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Why Your Web Host May Not Want You To Use A Website Monitoring Service By: Davis J Martin
There are certain things your web host probably doesn't want you to know about. For example, what their actual uptime rate really is, or how much that guarantee they offer is actually worth. Another thing your web host doesn't want is for you to know why it is so important for you to use a quality website monitor to protect the uptime of your site.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-07-21)
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Four Reasons Why A Website Monitoring Service Is A Must For Your Business Website By: Davis J Martin
Website monitoring services keep becoming increasingly popular as companies recognize the damage that downtime can do to their business's image and profits. Anything that affects a business's bottom line as to be monitored, and downtime is definitely has a big impact on your company's profits. Before you decide whether or not you want to invest in a quality website monitor for your site, make sure you consider the following four facts.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-07-21)
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How To Tell The Good From The Bad When Choosing A Website Monitoring Service By: Davis J Martin
When it comes to choosing a website monitoring service for your business's website, you want to make sure you choose one you can trust. If you don't choose the right website monitor, you may think you are protected from excess downtime when, in reality, you aren't really protected any more than you would be had you not implemented any website monitoring at all.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-07-21)
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Is Your Shared Hosting Plan Creating Website Downtime? By: Davis J Martin
When you first decide to invest in a hosting plan for your website, shared hosting options are often the most cost-effective solutions out there. That is why so many business owners opt for a shared hosting plan when it comes to the hosting plan they choose for their site.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-07-21)
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What Does Website Monitoring Have To Do With Your Customers? By: Davis J Martin
Many a website owner is well aware of the ways in which website monitoring services can help their business and their business's bottom line. What some do not realize, however, is that website monitoring does not only help your business, it also helps your customers. Here are just a few ways in which a quality service can not only help your business thrive in the cut-throat environment of the Internet, but can also help your customers as well.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-07-21)
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Website Monitoring Service: Don't Be The Last To Know When Your Site Goes Down By: Davis J Martin
Every minute your site is down is a minute of potential profit that is lost. Contrary to what some may believe, advances in technology do not mean a reduction in website downtime. In fact, even the biggest of sites go down, including giants like Amazon. The outages are not the only problem that downtime brings to light, however.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-07-21)
View : 308 Times
Mac Savvy Technicians In Demand In Melbourne By: technopodium
The popularity of MAC products has increased a lot in the last few years. A number of Apple products have been launched into the market. Macintosh computers are now widely being used in businesses and homes.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-07-21)
View : 277 Times
Best Android Games Of July 2014 To Download And Play By: backcountrynavigator
Dragon Hockey is a very unique game as it is the first dragon hockey to be released on the market. This is about the saga of dragons combatting on a hockey field in the dungeon, air or cave for a fast action and entertainment.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-07-21)
View : 331 Times
Accounting Software Malaysia Helps You Take The Right Business Decisions By: benyronald
If you are looking forward to take your business to the next level it is important that you adapt to the latest technology and business tools that gives you a competitive edge over your competitors and also helps in taking the right business decision with all information at your tips.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-07-21)
View : 350 Times
Find Professional Mobile Apps Developer To Reach Out Your Customers By: jamelorys
If you are a small business owner with an online website promoting your products and services it is time that you also checkout for the mobile apps as many people are now using their smart phones or tablets more than the desktops and laptops to access the services of a company.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-07-21)
View : 497 Times