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Archived Articles about Art
Wearing Beaded Earrings Create An Exotic And Sultry Look By: Liz Adams
When we think beads, we normally think of bracelets, anklets, hair ornaments and necklaces. What about beaded earrings? Well, earrings are mostly made of metal, enamel and precious stones, some of us think. Earrings are fancy and expensive!
Fortunately, earrings don't have to be fancy, or expensive, or made of just one extravagant material - or a combination thereof.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-13)
View : 196 Times
Creative Ideas For A Birthday Party By: Mary Johnson
I love throwing parties. Anyone who knows me well knows that there is nothing that energizes me more than planning and throwing a wonderful birthday party. It took me several years of planning parties for myself, my family and my friends before a wise soul suggested that I look into becoming a professional party planner. Why the thought had never crossed my mind, I have no idea, but I took her advice and quickly checked into a possible profession.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-13)
View : 231 Times
Create A Masterpiece Of Your Own- Get Giclee Prints And Photo On Canvas From Canvasdezign By: Canvasdezign
If you are looking for a unique and exclusive artwork in the form of giclee prints(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-12)
View : 277 Times
The Best Way To Transform Photographs To Canvas- Canvasdezign By: Canvasdezign
CanvasDezign offers you the best way to transform your photographs to canvas.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-12)
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Create A Stunning Artwork With Photos On Canvas-only From Canvasdezign. By: Canvasdezign
Wondering how to create a stunning piece of wall art?(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-12)
View : 235 Times
Create A Beautiful Custom Canvas- Only At Canvasdezign By: Canvasdezign
CanvasDezign specializes in creating custom canvas from your personal photos or from original artwork too.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-05)
View : 330 Times
Make A Photo Come Alive- Get Canvas Photos From By: Canvasdezign
Are you looking to immortalize your personal photo for a lifetime?(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-03)
View : 263 Times
Create An Artwork Out Of Canvas Pictures- Come To By: Canvasdezign
Now you can get unique and beautiful artwork by printing canvas pictures.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-03)
View : 241 Times
Il Fascino Dei Tatuaggi Maori E Dei Tatuaggi Tribali By: deonte
Negli ultimi anni il fascino dei tatuaggi è aumentato a dismisura, sempre più persone si sono fatte tatuare dei tatuaggi tribali o dei tatuaggi maori. Queste forme d’arte nell’antichità erano un motivo d’orgoglio per chi li portava, e servivano a “classificare†una persona, identificavano la sua appartenenza ad una determinata classe sociale o gruppo. Venivano realizzati solo ed esclusivamente da dei sacerdoti durante delle particolari cerimonie. I tatuaggi tribali e i tatuaggi maori nel corso degli anni hanno perso il loro antico significato, ora vengono utilizzati quasi ed esclusivamente come una forme di arte che serve a decorare il corpo umano. Questi tatuaggi tribali e i tatuaggi maori esprimono la creatività del proprietario, offrono uno sguardo approfondito della vostra personalità , o dei vostri interessi.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-05-30)
View : 200 Times
Make Money Selling Some Antiques On Qxbid By: slivenqxme
Make money selling antiques and art. Numerous QxBid online auctions sellers allow their items within one category. others abound a containerful of niches that they specialise in. the key is to find a grouping of products that you're already acquainted with.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-05-27)
View : 210 Times