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How To Shop Around For Your Vehicle
The articles on most sites like this focus on the insurance policy and where to buy it. Unfortunately, this forgets one key fact. Just as you shop around to find the best policy, you should also shop around for the best vehicle to buy. The reason? The difference between the vehicles cheapest and most expensive to insure is spectacular. In fact, depending on your age and experience, some of the premium rates quoted to you will be designed to deter you from ever driving some vehicles unless you have money to burn. So where do you start researching which vehicles are cheapest to insure? The insurance industry long ago decided to protect itself and set up a nonprofit organization to do the research for it.
This is called the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI). It has two major functions: (a) as a clearing house for all the available data on traffic-related accidents and the losses associated with them; (b) as a crashworthiness testing agency, putting all vehicles through their paces and, by identifying which are genuinely dangerous in a collision, offering an incentive to manufacturers to make their vehicles safer. As a further ...
... contribution to reducing losses from accidents, it also studies how to improve the design of road systems to minimize the risk of injuries when vehicles run off the road and in adverse weather conditions. Every year, the HLDI publishes the performance of all the major makes and models on sale. It's historical data, i.e. it relates to the models sold in the previous year. But it ranks their performance by class and gives you clear guidance on which are safe and which are potential death traps. In advising the insurance industry, the HLDI also passes on all the cost of loss data showing the medical costs to treat the injured and the repair costs in body shops.
To this add the information available from the National Insurance Crime Bureau which looks at all the data about losses flowing from theft, fraud, vandalism and any other crimes relevant to vehicle ownership and driving skills. Sadly, your dream car may also be the thief's dream car. Statistically, some cars are more likely to be stolen than others. Some are more likely to be broken into or damaged. Again, lists of the targets are published so you can immediately see that high-powered, two-door cars are most likely to be stolen.
When you put all this data together, you have an insight into the compete information open to the insurers. They know everything about the drivers, the road conditions, the time of day, the type of vehicle and how much it cost to make repairs for every reported traffic accident in the US. So, when they crunch the numbers, they come up with the probability that a white male driver aged 24 will have an accident in any given make and model vehicle within the next twelve months. The premium rate quoted will reflect that calculation. So do your research before you get your car insurance quotes to eliminate the vehicles you cannot afford to insure. Then buy the affordable vehicle, getting your car insurance quotes through the search engine on this site. This gives you the best chance of finding the cheapest deal.
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