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How To Start A Consulting Business    By: Nick Kakolowski
Starting your own consulting business can be one of the most challenging but rewarding entrepreneurial endeavors an individual can embark on. If you have a great deal of expertise in your field and your skills are highly sought after, then you might have what it takes to go independent and really start earning what you are worth.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-04)
View : 215 Times

Contractor And Employee Misclassification Risk: New Developments In Proposed Legislation And Their P    By: Nick Kakolowski
For many years now, an economic problem involving the misclassification of employees has existed. The issue began primarily in the construction, agricultural and other day-labor type of industries. This trend has since migrated into big business and is having a significant impact on white collar employment, especially the IT industry.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-04)
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Graduate Recruitment And The Credit Crunch    By: Maria Tillinghous
It is an unwritten rule of job cutting that the most recently hired graduates should be the first ones to be let go when the financial sector is hurting Maria is a freelance journalist writing about graduate careers. For details of graduate jobs in London visit graduatescareer.co.uk(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-30)
View : 253 Times

Ron Pollack: Fund Manager, Family Man, Friend    By: Kris Nickerson
If you passed him walking down the street you wouldn't guess this man had set up what was at one time one of the largest hedge funds in the US which peaked at over a billion dollars. Sitting in a Florida office wearing shorts and a t-shirt, Ron Pollack (http://www.ronpollack.net) talked about his career as a hedge fund manger and short seller, his family, the charity groups he's helped and why he's decided to return to fund management after a six-year hiatus. "Short selling is what I do and I need to get back to doing it." Kris Nickerson, Press Direct International (http://www.pressdirectinternational.com), is a veteran writer covering finances, marketing, relationships, health care and public relations. Nickerson is also active in a variety of social betterment programs.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-25)
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Toyota A-bat Redefines The Idea Of A "pickup"    By: Rob Parker
toyota has hybrids and all other osrts of green options, but they are not sitting back on their laurels. Looking for a fuel-efficient vehicle that still makes a style statement? Look no farther than the Chrysler PT Cruiser model.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-24)
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Become Stronger In The Locker Room To Be Stronger In The Boardroom    By: Vickie L. Milazzo, RN, MSN, JD
Most successful business women are so busy that just walking through the gym door is an accomplishment. If you're going to make the effort count, then it's time to harness 10 strengths that will relieve boredom in your workout routine and recharge your passion for sweat and spandex.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-18)
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Tough Interview Questions – What Are Your Weaknesses?    By: Lucy Evans
With careful preparation, difficult interview questions can present you with an opportunity to shine under pressure. The important thing with all questions is to show a balanced and considered approach. The following examples will show you some of the pitfalls and ways to avoid them. Lucy works for Graduate Careers – Barclays Graduate Scheme(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-17)
View : 261 Times

Contractor Reclassification Risk- Are You Misclassifying Your Workers?    By: Stephanie Larkin
The process of misclassifying workers, or treating workers as independent contractors when they should be considered employees, is a serious problem. The situation is a particular problem in the IT field and other "white collar" professions. Contractor compliance is coming under increased scrutiny from the IRS as well as many states. Companies are eager to hire workers as independent contractors because doing so saves the company a great deal of money.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-14)
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The Baby Boomer Brain Drain, Hiring Back Retired Workers Safely    By: Stephanie Larkin
With 77 million baby boomers reaching retirement, and half of the middle to upper management in this country reaching retirement age in the next five years, our country is soon to lose many of its most experienced workers. By 2015, it is estimated that 20% of the workforce will be 55 or older.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-14)
View : 218 Times

Air Bag Safety - Not Just Hot Air    By: Rob Parker
Thousands of lives are being saved every year in vehicles that have air bags. Speeding tickets don't have to ruin your car choice. Learn how you can offset their impact with defensive driving classes.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-12)
View : 345 Times

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