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Archived Articles about Computer Programming
Zen Cart – Innovation Of Store Managers And Expert Developers For Online Store Management By: btucker
Setting up an online store has become very common and trouble-free process! Online businessmen deem in the custom Zen cart development with the help of proficient Zen cart developers/programmers from professional ecommerce solution providers.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-12-14)
View : 326 Times
Considerations For Designing Managed Client Configuration By: Elizabeth
The 70-680 Exam has been designed for professionals who analyze the business requirements. The autor devote herself to research the problems and knowledge of MCSE Certification.If you have any questions about MCSE,you can comments on the article the autor publiced.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-12-12)
View : 384 Times
Constraints Of The Dial-in Properties Page By: jennie
The 70-680 Exam has been designed for professionals who analyze the business requirements. The autor devote herself to research the problems and knowledge of MCSE Certification.If you have any questions about MCSE,you can comments on the article the autor publiced.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-12-12)
View : 342 Times
When To Ignore Dial-in Properties By: Jessee
The 70-680 has been designed for professionals who analyze the business requirements. The autor devote herself to research the problems and knowledge of MCSE Certification.If you have any questions about MCSE,you can comments on the article the autor publiced.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-12-12)
View : 311 Times
Guidelines For Analyzing The Authentication Requirements For Communications With Isps And Mobile Car By: Jessee
The 70-680 Exam has been designed for professionals who analyze the business requirements. The autor devote herself to research the problems and knowledge of MCSE Certification.If you have any questions about MCSE,you can comments on the article the autor publiced.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-12-10)
View : 325 Times
Offshore Filemaker Development By: Dusty Mueller
In this era of advance technology, businesses can’t be made functioning without a proper database system. Whether small or big, all businesses maintain and use data for day-to-day business operations.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-12-10)
View : 332 Times
Php Forms Tutorial By: Steave Petrov
PHPForms is one of the most popular scripts for building and processing web form. Over 8000 websites already successfully use PHPForms.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-12-09)
View : 165 Times
Best Jobs Portals Scripts From Contus By: Bala Subramaniyam
Start your own Monster Jobs or Yahoo Hot Jobs or Careerbuilder right away. All you got to do is to install our job board script and go live the next moment with the most advanced, latest, and sophisticated solution.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-12-09)
View : 91 Times
Computer Repair: A Flourishing Business By: Alfie Lee is a mobile computer repair servicebased in Manchester,we cover all of the Manchester area,we do Memory upgrades,Computer repair and computer setup.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-12-09)
View : 77 Times
Unauthorized Email Blasts On Your Pc By: Lina Maria
Having a pretty good track record for avoiding viruses on my computer, I know I don't take it lightly when Norton Antivirus reports that it has blocked an attempt to install a program on my system. Like many people in my profession, I use every precaution possible to avoid unauthorized intrusions. Despite this, ever more sophisticated attacks leave unprotected systems increasingly vulnerable.
Although the reasons for breaking into networks vary, not every attack is deliberately aimed at infecting files or destroying operating systems. Some hackers use phishing scams to steel personal information while others hijack computers to blast out massive email campaigns.
In a recent undercover operation, an FBI agent ordered via email "Viagra" pills from a Russian man named Oleg Nikolaenko. Nikolaenko is believed to have been responsible at the time for a third of the world's spam emails (up to 10 billion a day). The massive broadcasts, fraudulent email headers as well as misrepresentation of product (actually herbal pills) provided ample opportunity to prosecute the 23-year old man's operation for violation of the CAN-SPAM act.
Accused of creating the MEGA-D spam-bot, a program that controlled a half a million computers according the FBI, Nikolaenko now faces federal prosecution. Nikolaenko's outfit continued to wreak hack until it was shut down by the FireEye network security firm in late 2009.
Nikolaenko will face a possible 3-year prison sentence and $250,000 fine. Considering the money involved in this racket and all the intrusion, stolen bandwidth and deception at stake, the punishment is hardly suited to the crime. The "Spam King" may not have evaded justice entirely, but there are people serving 10 year sentences for doing far less.
If a man can get off this easily for these charges, what is the incentive for being good? Until stiffer penalties are enacted for such conduct, we may as well be leaving our front doors open and a plate of brownies out to welcome criminals.
In a world where a demented individual can deliberately cause great harm to an animal and get off with a single year in prison, I guess this should not come as a surprise. But how do we show people that have little concern for anything but themselves that we are serious when even animal suffering is not considered worthy enough for strict punishment?
Maybe legislation will someday catch up with technology and injustices. Until then, rest assured that restitution is not ensured and no one is truly protected against those who would do us harm.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-12-09)
View : 85 Times