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New Year Resolutions And Weight Loss

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By Author: Ellie Savoy
Total Articles: 5
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Have you been successful over the last year or in previous years getting the results you desire from your New Year Resolutions? If so, I say “kudos to you” but you are the minority. The year 2014 is almost upon us and it’s that time of year when most people make another list of new year resolutions. Often things like weight loss, exercise and money tops the list.

But, very few people actually stay the course and get results.

The majority of people slip off the proverbial New Year Resolutions wagon time and time again within the first few weeks or month. Have you ever wondered why? Are you experiencing the same lack of results year after year? If so, how about choosing today to be the first day of the rest of your life instead of starting something on January 1st, or next Monday or anytime in the future? After-all setting ourselves up for defeat is really not a great motivator is it? The negative self-chatter sets in and then we tell ourselves that we can’t possibly create the change we want.

New Year Resolutions Don’t Work
Have you ever considered why your New Year Resolutions don’t actually ...
... work? If you have been struggling with your weight and health for many months or years, choosing to approach a change with a New Year Resolution is probably not the answer. Ask yourself how badly you want things to be different. If you want it badly enough then why wait?

Probably like you, I used to eat and drink too much over the holidays. I didn’t want to tighten the reins or even feel the need to because I knew for sure that everything was going to change on January 1st. How could I change my habits when I had parties to go to and being exposed to so much wonderfully enticing food? I had great intentions for change; I was really gung-ho to lose the weight, cut out the sugar, clean up my life and get on a healthier path. But time and time again, I would fall off the wagon!

Sound familiar?

Kick the New Year Resolutions and Bad Habits Today – You Don’t Have to Wait for 2014 to Start Losing Weight!
Do yourself a favor starting today. Stop making New Year Resolutions! I know this might send you in a spin but please, just stop and think about it. Do you really need to participate in this? I know people expect us to have made resolutions and want to know what they are, but perhaps you can start a new trend this year. Any change that we want long-term has to become a lifestyle. The holistic approach is the only sure fire way to lose weight and live healthier.

I stopped setting New Year Resolutions a few years ago and I can tell you it is very liberating. It’s really a game after-all! It’s a big conversational piece among our family, friends and co-workers, and it creates a lot of business for the weight loss and exercise industry every January.

The Holistic Approach to Life Gets Long-term Results
We all know the definition of insanity, so why do we keep doing the same things expecting different results? I love common sense but sometimes we all lose sight of what that is. The fact is you don’t need new year resolutions to lose weight and live a happier and healthier life. The holistic approach to life and health is easier.

Join me in kicking New Year Resolutions to the curb and think about making changes on the day you have the first thought. Take action immediately and take the pressure off yourself. There is enough going on these days for all of us, so do what you can to eliminate what really doesn’t serve you.

Why put off important things until tomorrow or the new year? Act now and learn more about the holistic approach and effective ways to lose weight and live a healthy holistic lifestyle.

Ready for a change?

Jump Start Your Shift Session With Ellie at https://my-schedule.timetrade.com/app/td-1152430/workflows/rfkfs/schedule?view=full

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