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Apple Ipod Nano Give You A Special Feeling    By: Gary Baxter
Do you look for something small, sleek and colorful MP3 Player with a variety of features to your friends as gifts?(read entire article)(posted on: 2011-05-03)
View : 302 Times

Be An Insider At The 2011 Espy Awards    By: unknownmem
The ESPY Awards, stands for the Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly Awards, are broadcast by American cable television network ESPN to celebrate ESPN's legacy as a sports channel. The awards ceremony is an annual event which has been initiated by US TV network ESPN in the year 1993.(read entire article)(posted on: 2011-05-02)
View : 354 Times

The Bet Music Awards Rivaling All Top Awards Shows    By: george olson
While The Bet Music Awards Ceremony doesn't get as much attention as the other high rated events, it is the most memorable celebrations in entertainment, rivaling all top awards shows. Established in 2001 by the Black Entertainment Television network, The Bet Music Awards are the most favorite awards program for African American viewers in cable history.(read entire article)(posted on: 2011-05-02)
View : 323 Times

Get The Best Concert Tickets The Easy Way    By: Concert Tickets
The thought of buying concert tickets is a two-sided coin. First, there is the anticipation of the performance. How great is it to get great seats and be treated to an awesome entertainment experience?(read entire article)(posted on: 2011-04-29)
View : 180 Times

7 Hidden Benefits Of Keyboard Lessons    By: Alice Johnson
Many words have been written on the benefits of music for adults and children alike. The love of music and early exposure to its affects on the developing brain has a huge effect on the potential of young people to thrive in many avenues. We expose 7 of these benefits in this article.(read entire article)(posted on: 2011-04-27)
View : 518 Times

Benefits Of Music - The Information Your Children Must Not Live Without    By: Alice Johnson
The benefits of music have existed from the beginning of time. However, the benefits are still not universally accepted which is preventing children from becoming the most loving, confident and skilled adults they deserve to be. Research shows that children who are exposed to music and the learning of an instrument have the opportunity to improve their powers of concentration and their communication skills with other children. This article will highlight the potential for children to do better in school and give you ideas to help them improve their self-esteem and confidence.(read entire article)(posted on: 2011-04-27)
View : 455 Times

Piano Value – How To Determine The Resale Value Of Your Piano    By: Alice Johnson
There are many details to think about when you attempt to work out your piano value. This article will strip bare the factors to consider, ignoring the emotion involved in putting a money value on your treasured family friend, which has given you thousands of hours of pleasure and entertainment. Deciding on the best way to determine this value is crucial in getting the best value you can, and we'll show you everything you need to know.(read entire article)(posted on: 2011-04-27)
View : 237 Times

Buchen Sie Einen Dj In Berlin    By: Brainwork
Berlin ist bekannt für seine Nachtclubs, in denen bis spät in die Nacht und weit in den Morgen hineingetanzt wird. Die Hauptattraktion ist dabei der DJ. Menschen aus anderen Städten kommen vor allem deshalb nach Berlin, um das Nachtleben zu genießen. Die Buchung Ihres bevorzugten DJ in Berlin ist nicht immer einfach, da die besten DJs häufig im Voraus gebucht werden.(read entire article)(posted on: 2011-04-26)
View : 317 Times

Music Stings And Transitions, Video Music And Sound Effects    By: Hudson Millar
Visiting our online store, in the Stings banner, you will get introduced with Rocksure Sounz sound data. There is a large variety of samples including music transitions, jingles, post production sounds, sound effects, video music, video sound effects, ditties, ring tones etc.(read entire article)(posted on: 2011-04-21)
View : 232 Times

All About The Art Of Singing    By: Timothy Grigg
Singing is an art and it requires constant practice. For some, singing comes naturally. Some take it as a hobby. But if you plan to take singing as a profession then you have to take it very seriously. First learn how to sing.(read entire article)(posted on: 2011-04-21)
View : 201 Times

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