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What Makes One A Good Newsletter Editor By: Chris Williams
All newsletters are not created equal. In that same vein, neither are newsletter editors. Some have apparently forgotten the 'news' aspect of a newsletter. Instead, they bombard their poor, unsuspecting subscribers with a non-stop barrage of sales pitches, affiliate promotions and the next big product launch.
As a newsletter editor, you have a responsibility to those people on your list.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-10-10)
View : 192 Times
Christian Dating Online By: Jamie Hanson
With the development of internet and the interest of people in it has given rise to many online site ...(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-10-09)
View : 224 Times
Dog Products Best Buy's On The Market By: Kim Seal
Dog Products best buy's on the market.
If you are a pet parent or even know someone who is, you have a pretty good idea to what expense people will go to make sure that their dog is decked out with the best quality and trendiest dog products available. And while high end dog products, like most other luxury items, have seen their sales droop as a result of the current financial climate, this hasn't stopped many people from shopping and/or retailers and other sellers from trying to make the sale. And if you are a buyer, this could be the best time in recent history to make purchases, as retailers and other sellers are clamoring to make their products the most affordable and attractive to potential buyers.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-10-09)
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Wigs: Not Just For Medical Use! By: Suzen Rupar
Wigs used to be bought mainly for medical reasons, such as cancer treatments and the like. Times change, however, and the times...(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-10-09)
View : 143 Times
Home Vegetable Gardening: Taking Care Of Root Rot By: Michael Podlesny
Root rot can affect a wide variety of vegetable plants in your garden and if not addressed early and properly, it can wipe out an entire growing season. Here are some tips you can start to use immediately.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-10-09)
View : 296 Times
10 Best-selling Coffee Makers By: Adam Anders
Buying a coffee maker can be an overwhelming task because of the vast selection available. But this list of the top 10 coffee makers might give you some ideas.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-10-08)
View : 282 Times
Comment Trouver Un Emploi En Période De Récession By: Philippe Binimi
La première clé pour trouver un emploi durant la récession est de penser positif. Être sans emploi pendant quelques jours ou quelques mois n'est pas la fin du monde. Il y aura un jour un changement. Les besoins fondamentaux de l'homme sont simples, le droit et la modernité les ont compliqués. Imaginez, les hommes au début vivaient heureux avec ce qu'ils avaient. Chacun d'entre nous a plus que ce que ces hommes avaient. Soyez heureux. Ne paniquez pas. Continuez à essayer.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-10-07)
View : 235 Times
Dog Products, Buy While Still At Low Prices By: Kim Seal
Dog Products, buy while still at low prices.
If you are a typical doting pet parent, you know better than anyone the potential expense associated with purchasing the most up to date and functional dog products for your pet. However, likely in response to the ever expanding global recession, more and more retailers, manufacturers and wholesalers of dog products are bending over backwards to get your business, which means that now is the time to seek out and buy quality dog products, as you will likely be able to find them cheaper than at any other time in recent history.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-10-06)
View : 328 Times
Home Vegetable Gardening: Growing Eggplant By: Michael Podlesny
Eggplant is a great vegetable to grow in the home vegetable garden. Follow the tips and advice in this article and you can be well on your way to a healthy eggplant harvest in no time.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-10-06)
View : 299 Times
Home Vegetable Garden: Add Melons To Sweeten Up The Backyard By: Michael Podlesny
Melons are a great way to add some sweet fruit to your backyard home vegetable garden. You'll be surprised to see just how easy they are to grow and maintain. Follow these tips and you will be well on your way to healthy melons.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-10-05)
View : 300 Times