stay in prison. They need people like Solo not only to hack into the military and government systems of other countries, but to prevent the tens of thousands of hacker attacks that the US system experiences every day. Gary McKinnon is too valuable of a resource to allow to go to waste and the CIA government is notorious for recruiting experts in their fields from around the world in order to keep America the leader of the free world. In 2009 CNN even wrote an article about how desperate the CIA was to recruit new hackers to assist them in their goals.
Gary was released and remained free until 2005, when the UK created a new extradition treaty with the US and an unnamed politically involved person in the treaty creation said that the entire treaty was created due to the US becoming desperate to get their hands on this hacker for his -controllable skills.-
Its kind of sad really, because its much like in the movie Star Wars when Darth Vader tells Luke Skywalker, -Come over to the dark side.-
He goes by his hacker name of Solo, but his real name is Gary McKinnon. He is a British hacker that was being charged with -the biggest military hack of all time.- Legal hearings in the UK have ruled in 2006 that Gary should be extradited to the US, but in February of 2007 his lawyers made and argument that he should be tried in England, not the US, but this was turned down immediately. On July 31, 2007 the House of Lords agreed to hear Garys appeal and set the date for the hearing on June 17, 2008. The House of Lords delivered its judgment on Garys fate on July 30th, 2008 saying that Gary can be extradited to the United States if they so wish. Gary appealed the ruling, but the appeal was rejected on August 28, 2008. If extradited to the United States, Solo faces a possible maximum prison sentence of up to seventy years.
This article was written by Scott C. Waring, author of Dragons of Asgard and UFO Sightings of 2006-2009. Please drop by and visit his UFO website at for more information. Or visit his UFO discovery videos at
Gary says that the movie, War Games was not his inspiration, but rather a book called The Hackers Handbook, by Hugo Cornwall. He stated, -The first edition I read was too full of information…it had to be banned, and it was reissued without the sensitive stuff in it.- Then he continued, -the book just kick-started me. Hacking for me was just a means to an end.- Meaning that he was aware that governments were hiding loads of technology that could eliminate a lot of suffering around the world today if they were in use, but instead, they remain only in the hands of the US military.
Solo is being charged with hacking into the US Army, the Navy, the Air Force, The Department of Defense, and NASA among a few. Gary says that he did this because -I was in search of suppressed technology,- or in other words, UFO technology. He said that its the largest kept secret in the world due to it being linked to old sci-fi ideas and movies, making may people look upon such things as a joke, but that the technology they have hidden away is very important and could easily change the entire world over night. Gary is angry that elderly people around the world are struggling to pay their electric and gas bills and the US government is hiding technology that would allow the worlds population of elderly and children to have an endless and free form of energy to use in their daily lives. Gary soon found that the US government was sitting on suppressed technology for free energy and it sent him on his quest to find it in order to share it with the world.
He says that he broke into NASA and the Department of Defense easily because unlike what the press would lead us to believe, they are much less clever. -I searched for blank passwords, I wrote a tiny Pearl script that tied together other peoples programs that search for blank passwords, so you could scan 65,000 machines in just over eight minutes.- So he found computers that had a high-ranking status or administer status and havent had their passwords set yet, but instead were on a password default setting. He says that there were lower than expected defenses to stop him from entering the computers and that he saw a permanent tenancy of foreign hackers beside himself on their networks. He could run a command when he was on a machine that showed connections from all over the world, and check their IP addresses from which they came from to see if they were other military bases checking in, but none of them were military.
Gary said he had hacked into the US computers over a period of several years and always went unnoticed because he was careful about the hours. He said he was always bouncing around many different time zones in order to stay hidden. By hacking computers during the late hours of night and earlier hours of morning, he insured that there would be less people around that could catch him.
He state, -There was actually one occasion when a network engineer saw me and actually questioned me and we actually talked to each other via WordPad, which was very, very strange. He asked me what I was doing? Which was a bit shocking. I told him I was from Military Computer Security, which he fully believed.-
Before searching on the computer he researched for information on where he might find his UFO information, he soon found a group, and it went by the name of The Disclosure Project. Their website can be found at and the group published a book that had 400 expert witnesses ranging from civilian air traffic controllers all the way to high ranking military officer and military radar operators, all the way to soldiers underground in the nuclear missile silos, whose jobs are to push that launch button if such an order came through. Gary said that they were very credible eyewitnesses that said they saw UFO technology, anti-gravity and free energy technology that have gone untapped by the public. Even scientist that have taken apart alien technology like ships and tried to find the reason of how it works. One of the most influence witnesses from the book Gary read was a NASA photographic expert. She said in her statement in the book that in building eight of the Johnson Space Center, they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution digital photographs taken from satellites. She said that there were folders called -filtered- and -unfiltered- and -processed- and -raw.- This gave Gary the idea of a specific place of attack. The NASA airbrushing room!
Gary got onto his computer and easily hacked his way into that very airbrushing room at building eight of Johnson Space Center. He managed to get a picture out of the folder and what he saw on his computer screen was amazing. He stated, -It was a culmination of all my efforts. It was a picture of something that definitely wasnt man made. It was above the Earths hemisphere. It kind of looked like a satellite. It was cigar-shaped and had geodesic domes above, below, to the left, the right and both ends of it, and although it was a low-resolution picture it was very close up. This thing was hanging in space, the Earths hemisphere visible below it, and no rivets, no seems, none of the stuff associated with normal man-made manufacturing.-
Gary believe that it was more than just coincidence that he found that photograph, since he read about the woman that said, -this is what happens, in this building and room of the space center.- He said, -I went to that building, that space center, and saw exactly that.-
He could not get a copy of the photo and print it out because his graphical remote viewer works only frame by frame and it was a Java application, so he could not save it onto the hard drive. Suddenly Gary was cut off as he was downloading the photograph. He stated, -I saw the guys hand move across,- (across the computer screen).
He also managed to get access to some Excel spreadsheets. He says, -One of them had the title, Non-Terrestrial Officers. It contained names and ranks of US Air Force personnel who are not registered anywhere else. It also contained information about ship-to-ship transfers, but Ive never seen the names of these ships noted anywhere else.- Can you imagine, US soldiers living on another planet, possibly permanently, to avoid them divulging the militaries programs and objectives to others on Earth? I the writer, have read on the internet about such a situation, it may or may not be legit, I could not confirm its source, but they say that there are over one thousand US Marines living off world and stationed in some alien built cities (possibly abandoned) on the dark side of the moon. Now, this seems unusual, but using the DVD camera technique that I mentioned in the moon chapter, I was able to find many cities, and even one entire crater that was covered in a dark sunglasses-like black dome. So, I for one am no longer laughing at such stories, but now looking deeper into them.
Gary understood what he was getting into when he started hacking the NASA computers. He says he knows, -unauthorized access is against the law and it is wrong.- Yet, when he is asked what a respectable punishment for a person that has committed his crimes he responds, -Firstly, because of what I was looking for, I think I was morally correct. Even though I regret it now, I think the free energy technology should be publicly available. I want to stand trial in my own country, under the Computer Misuse Act, and I want evidence brought forward, or at least I want the Americans to have to provide evidence in order to extradite me, because I know there is no evidence of damage.-
How important is free energy you ask? Excellent question and I believe US Air Force, Intelligence Operative, Master Sergeant Dan Morris said it best when he stated, -UFOs are both extra terrestrial and manmade. Its not that our government doesnt want us to know that there are people on other planets. What the people in power dont want us to know is that this free energy (from energy-generators developed with UFO technology) is available to everybody. So concealment of the UFOs is because of the energy issue. When this knowledge is found out by the people, they will demand that our government release this technology, and it will change the world.-
Similarly, US Army, Colonel Thomas E. Bearden stated, -Probably 50 inventers have invented (virtually cost-free energy systems). If we use these systems, we can clean up this biosphere. But, what we have is a situation where the entire structure of science, industry, and the patent office are against you. It has been a victim of quite a bit of suppression. And behind this, we have a few people who are quite wealthy. The more powerful the agency, the more money they will resort not only to legal, but extra-legal means to suppress their competition. Lethal force is used.-
If Colonel Bearden is correct, and had Gary McKinnon hacked into the patent office instead of hacking into NASAs airbrushing room, he may have been successful at finding the blueprints to create a device for free energy. Photographs of such machines would be much less valuable to the public than blueprints. One man, hacker though he may be, could have actually changed the world for the better. I wish they had a medal of honor for Joe Public when he literally puts his life on the line for not just his country, but the entire world. Gary McKinnon holds that great honor for fighting for those who believe in him and for those who do not. You are a modern day John Wayne. The world and I owe Solo a debt of thanks.
As of November 4, 2008, the BBC posted that the UK had 20 MPs sign an Early Day Motion that says that other countries can give sentence to anyone in their courts, but the person must serve out their sentence in their country of birth. This means Gary would be sent to America and tried in a court of law, but must return to the UK to server out any sentence he receives from the US courts. Justice Minister David Burrowes drew up the papers, saying that Gary suffers from a medical condition called Aspergers Syndrome. This is the law, but will the US government fight the UK further leaves to be seen. Solo would be a priceless addition to any governments arsenal of agents.
Update: On November 27, 2009, a decision to allow extradition was announced. In a letter sent to McKinnons lawyer, the UK Home Office stated, -The secretary of state is of the firm view that McKinnons extradition would not be incompatible with his human rights,- and that, -His extradition to the United States must proceed forthwith.- After this, Garys lawyer (Karen Todner) stated that she would seek a judicial review of the Home Secretarys decision. If this does not work, then they will make a new appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, because the court was unaware of Garys Asperger syndrome when they first considered this case.
Update: As of June of 2010, the USA still has not let up on its fight to attain Gary McKinnon. Their desperation tells us three things:
1. Gary McKinnon has seen the details of secret US off world exploits and can remember those details of rank, names, ships, locations, planets under the use of hypnosis.
2. Gary McKinnon is of extreme use to the NSA - CIA if trained by them to attack and infiltrate foreign military computers.
3. Gary McKinnon may have seen much more than he is telling. Perhaps he saw so much that even Gary was afraid to reveal what it was that he saw and read.
About Author:
Scott C. Waring wrote novels Dragons of Asgard
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