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Changes In Business Communications

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By Author: Carolyn Smith
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In this an unprecedented period of transformation taking place in the business world, organizations are discovering that effective communication is vital both to make certain that employees of the organizations are engaged in times of change, and also to speed up the change itself. The term organization communication is normally applied by organizations to mean the process that is used to facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge of the organization with its internal and external publics or individuals that have a direct relationship with the organization. Organization communication is usually used within the organization's internal communication by the managements as share information with the employees' investors, customers and the organization partners. Such sharing of information builds communication channels and enhances it. This proposed research will explore the changes in business communication in organizations, and how they are communicate to employees

Problem Statement
There is an indelible imprint left upon organizations due to changes in business communication that are ...
... occurring in presently in the business world. This researcher proposes to study the business changes in organizations and how they are communicated to the employees. Organizations all over the world are currently in an unprecedented period of transformation which is driven by different forces that ranges from globalization and human outsourcing to technology advances and an aging workforce. Thus with no question, change is the latest business norm.
Change in an organized is normally geared towards improving its service delivery. Change in business development requires thorough planning and responsive implementation. Employees of the company need to be consulted, about the changes and they input taken in. Change has to be realistic, attainable and measurable, these factors are important especially when considering business development change (Murray and Schoonover, 1998)

Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this research study is to gain factual information from both business managers and the employee to examine how and to what extent the implementation of the new changes in business communication has on organizations; desire to drive the vehicle of organization excellence, and their self efficacy. Prior studies on this subject matter have revealed that when used appropriately and in conjunction with other business changes strategies and they can elicit positive responses, from both employees and the organization alike, to promote a wholesome, organization change. As Murray, and Schoonover (1988) states any management change requires thoughtful planning from the management and also sensitive implementation of the change.
During times of any major change, business leaders or organization managers are under extreme pressure from board members, investors, customers and other stakeholders to deliver positive results and to do it quickly. Because of call for speed, it is more often tempting for managers to shortcut the procedures that are essential for employee engagement. However organizations can only change if employees change, so the way an organization assists its employees to transition will directly have an affect on business outcomes.

That's why effective communication is vital not only in ensuring that employees are also engaged during the periods of change, but also to speed up the change itself. Change proposals which ignore the employees implications will mostly certainly fail. When a smart organization is faced with a major change, it strives to maximize on the power of communication in engaging the hearts, heads and hands of its employees, starting with the leaders.
The question designed for this research is:
How to deal with Change in business communication in an organization
After the careful review of prior studies and research conducted on this subject matter, this research has both an inductive and deductive position in relationship to the text. It is apparent that there is no one clear specific method preferred by all organizations in answering their changes in business communication.

Preliminary literature study/theoretical framework
A lot of studies have been carried out to determine the preferred ways of dealing with change in business communication in an organization in answering their questions, for example Collins (1998) States that Management change requires thoughtful planning from the management and also sensitive implementation of the changes. The management also has to consult and involve the people who are going to be affected by the implementation of those changes. These studies provide a good foundation to carry out the current research. Instead of repeating the details of the previous work we can focus on describing some of the major studies within the research together with the shortcomings of the research basis.
The aim of the research as stated is to underscore the strongest conclusions that can be made concerning changes in business communication and come up with methods to further our understanding on the subject. Particularly the following aspect is covered
How to deal with Change in business communication in an organization

In this fast moving business environment it has become increasingly necessary for organization to embrace change especially in its technology and marketing strategies, in order to maintain competitive edge. Competition and demand in high quality products has made business environments to be very dynamic in that it requires dynamic organization and systems to offer effective responses to these dynamic business environments by implementing planning and implementing successfully changes. This also call for change in the way business communication is done in an organization. (Murray and Schoonover, 1998)
Research problem and objectives
As stated before the main of this research was to find out which resource method do critical care nurses prefer in order to find answers to their clinical queries? The objective was
How to deal with Change in business communication in an organization

Research design
This research was carried out using qualitative research methods. The methods used to get information was through analyzing past research done on the same subject. The aim being to find out, the changes in business communication and how the organization handles them

Research methodology
The research was conducted through secondary research methods by analyzing the previous studies done in the same field. The research based its focus on knowing the changes in business communication

Time frame
This study based its review on studies that have been done in the last ten years, to make it more relevant to the modern requirements. The study will review these previous works and come with conclusion on the findings

Literature review
Murray and Schoonover (1988) observe that organization change occurs due to various reasons that the management sets up in order to improve its performance. Organization change requires thoughtful planning from the management and sensitive implementation of the changes. According to Palmer and Akin (2006) the management also has to consult and involve the people who are going to be affected by the implementation of those changes. If people are forced to accept the change then they will be big problems. The change to be implemented should be real, achievable and more so measurable. These issues are particularly relevant in dealing with personal change. For organization change, before starting to implement it you should know what you want to achieve, why you want that change, and how you will measure the change. Palmer and Akin (2006) further asserts that Organizational change is much related to personal change as it requires the personnel to implement it.
Change business communication in an organization is something certain so that the organization be able to communicate changes that are being undertaken in the can catch up with new technologies and challenges that arise with time. Worren and Moore (1999) states that, though, change is a risky business for an organization as research shows that over 70% of new changes effected in companies fail, it is vital. So, why did do organizations have to under go organizational changes yet is that risky? Worren and Moore (1999) go on to answer this question by sating that organization undertakes organizational changes in their operations because of the external pressure and demands. Thus, a company had to review its strategic decisions in order to create new plans and goals that can be implemented to achieve these new goals. (Murray, ME & DiCroce, 2003)
To effecting these changes different organization uses different methods, according to studies carried out by Palmer and Akin (2006) the found out organization use different of ways of communication and methods in affecting their proposed changes. The findings also indicated that this is normally depends on the size of the organization, the leadership of the organization and also the kind of the product or services the organization is dealing in. to them DIRECTOR image of change was found to be applied by many companies when undertaking changes, as their tool of implementing these changes. They found that organization chose director image because the image allows the managers to lead through the proposed changes by going step by step, through the cycles of recommended changes, together with the personnel that is involved. For example, diagnosis of the changes, unfreezing and implementing the changes. In addition this image of change gives the managers high control in designing the process of changes and also on implementing them, this ensures that the managers are in charge of the activities and are able to ensure that the process are well followed and maintained. This ensures that the proposed changes are effectively implemented.
Although business managers know that successfully carrying out change highly depends on engaging their employees and numerous studies provide strong evidence to back this up (Murray and Schoonover, 1998; Cooper, 1998) it was found that those driving the organization change effort do focus more interest on the restructuring and process initiatives instead of putting the attention on the employees who will make the proposed change to happen and drive the organization forward. It should not surprise any one then, that aligning employees to a major change frequently takes some years and at times never materializes. (Murray and Schoonover, 1998)
However this should not be case, when carefully planned and implemented, good organization communication which addresses the employees' experience of change and formulates strategies for arrangement can really accelerate change and speed up the accomplishment of intended outcomes. Whereas every organization will have its unique needs, (Palmer and Akin (2006) suggest the use the following principles can help to fast forward change:
Focus on engagement
Address the employee experience
Prepare leaders to lead
Prioritize conversation
In another research done earlier in relation to changes in an organization it was found out that those companies which effectively communicate their changes to their employees had an 85% chance of succeeding. Palmer and Akin (2006) gives an example of IBM which had to make organization change in order to remain competitive on the market IBM had to implement some business development changes in the organization. In making changes in the business development section the most important aspect that IBM considered was quality. IBM identified particular new business development goal and then had to formulate a business plan that included the following ways of development; development in sales, development of new products, creation of new markets, structural and also processes development change for example e- business, making new strategic partnerships together with development of distributions channels, and initiating international development. Another thing IBM did looking for acquisitions of small companies. All this internal changes were geared towards recapturing the markets and increasing sales. However, Palmer and Akin (2006) clearly observes that this could not have been successful if IBM did not use effective communication to its employees so that the changes that were being undertaken by the company. According to Palmer and Akin (2006) effective communication should involve the employees since they are the people to carry out any changes hat the management.
In another study done by Murray & DiCroce (2003), on business change in relation to communication they found out that high-quality organization working atmosphere calls for a high level of efficiency in the communication. When communication is rightly used in an organization it motivates the employees and enhances the overall performance of the organization. Murray & DiCroce (2003), clearly states that good communication is vital for any organization. He adds that for the communication to be effective, proper management structure as to be in place. Good communication highly motivates employees and ensures that the organization objectives and goals are communicated to the employees. On the other hand poor organizational structure in an organization leads to poor and ineffective communication which eventually may lead to poor performance at the work place. In order to ensure that communications channels remain effective and, the communication channels should be monitored and improved where necessary, especially when implementing changes. (Murray & DiCroce, 2003)
To Murray & DiCroce (2003), communication in an organization is defined by the organization culture and climate within an organization. Culture of an organization greatly impacts communication in the particularly organization. Effectual communication in an organization requires constant open discussions. It is important hat the management of organization develops a culture of having such discussion as the give opportunity to all employees in the organization to air their views. However, with big organizations with braches or divisions in other regions can hold branch meeting and organize for annual general meetings in which all employees can meet and discuss the new changes that the organization will have proposed. This the only way that one organization can pass on its intended change in an effective. Discussion helps the employees to feel as part of the change and valued, according to Murray & DiCroce (2003)
Legge (2004) points out that In order for any organization and its management to be effective in its work, the management should have prior knowledge in communication skills. One thing that the management of the hospital recognizes is the workers are human. They have their own feelings and should be treated with humility. The channels of communication are well planned, implemented and also monitored. To improve on communication all managers in the hospital are encouraged to practice the following communication skills; Courteous speech, Direct communication, Feedback, Making time for employees, Listening and Repetition of values. These communication skills have really will ensure that the changes being undertaken by the organization are able to be understood by the employees and effected in the way the organizations wants, however Legge (2004) warns that breaking such communications aspects will derail any changes that a company wants to enforce.

Importance of the study
From the above literature review it clearly emerges that there is no specific method that all organizations use when effecting business changes. However for any effective change in business communication to occur, effective communication remains an important tool in communicating of the changes, it is also apparent that the organization must involve the employees as they are the people who finally carry out any change that is proposed.
As Maund (2001) points out business communication in an organization by is very vital as a tool of passing out information and instructions to employees in any organization. Culture and climate created in organization greatly affects how any changes in an organization are communicated in that particularly organization. However it has been stated by a lot of studies that effective communication calls for regular open forums between the management and the employees to freely discuss issues concerning the organization. (Maund, 2001; Murray & DiCroce, 2003) The management of organizations has to create time in which they can hold staff meetings to discuss proposed changes that have been proposed by the organization. The most effective meetings are the ones carried out when each one of the employees is present. Murray & DiCroce, (2003) However notes that with current big originations that has branches and big departments. Meetings can be held in accordance to the departments or branches for them to be effective, as a very large gathering of employee do not provide sufficient time for any meaningful discussion.
The study also indicates that the Success of a business depends on how it faces new challenges that come due to change technology or new markets demands that arise every day. As Legge (2004) states Business changes are geared towards capturing or maintaining the market share and should always be accompanied by good planning and a well market research. The study is important to those organizations which want to carry out changes in there business or those which want to know how to cope with changes in the business communication.

Limitation of the study
Though the study offer a good information and research on business communication changes the studies accepts that approaches undertaken by companies will vary depending on the size, management or leadership style of the organization and also the industry in which the organization is operating within, this thus implies that there is research finding can not be applied in any particular organization. More so some studies that the study has reviewed may have not carried out proper qualitative research and their errors will be also carried down to the study. Future studies should try and carry out more comprehensive

Research is important in getting the right information about an aspect, researches findings can be used to implement different polices and make the necessary corrections. In the above research, it is clear that there is no specific method is entirely preferred by all organizations when on how to deal with Change in business communication in an organization each organization is different from another and will require different strategy when implementing any change. Major changes in organization can be complex and also chaotic; change in business communication can have ripple effects, with repercussions on a lot of employee-related systems and processes. As a result it becomes more important to follow a rigorous implementation process and efficient communication to ensure consideration to the employees' side of change, and therefore achievement of the proposed impact of change. however studies show that effective communication is a way a company can use when implementing a change as it was pointed out by Maund, 2001; Murray & DiCroce, 2003) (Palmer and Akin (2006) suggest the use the following principles can help to fast forward change:
Focus on engagement
Address the employee experience
Prepare leaders to lead
Prioritize conversation
When these measures are well undertaken an organization will be able to implement any change that it has proposed successfully. Without this though the change may be good it will be difficult to affect it successfully.

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Cooper, D. (1998): Improving Safety Culture. A Practical Guide; Chichester: John Wiley
Denison, D. (2000): Corporate Culture and Organizational Effectiveness. New York:
Hatch, M.J. (1993): The Dynamics of Organizational Culture. Academy of Management Review, Vol. 18, No. 4,
Legge, K (2004): Human Resource Management: Rhetoric and Realities. Anniversary Ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan,
Robbins, S. P. (2004): Organizational Behaviour - Concepts, Controversies, Prentice Hall, New Jersey
Maund, L. (2001): An Introduction to Human Resource Management: Theory And Practice: Palgrave, Macmillan,
Murray, D. M. and Schoonover, S. C. (1998): Changing Ways: A Practical Tool For Implementing Change Within Organizations. New York, New York: AMACOM, A Division of American Management Association.
Murray, ME & DiCroce, H.R (2003): Leadership and management in nursing, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Palmer, I and Akin, G. (2006): Managing organizational change; a multiple perspectives approach, McGraw Hill Irwin
Worren, N. A. M and Moore, K. (1999). From Organizational Development to Change Management: The Emergence of a New Profession. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 35 (3): 273-286.

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