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A Positive Direction To Overcome Social Anxiety By: Graham Stoney
Social anxiety is a common syndrome that innumerable people suffer from. Overcoming this challenge is now even easier with the advent of the internet.(read entire article)(posted on: 2015-04-07)
View : 879 Times
Beautify Home Decor With Decorative Candles By: Deepanshu Sharma
The clean and safe option to bring glamour in the atmosphere is flameless candle. So many colors and scents are available to personalize the space you desire. From being decorative to highly practical, they are preferred above traditional wax candles due to many reasons.(read entire article)(posted on: 2015-04-06)
View : 515 Times
The Koyal Group Info Mag: Unusual Square Ice Discovered By: Jason Zhen
The surprising discovery of "square ice" which forms at room temperature was made by an international team of researchers last week.(read entire article)(posted on: 2015-03-30)
View : 365 Times
Retreats At Old Mission San Luis Rey In Oceanside, California By: Todd Dawson
If you are tired from every day busy schedule and you need a break from everything and everyone then this article is just perfect for you. Reading bellow will introduce Old Mission Retreat center located in sunny California, actually in Oceanside – beautiful and peaceful place near the ocean.(read entire article)(posted on: 2015-03-23)
View : 492 Times
En KonfÍo Aprendemos Y Enseñamos Todos Los Días. El Arte De La Retroalimentación By: Martin Jay
Nuestros clientes encuentran en KONFÍO una excelente opción que les proporciona préstamos inmediatos sin buró de crédito. Es verdad que hay algunas otras opciones en el Mercado para solicitar un préstamo.(read entire article)(posted on: 2015-03-09)
View : 957 Times
What Is A Flueless Gas Flame And What Are The Advantages Of Having One By: Cormac Edwards
A fireplace is without a doubt one of the most glamorous and stylish additions in your living room, what are the other benefits of having one? Why are people having flueless gas fires in their homes nowadays?(read entire article)(posted on: 2015-03-09)
View : 412 Times
Spiritual Directions Through Retreats: Some Helpful Tips By: Todd Dawson
The concept of retreat has been with us for long. Explore history; this is the force behind all great personalities one may come across. Jesus and Moses are just two to mention. The dictionary definition for retreat is withdrawal. When a person retreats, he/she withdraws from life; to gain a new perspective and to recharge oneself. But, to get the most from the process, you should know how to prepare for it. Given below are some simple tips to help you in this respect.(read entire article)(posted on: 2015-02-24)
View : 445 Times
Corliss Online Financial Mag: P&g To Sell 100 Brands By: Ling Bausch
Consumer goods manufacturer Procter & Gamble confirmed last week that they plan to sell off a total of 100 brands, suggesting deeper cuts than originally reported.(read entire article)(posted on: 2015-02-24)
View : 467 Times
Préstamos Para Negocio, Inyección De Poder By: Martin Jay
Konfío es una empresa que ofrece préstamos para negocios con el único fin de hacerlos crecer fortaleciendo de esta manera la economía de todo el país. El dinero hace dinero. Nosotros inyectamos ese capital necesario y tú con el trabajo lo haces crecer a la medida que quieras.(read entire article)(posted on: 2015-02-22)
View : 1148 Times
Send Flowers Next Day | Online Flower Delivery By: Kunj Parikh
Flower delivery for you is spreading satisfaction since years in everywhere throughout the UK in the form of flowers. We have earned the affection and fulfillment from our customers for flowerdelivery in UK on their valuable occasions.Not only beautiful but also cheap flowers delivered to you by us.(read entire article)(posted on: 2015-02-20)
View : 391 Times