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Communication can be defined as a process where by a person assigns and conveys meaning in an effort of creating shared understanding. This communication process needs a vast collection of skills in relation to intrapersonal and interpersonal information processing, observing, speaking, listening, questioning, assessing, and evaluating. The use of these outlined processes is both developmental and transferable to all aspects of life; which includes, home, school, work, community, and afar. It is by communication that association and cooperation occurs. Pearson, (1983) defines Communication as the process of significant interaction between individuals. It is the work of conveying information and by which meanings of the information are exchanged in order to a produce understanding.
Carrying a study on communication processes is vital because one we coach, counsel, coordinate supervise and evaluate using communication. It is through a chain of comprehending which integrates organization members from top to bottom, and bottom to top. (Pearson, 1983)
Communication process
There ...
... are three main communication process that are carried when communicating
1. Thought; First information existing in the senders' mind can be an idea, a concept, or feelings.
2. Encoding: Next, the message is sent in words or other signs to a receiver
3. Decoding: lastly the receiver interprets the words or signs into an idea or information understandable to him/her (Mehrabian and Morton, 1997)
During the transmission of a message, two processes are received by the receiver; these are content and context. The content is the real words or real symbols of the message known as language, the spoken and the written words joined into phrases make grammatical and semantic sense. People use and interpret meanings of words in a different manner; even simple messages can at times be misunderstood. Context is the manner the message is conveyed and is referred to as paralanguage, it comprises the tone of voice, the appearance in the sender's eye's, hand gestures, body language, and state of emotions. (Mehrabian and Morton, 1997)
Barriers to Communication
Anything which prevents one to understand a message sent is a barrier to communication. Several physical and also psychological barriers exist:
Culture, background, and prejudice; we permit our previous experiences to alter the meaning of a message. Our culture, bias and background can only be good if they let us use our previous experiences to comprehend something new, but when they change the message meaning then they hamper
communication process.
Noise: Equipment or even environmental noise impedes lucid communication.
Ourselves; centering on ourselves, instead of other persons can lead to confusion and conflict. Some factors that cause this are ego, superiority and defensiveness
Perception; our own preconceived attitudes affects our capability to listen. We normally listen uncritically to individuals of high status and dismiss those of low status.
Message; Distractions happens when we put our focus on the facts instead of the idea..
Environmental; unusual sights, an attractive person, Bright lights, or other stimulus offers potential distraction. (Pearson, 1983)
Listening is different from hearing and do not mean the same thing. Hearing is to perceive sound; hearing is involuntary and refers to the aural stimuli reception. While Listening is the selective activity that involves the reception and the understanding of aural stimuli, it entails decoding sound into meaning. Listening is an important aspect of communication, without creating time to listen, it becomes hard to communicate and know where the problem is. Research shows that, communication is highly enhanced by listening. This usually has a positive effect on a person talking as they well feel appreciated and valued and be eager to continue communicate issues. Some few traits of active listeners are as follows:
1. Spends extra time listening rather than talking
2. Do not end the sentences of others.
3. Doesn't answer a questions with another questions
4. Are sensitive to biases
5. Do not daydream or get preoccupied when others are talking.
6. Lets the others speaker talk, doesn't dominate a conversation.
7. Plans replies after being spoken to. NOT while being spoken to
8. Provides feedback, not interrupting incessantly (Mehrabian and Morton, 1997)
The reason of feedback is for changing and altering messages so that intent of the first communicator is well understood by the subsequent communicator. It includes both verbal and nonverbal reply to the other person's message. Pinker (1997) observers that nodding your head or squeezing their hands to shows agreement, dipping your eyebrows will show you don't really understand the sense of their last expression.
Carl Roger outlined five key categories of feedbacks. They are outlined in the category in which they happen most regularly in daily conversations. Note that we make up judgments more frequently than we try to understand: (Pearson, 1983)
Evaluative: Making judgment concerning the value, goodness, or suitability of the person's statement.
Interpretive: Paraphrasing - trying to clarify what the other individual's statement implies.
Supportive: Attempting to help or bolster the one communicating.
Probing: Attempting to get additional information, carry on the discussion, or elucidated a point.
Understanding: Attempting to find out entirely what the other communicator implies by her statements.
Organization communication
The term organization communication is normally applied by organizations to mean the process that is used to facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge of the organization with its internal and external publics or individuals that have a direct relationship with the organization. Organization communication is usually used within the organization's internal communication by the managements as share information with the employees' investors, customers and the organization partners. Such sharing of information builds communication channels and enhances it. (Pinker, 1997)
Communication is a very important tool in any set up. It is even more important in the where an issue has to be passed urgently. Communication process involves three stages which are thought, encoding and decoding. However there are some certain barriers that may hinder effective communication, this are among other cultural aspects, noise our perception and the environment surrounding us. Listening is a very important aspect of communication it is important to offer a feedback after listening. In organizations communication is organization communication is used. Communication remains a very important aspect in our lives.
Pearson, J. (1983): Interpersonal Communication. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foreman and Company.
Mehrabian, A and Morton, W (1997): Decoding of inconsistent communications, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 6:109-114
Pinker, S (1997): How communication Works. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
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