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Essential Accessories For The Avid Outdoorsman
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One of the basic essentials for any extended hunting trip is a tent. Choosing the right tent for the terrain and type of weather encountered can make the difference between survival and disaster. All outdoor gear is important when surviving for days or weeks away from civilizations, but none more so than the tent.
Eureka tents are camping and hunting favorites. For extreme weather conditions the lightweight (7lb 7oz) two person Alpenlite XT tent is a rugged shelter from all kinds of weather. Packing it into the back country where the big game are found is an easy task and set-up is simple.
Larger parties will find spacious accommodations in the Eureka timberline Outfitter 6 tent. Sleeping up to six, the heavy duty Timberline features industrial strength construction which will keep the occupants safe in the worst weather and still weighs in at only 18 lb. 8oz.
The ultimate in equipment for today's outdoorsman includes the latest in night vision or infrared cameras. Such hand held devices enables the hunter to quietly shoot photos day or night without a flash. An infrared video camera shoots animals in action ...
... as they move through the woods. An infrared laser Heatseeker is a safety device which not only helps the hunter find game, but could help find a lost of injured hunter by detecting their body heat.
The hunters knife is one of his most important tools and keeping it razor sharp is essential. The pocket sized Gerber Diamond Sharpener with its retractable sharpener is great for field touch-up's. Only slightly larger is the Lansky Quick Edge Tungsten Carbide Sharpener.
The right gun case will get the hunting rifle into the back country safely and in perfect condition. JMB makes a top grain leather case with a soft wool lining, a secure barrel compartment and safety straps that will take BT trap and shotguns with barrels up to 32 safely over the roughest terrain.
The hard shell Outback rifle cases by Vanguard are made from molded PE construction and have a deluxe foam interior with Velcro straps. Available in both single and double rifle sizes the Outback cases are lightweight and durable.
Fine quality Leupold rifle scopes can make that once in a lifetime shot one that brings down the game. The special Leupold Twilight Lens system allows the shooter to hunt from dusk to dawn and the diamond coat 2 scratch resistant lens coating helps protect this vital piece of the hunters equipment.
Leopold, a U.S. manufacturer based in Beaverton, Oregon produces scopes for every rifle and takes pride in their products. A full line of rugged, waterproof Ultra light rifle scopes are available for the hunter wanting to lighten rifle weight and many scopes are available in either a matte or shiny black finish.
Quality hunting, shooting and camping supplies are sporting equipment that last for years, sometime decades or a lifetime. Many become heirlooms, passed on for generations. Be sure to get the best quality and enjoy them for years.
Hunting, Shooting, Camping Supplies sells discount crossbows, gun accessories including Leupold Rifle Scopes and gun cases, camping tents, rifle scopes, knives and tools, and other outdoor gear from top manufacturers.
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