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Archived Articles about Computer Programming
Choosing A Voip Billing Solution – Bundled Or Stand-alone By: adamjoseph
Based on the points we have highlighted in this article, I feel a bundled solution is a better option for start-ups and smaller scale deployments. It offers lower capital cost and ease of integration.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-16)
View : 103 Times
Web Designing And Seo By: Sitweb
Web designing offers critical role to represent your web existence on World Wide Web. A well-decorated or well designed and eye-catching website always attracts more users to find you and your business. Your website should be SEO friendly as well as user friendly. Professional look is must in web designing field. A wonderful web design and proper website optimization are very important in order to bring more traffic or visitors for your business products.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-16)
View : 161 Times
Smartclient Application Development - Elegant For Remote Business By: Rozial Max
From the series of web applications, smart client applications stand for their distinct image in the world for powerful solutions, works offline as well as online and work on multiple devices. SmartClient Application Development is making combination of best features of rich clients and best of thin clients.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-15)
View : 135 Times
Free Hex Editor Neo - A Freeware Hex Editor That You Can Rely On By: Basil Vasiliev
Free Hex Editor Neo is a new freeware hex editor with all the features that you need and the performance that you would normally only expect from an expensive solution. One of the fastest hex editors around, it can work with large files easily.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-14)
View : 141 Times
Enhance Web Experience With Social Web Widget Generator By: rachelboerger15
Put simply, a widget is a standalone application which is often embedded in third party sites. A web widget is a portable chunk of code installed and executed in a web page by the end user. It does not require any additional compilation and often provides information in a concise manner. Common widgets come in the form of tickers, clocks, boxes, and similar formats. With the help of a social web widget generator, almost anyone can generate a social web widget to link their social presence on the web.
End users use widgets to enhance their personal experiences of the web or to attract visitors to their sites. Working in a manner similar to that of an iPhone, widgets add stand alone applications to blogs, profiles, and community pages. Individuals often use widgets to link their personal blogs, photographs, websites, presence on social networking sites, and all other similar entries on the Internet.
With the growing popularity of the Internet, many social networking sites have cropped up with people maintain multiple profiles as well as same profiles on several sites. A social web widget generator will generate widgets particularly with respect to these individuals.
What are the advantages provided by widget generator for the social web? Let us say an individual is a techie who maintains accounts with several social networking sites such as Orkut, LinkedIn, Twitter, and MySpace. He posts certain pictures on his Orkut profile but would like all his contacts on the web too view these. Or he posts an entry in his blog spot which he intends to share with all his contacts. He need not invite hundreds of contacts separately. With the help of a social web widget, he embeds all the links on each and every account.
What is even more interesting, he can choose the color, design, and appearance of this widget, that is, he can completely control what everything is displayed for the visitors. This individual need not be a software professional to do all this! He only needs to generate a personalized widget through a social web widget generator. Many prominent sites generate widgets with links to poplar networks and blogs, including Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blogger, Wordpress, YouTube, Flickr, Linkedin, Bebo, AIM, Classmates, Digg, Flixter, fotolog, Fubar, Goodreads, Hi5, LinkedIn, Livespaces, Photobuckets, Orkut, and website links to the personal web pages of the individual.
Widgets can be generated for numerous web addresses. The more advanced social web widget generator will also provide a Color picker to make the widgets more attractive. Widgets are used to leverage online presences of the user, such as blogs, websites, and social networking accounts. For the same person, the widget gives several links. While one may lead to a personal blog sharing the blogger’s thoughts, another may be for professional reasons, offering special discount coupons for a product, and still another may lead to personal photographs.
Widgets are also an important viral marketing tool. Popular designs of widgets are also given away free by companies to increase awareness about their products. In such cases, too, a social web widget generator is used to embed marketing messages in the designed widgets.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-14)
View : 143 Times
Cheap Web Hosting Service By: rolfrookie
Creating awareness in people for our product is called publicity. Now a day these publicity strategies are has been changed when this internet revolution has introduced.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-12)
View : 184 Times
A Couple Of Words About The Passwords Generation By: Vadim Malyarchuk
This article describes how to easily create the highly-secure and unique passwords to use with any web sites and applications(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-10)
View : 298 Times
More Than Calling And Texting! By: Rapidsoft Technologies
The concept of a mobile phone itself has become different! These days, mobile phones serve not only the purpose of communication. A small, tiny handset device can give you much that can be beyond your imagination.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-09)
View : 92 Times
Using A Software Install Maker To Build A Bullet-proof Windows Installer By: Sandra Goldman-Tellier
Even before you choose your install maker tool, your first step to creating an installer for your Windows application is to plan it out. Once you have it planned out, it'll be a snap to build your installer. Follow these tips for success.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-07)
View : 90 Times
We Offer Business And Residential Solutions For It Problems! By: williamcreig
We offer business and residential solutions for IT problems!(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-05)
View : 129 Times