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Archived Articles about Computer Programming
Opening Pdf Files In Sharepoint 2010 Is Not Possible But Only Saved By: Dylan Rodriguez
Microsoft's SharePoint consultants are more in demand due to their outstanding assistance on SharePoint development and SharePoint customization. The later one SharePoint customization is an immensely beneficial solution for most businesses allowing them to work in an organized, collaborative and efficient manner. Thus SharePoint customization allows accomplishing all the tasks very efficiently and successfully.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-04-04)
View : 187 Times
Some Of The Aspects Related To Marketing An Iphone Application By: Smatkathy Green
A marketing plan for promoting the iphone app is equally important, in these days of technology boom where it is very difficult to make a presence felt.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-04-04)
View : 248 Times
Integration Of Swing And Swt With Javafx 2.0 By: mayur aegis
This article contains some observations, thoughts related to Java Development. Based on the observation some tips and tricks would help to get Java solutions for problems that are often faced during Java application development.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-04-04)
View : 237 Times
Why You Should Outsource Iphone Appplications Development To Virtualemployee By: Abilene Jones
Valued at around $2.4 billion, the iPhone apps market is one of the most lucrative ones today. If you are eying an opportunity in this market, you need to develop better apps at lower costs. The only way to do it is outsource your iPhone apps project to India – the world's favorite outsourcing destination – where you have many outsourcing vendors – such as, VirtualEmployee – that can help you make you project a success.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-04-04)
View : 283 Times
Understanding The Java Application Development By: paul smith
Java is an interesting programming language supporting a wide range of devices. It has revolutionized the technology to a great extent. Web has changed completely since Java web development began. It is the language of possibilities; it is the language of scopes.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-04-04)
View : 82 Times
Using Scala Code For Safely Testing And Debugging Of Spring-based Java Apps By: mayur aegis
Specs2 Spring brings out codes that help J2ee developers to set up their context for entire integration test and by context it is meant that the appropriate entries in JNDI environments as well as the beans under test, auto wired for test under execution.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-04-03)
View : 212 Times
Ecm Market Vendors, Leaders And Challengers Named In Ovum By: Dylan Rodriguez
How matured the vendors offerings or services are depends upon their CMS services and its technical capabilities. Many vendors treat ECM as their challenge and try to give best so they can lead the market. Ovum names few as market challengers considering and weighing the Enterprise CMS with minute details and a detailed report stating all the specific situations that states how long the ECM can deploy.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-04-03)
View : 191 Times
Digital Signage – Uses In Different Sectors By: Dips Dixon
An end to end enterprise ready Digital Signage Software solution that's easy to use and maintain. Managing a digital signage infrastructure and its supporting software is not a trivial task. Digital Signage and Audio Management Software needs to be simple enough to use so office staff can get what they need done quickly and without drama.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-04-03)
View : 223 Times
A Good Crm System Provides An Easy Interface Between A Company's Various Departments By: Longer Bell
An effective CRM system requires the company to be aware of what the average consumers looks for in a product and every brand.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-04-03)
View : 73 Times
Customer Relationship Management – A Growing Requirement In The Corporate World By: Longer Bell
A customer is the foundation of any business venture and every business school teaches its students the finer points of customer management.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-04-03)
View : 76 Times