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Outdoor Gear For Campers And Shooters
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Gone are the days when you take to the woods with a sheet plastic tent, old pocketknife and a few matches. Camping and hunting are completely different now and though it was fun
in days gone by to really rough it there was certainly a lack of equipment that would have made the experience far more enjoyable.
Topping the list of camping supplies today is the new generation of tents. Eureka tents are among the finest on the market. The Eureka company produces temporary shelters that
range from those designed for solo backpackers all the way up to those that will house large families and groups on long-term trips. StormShield premium fabric for tent wall
strength is combined with the superior performance of Permeable Nylon Ripstop or Taffeta roofs and coated Nylon Oxford flooring to provide a comfortable and waterproof shelter
to serve as a home away from home.
The gear available today for outdoor pursuits is a far cry from what people took afield only a decade ago. Eureka tents are just one example of the improvements that have been
made. Another improvement in outdoor gear ...
... is the Bradley Smoker that will cure a taste-tempting main course on extended camping, fishing and hunting trips.
Backpackers will find a nearly endless selection of quality packs to haul their gear into remote wilderness areas. Camping supplies fit into the pockets and interiors of packs
made from a variety of materials that include the new DuPont Hypalon, Dacron and Kevlar materials.
Portable electric lights, lightweight cooking utensils and a host of other outdoor gear now make camping and other outdoor activities convenient and enjoyable.
Hunters fare just as well. Outdoor hunting gear includes new lightweight gun cases, infrared cameras, Leupold rifle scopes, four-wheel all-terrain vehicles and a continual
parade of new shotguns and rifles. Hunters can find anything from waterproof outer gear to carry-in deer stands. Ammo carriers, binoculars and shooting accessories are all part
of the game.
Walking into the field with a modern Garmen GPS is like walking through land that is already familiar territory. Special spots where game has been spotted during pre-scouting
trips can be marked for follow-up visits after the season opens. Terrain that was formerly a place just waiting to get lost in is now easy to navigate and can be traveled with
There's even new outdoor gear for the hunter when he returns home. Gun safes and cases are great places to store firearms and ammunition. Safety is the primary concern of gun
owners both in the field and at home.
Browning gun safes and accessories are at the top of the line. Guns are stored securely in the safe and shooters' needs are taken care of in the new product lines of
accessories. Dehumidifiers keep the guns dry inside of the safe while pistol racks provide organized storage. There's lots of room for other supplies and they'll all be ready
for the next time afield.
Hunting, Shooting, Camping Supplies sells discount crossbows, gun accessories including safes and cases, camping
tents, rifle scopes, Gerber knives and tools, and other outdoor gear from top manufacturers.
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